[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS3) - Have just started Chapter VI. Progress storywise has been slow, because I've been spending a lot of time grinding ghouls at Wygol Village for the 100,000 exp trophy...the abilities come to a grand total of about 97,000 exp as well, so its got a dual purpose. Loving this game thus far ♥

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (360) - Just killed the annoying rat-thing in the junkyard...URGH. Those damn robots just kept on coming...but Force Lightning upgrade, yay! Now I can scream "UN-LIMITED POWAAAAAH!" and blast everything into oblivion~

Dragon Quest IX (DS) - Picked this up again recently...just one more fygg left, then I'll be on to...something. Party are all in their late 20s, not going to start powerlevelling until I can fight Liquid Metal Slimes. Then I'll likely take a break from the story to max out some pathways, do sidequests, and do the other completion-related stuff.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (DS) - Uh...I have no idea what I'm doing right now. I'm in control of the cute little Princess now after randomly wandering in a desert with Brandt, and I'm doing some training, because she's on her own at the moment and she's only level 8. Thank gods for the "Escape" option with my current job...I mean, Crown...
Left my computer to download World of Warcraft patch 4.0.1 overnight, left it to apply the patch for most of the morning, and just managed to log onto my level 14 mage (Dumbledork) for 10 minutes before I had to leave for school. Conjure food and water being replaced by Evocation and Counterspell looks really good to me. One of the things that always put me off levelling a mage past those early level was that all the drinking and eating kind of ruined the flow of the game in my opinion.

World of Warcraft for the rest of the weekend I suppose :wacky:
I've been slowly going through Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, savouring while it lasts. I already know the story, so I'm not in a huge rush to complete it.

I also started the PC version of MegaMan Legends the other day. Somewhat dismayed by the controls, but otherwise it's excellent so far. And been playing a nice visual novel called Crescendo, character art makes me go 'EHHHH' for some reason, but everything else is fantastic.
Been playing Mass Effect 2 a lot lately. Trying to get 4 Shepard's (two Paragon and two Renegade (male and female of each as well)) with different romance partners as well as try to get 100% with each, in preparation for Mass Effect 3 when that's released.

Also playing Final Fantasy XI Online. Working on a job I never actually thought I would and I'm rather shocked to find I'm enjoying it (White Mage is the job in question). I'm hoping to have all of my WHM Artifact Armor by the end of the week, which shouldn't be too hard. Just need to get some level 80+'s to help out with two of the boss battles, then I'll have this:


(My character is a different Hume facial model though, but the armor is the same regardless.)
Pokémon Black, Vikki sent me a rom of it which is 95% English, and it's a total blast to play. Sure, some of the Pokémon are hideous, but, as I suspected, they look a lot better in game. I'm loving the little tweaks in gameplay and graphics, and the environments are totally gorgeous. The feeling of "ooh, a new region to explore!" is still a really powerful one xD I suspect it won't be as bad as many people fear.

The Pokémon are better than the Hoenn ones, anyway. And those things are atrocities.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I bought it last week and just like with Assassin's Creed, I bought it because a second game is coming out soon and I'm so obsessed with playing games in the order they come in. It's been pretty entertaining so far, completed the first act so far and currently going through the second one. I'm loving the story in between Episodes III and IV, it's interesting to see that there are still tales to be told.
I'm now focusing entirely on Atelier Rorona (PS3) until my new games arrive and the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow patch that will fix that terrifying Unhandled Error that deletes your save data comes out, having almost fallen victim to it...

Anyways, I'm quite enjoying it. Its essentially Mana Khemia with girls. I'm approaching the end of my first assignment, which I have a perfect score for. I've been doing a lot of quests for Esty Dee (no, I'm serious. xD) and my trust rating with the town is already 20%. Been doing a few quests for the shopkeepers as well. This game is very ending-focused, so I'm just going to do everything and see where it takes me. Its got a New Game+ option, so I'm not to worried about getting everything on a single playthrough...if that is even possible. My adventure level is 6, and my alchemy level is 7~
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines

This is the first game in the series that I've actually played the story line. So far, the game's adequate. That's the best word I can use to describe it. It's not an great game, but it's not bad. The only problem I have with it is that my favorite thing about the series was the free running and scaling buildings. Unfortunately, in this game the area is kinda bland which makes jumping from roof top to roof top less fun. I understand that it's a PSP game and they can't do certain things but still.
Resident Evil 4

I love this game. I've beaten it before, but I haven't played it in so long I've forgotten how to do some of the puzzles. One puzzle took me almost 30 minutes to get past, but at least I'm up to date on my shooting. It's weird the longer you go without playing a game, the more you tend to forget.

Dante's Inferno (PS3) - I watched the movie the other day, and got a strong compulsion to play the game again. Its not going to take me very long anyway, and I'm rather close to Platinuming it as it is. I haven't played the DLC yet either, so I'm revisiting it. Currently just killed Minos...playing in Redemption Mode. Full-powered Cross FTW!

Fable III (360) - I'm quite enoying this so far. Although I spent about 20 minutes baking pies for community service...I "accidently" took the safety off my rifle and shot an obnoxious bard, then had an epic battle with a limitless supply of Canadian Mounties. Couldn't be bothered to evade them for 40 minutes. Paid the debt off instead. The people still love me. Damnit.
Doing quests now...just done the first three tasks, am supposed to go back to that shoddy little village. Maybe later.

Golden Sun (GBA) - This was inevitable, really. All of my DS games have been set aside so I can play this again. Must play through the first two again before Dark Dawn comes out. Plus they're two of my favourite RPGs and its been about three years since I last played them, I think. I can't remember. That is a sure sign I need to play them again! xD
Portal: I can't believe I missed out on this game. The game designers are genius. Props to Valve.

Silent Hill 2: I didn't fully appreciate this game when it first came out, since I was 11 and an idiot. I hate to admit, but I am one to get easily scared, and this game really does creep the hell out of me. The cutscenes are hilarious though :wacky:.

Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light: This game is better than XIII and XIV combined. In a sense that it delivers the Final Fantasy experience better. Very enjoyable game, and the random encounters don't bother me as much as they should.
I recently borrowed Red Dead Redemption from a friend, they are now occupying all their time by playing Fable III. I might borrow that one after they're finished with it. The best way I can describe this game is "Grand Theft Auto in the Wild West". The mechanics of the game are even set up very similarly to GTA. From the map at the bottom left-hand corner filled with various icons, to the various missions used to progress the storyline, it might as well be called GTA: New Austin or something. This in itself should be obvious since it's by the same developer, Rockstar.

However, I do enjoy this game way more than I enjoyed any GTA game. I just feel as if the setting and story are way more engrossing than the GTA games. I never really had a desire to complete the GTA games. Most times I played, I only felt like going around killing people, and blowing up cars until I got bored of it. Sure, I can do the exact same thing in RDR, but I feel more encouraged to complete missions.

Aside from the story missions, I enjoy bounty hunting. I also find it very entertaining to tie someone up and putting them on the train tracks. Getting drunk was an amusing experience the first couple of times, and I could always pass some time playing blackjack or something. The funniest thing of all is that even though you can do all these devious things like killing and robbing, they won't let you sleep with a prostitute because the main character is faithfully married. I guess they did this in order to keep John Marston in character with how he's portrayed in the cutscenes, but it's just out of place.

I honestly haven't gotten very far at all, but I know for sure that this game is awesomesauce.
I've ditched Okami and Birth by Sleep (temporarily) to focus more on Final Fantasy XII.
For some reason I'm enjoying it a little more than I did the last time I played through it...
I still suck at making gambits, but my license board is a gajillion times better than the atrocity it was last time, so maybe that's why.

Vaan's still a goober, though.

Oh, and I'm thinking of playing a bit of Dissidia. I know the sequel is a while off yet, but I wanna be prepared.
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Rockband on xbox,

I love it , playing it with the kids here, at first I sucked but now I am pretty good at easy, will practice soon on medium.
I like drums and guitar the most, I rather skip the mic to someone else
Fable III and Zelda: A Link to the Past

Yes, I do the best of both worlds :ryan:

Almost beaten Fable,, still getting mashed by that damn thief boss in Zelda cuz I'm too lazy to get some potions. Eh, oh well..
Megaman legends 2,because of the 3(finally)going to be released,and Megaman Zero Collection,for DS.

I'm playing Morrowind too now.Great game,never thought Oblivion's predecessor could be sooooo good.

Replaying Fallout 2,got stuck in some part,2x already,just began it again....
Still playing FFXII.
I didn't notice it the first time (because the music is that damn unnoticeable), but you'd think they'd use better music for the tomb of a legendary king.
Right now I am playing Suikoden V. I don't know why people warned me about playing this game, because so far I actually really like it. I admit it took about 7 hours before it got to the main point in the plot where I actually started to understand what was going on, but besides that I love the gameplay. The battles could be a little more difficult, and they could have better weapons and armor, but overall I like it
Lunar : Silver Star Harmony.

I started playing it again yesterday after my pause of playing the PSP because of how much work I had to do recently. But I listened to a particular song, and for some reason it reminded me that I should continue playing Lunar (because I had been playing my other PSP games way longer.). So I did. I really like this game though. I remember I used to play Lunar 2: Eternal Blue with my cousin when I was around 9 years old, so I had to get this game because I knew I'd enjoy it .
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