[V1] What are you currently playing?

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FINALLY got my copy of FFXIII so I'm playing that alongside UC2 at the minute. I've not played much but so far I'm finding it alright, the starts of FF games are normally slow. I hope it's not as bad as everyone keeps telling me it is, though :sad3:
For the last 2+ weeks I've playing Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days on the PSP, which I got for my birthday back on August 26th almost exclusively, I am absolutely hooked on it, like a fish that can't get away, I have trouble staying away from it. :lew:

It is quite hilarious and just entertaining in general, it has some really excellent music in it, great gameplay (if you don't mind repeating some things for a while, I am exceedingly patient with grinding if it is a game I really like, I can still be having fun in the process), the battle system I must say definitely requires more strategy than Final Fantasy Tactics, but it is movement by tiles like in that game.

Lots of cool, amusing characters, and cool monsters, Dragons have really high HP and Attack stats, they are very effective, though increasing their movement range is very handy, otherwise they can only move three spaces (increasing it to 4 shouldn't be much trouble if the character has 500+ Mana from killing enemies).

Just a ton of fun, and I really like the references in it for some of the items, I'll give some examples below to finish this post with:

Sledgehammer. Wpn-Gun: Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Godfather. Wpn-??? (it isn't displayed as that, I just can't remember what type of weapon it was. ._.): It'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

Oh, just one other random one that I get a kick out of:

7 Year Kill. Wpn-Fist: Not bad, but I wish it worked faster.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Waited for this game to come out for like 4 years and I finally got it. I finally beat the game last week and it was epic. The only thing about the game that bothered me is that I was hoping (with as long as they spent on the damn game) that each character was going ot have their own special Keyblades for each world. But, that doesn't stop the game from being awesome.
I am playing nothing but Halo Reach xD. I just love the damn game. It is so awesome but once I hit LT Colonel Grade III I will catch up on my othe rrpgs such as Nier etc etc. Reason why is because the rank is capped at LT col grade III till at least novemeber I believe. I only got to go through the ranks of Major and then Ill hit LT Col.
I'm a few hours into playing Final Fantasy XIII over again. I'll probably get bored with it before I finish it the second time, seeing as that it's such a long game.
Final Fantasy VI - I put this one off for a little while but I recently got back to it. I have to say the game has a really good story so far, something FFXIII sorely lacks. I think I am a bit more than half way through it so I still got quite a bit to do. Oh, did I mention Kefka deserves all of the praise everyone gives him? That guy is evil. One of my favorite villians ever.
Switching between Dragon Age: Origins and a mixture of other games. I've yet to finish Dragon Age and I really want to so that's basically all I've been playing when I've had time, everyone else in my flat has a different preference for the other games mind :wacky:
Aaaaaand....done with Dragon Quest IX entirely. I've done as much as I wanted in the game, and I'm laying it to one side for the time being. I haven't really got everything (not even close xD), but I've soloed the final boss a couple of times now. I'm really not a completist, and 200-odd hours now on the game is way more than enough for me. It's been a long and epic ride and I'll be sure to give a metaphorical pat-in-the-back to Level 5 for making a game like this that Square Enix would dream of making themselves.

I'm back to FFVIII and Rogue Galaxy now, while contemplating on whether or not I should try out Monster Hunter Tri for my Wii (which has not been used for so long, it's probably already fossilised by now). And for some reason, I've got back into the Bejeweled and Doodle Jump mood on my iTouch. :3
I've been playing inFamous for the past few weeks now because it's a great and fun game to get the choice to be a hero or villain. But now I've finished the game once, I'm doing it purely for the trophies. That means another completion for not only the hero trophy, but the hard one. It's been annoying trying to find dead drops and blast shards across the city.

However, I may be switching in between with White Knight Chronicles since I got that today. My interest in inFamous is fading and maybe a bit of something else could refresh my mind.
The game that I was playing and that I just beat was Dragon Age Origins for PS3. I really liked it, though I beat it within a week. I prefer games that take me a couple of weeks to beat. Graphics weren't as great as I thought they were going to be, but I really enjoyed it even though there were parts in there that bothered me it had a great story to it

God of War III (PS3) - About a week ago, I developed a random craving for the GoW games. I just started the third after finally finishing the second one off this morning...wow. Noticeable difference in graphics, and I thought the second game was pretty good. Just killed Poseidon. FFFF. AWESOME.
Although I think they should have kept the context buttons to the middle of the screen...I'm missing the action because I'm worrying I'll miss a button prompt.
Anyways, I aim to complete this by Friday, because once Lords of Shadow comes out my gaming time will be totally monopolized by it.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (360) - Since I've been focusing on GoW, I haven't played much of this...I'm in no rush anyway, since the sequel doesn't come out until the end of the month. I just acquired Force Lightning. SQUEEEE. Now things are going to get interesting...as if tossing people around wasn't fun enough, now I get to zap them as well! =D

Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) - Its funny that my file is well over 200 hours and I STILL haven't finished the story mode. Too much online matches for me to care about it. I dunno why I keep playing this when I've already unlocked the highest rank missions...I want Damascus and Alatreon armour, plus some different weapons. The problem is that the higher Jhen Mohran is an event quest that doesn't turn up too often, and Alatreon often results in death or players quitting...or both. So, progress is slow...
Currently: RUSE

I bought the game a week ago and it's a blast so far. I"m a big fan of strategy games and even though this is a bit of a departure from classic RTS fare, it's been a pleasant surprise to know how addictive this game has been for me lately. :lew:

The graphics are excellent, the gameplay is superb. The only knock I have with it is the crappy campaign story.
Sims 2.
I was planning on starting the other games today but it's so addicting. xD
♥Love Freak Flonne♥;813537 said:

God of War III (PS3) - About a week ago, I developed a random craving for the GoW games. I just started the third after finally finishing the second one off this morning...wow. Noticeable difference in graphics, and I thought the second game was pretty good. Just killed Poseidon. FFFF. AWESOME.
Although I think they should have kept the context buttons to the middle of the screen...I'm missing the action because I'm worrying I'll miss a button prompt.
Anyways, I aim to complete this by Friday, because once Lords of Shadow comes out my gaming time will be totally monopolized by it.

agreed! & thats also one of the games im currently playing atm. Kratos is a beast! i love the button sequence & the action. the storyline is awesome as well. always been a God of War fan tho.

FFXIII - havent played the game for a while but im still on the road to completing it. another game i love to play. the battle system is fun & the character stories are also good.
The game that I'm currently playing right now is Dead Rising 2. I bought it on the way home today and I've heard a couple of good things about it. I'm not sure how much I like it right now. I play a lot of these types of games and they're all starting to feel like the same thing. The weapons are very interesting, kind of reminds me of Singularity but so far it's an ok game
I picked up a used copy of Tales of Phantasia for GBA last week, and I'm hooked on it right now :D It's got a few cheesy things about it such as the arcade-sounding voice acting in the battles, but a lot of the music is really, really good, and I like most of the characters in it so far. Especially Claus, he's awesome :D It's got an interesting battle system that I've never experienced before in an RPG, and the story (though there are some similarities with Secret of Mana) is pretty original so far. I give it a thumbs up ^^
Final Fantasy XIII

I've finally reached Chapter 11, and I'm planning on spending a large amount of time in the chapter to level up and complete the avaliable side quests before moving on to Chapter 12 and 13.
Currently playing Robot Unicorn Attack on Facebook.
I swear, a really addicting game. And a really LSS-worthy background song, to boot.
The Saboteur

I really like the artwork and concept of it. It really is just like an Assassin's Creed/Grand Theft Auto hybrid however, but that doesn't stop it from being interesting to me.
Primarily Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.

However, I'm also juggling a fair few other games at random. I say that because some of them I've only played once for a quick fix and then played something else lol.
My main other games I'm playing at the moment would be Okami and FFXII.
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