[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm currently playing Yakuza 3 and FFXIII for the ps3, both are awesome and i am enjoying them. Also Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2 going through a secord playthrough.
Still playing Record of Agarest War.

I am not sure if I've posted in this thread about it, but I would not recommend it to someone who does not have a lot of patience and likes to blaze through a game.
Parasite Eve: Playing through this game again just for the heck of it because it is awesome! Just started Day 5.

Metal Gear Solid 4: I started playing this game for the first time about a week and a half ago and thankfully this game stays as awesome as the games before it. I think I am almost done with Act 4.
I pretty much played New Super Mario Bros Wii with my nephews all day. That game is hard with 4 players XD but we got to the final castle in world 2.
Playing FF1 on GBA. Just received the mystic key and I opened some doors that were locked before.

And still playing Kingdom hearts 2, don't really have much time for games now but I just leveled up to level 50 and went into the portal to twilight town. Just seen the scene with Axel.... and now continuing into the world that never was, or something.
I am currently playing Dragon Quest IX for the Nintendo DS. I've been playing it for a while, and I think I'm nearly at the end of it. I like that I can create my own playable character, what I didn't like is that there really aren't characters involved in the story that fight alongside the main character.
I'm playing FFIX on my PSP. I'm on disc 3 getting all the chocobo treasures! ^_^
I think I might play Legend of Legaia next!

Is Dragon Quest a good game?
Dragon Quest IX (DS) - Just passed through Dourbridge. Everyone is around level 20 in their main vocation. I'm not going to bother training until I can fight Liquid Metal Slimes - traipsing through the Quarantomb is not my idea of fun.

Tales of Vesperia (360) - I didn't much like this the first time I played it: the story is directionless and boring, and the characters got on my nerves. However, I was also doing the Secret Missions for Yuri's True Knight title, which drove me insane. I just bought it off the marketplace this time, so I don't need to bother. Hopefully I'll enjoy it more this time around. Currently heading to Halure...stopped playing this for a couple of days so I could finish Other M.

Hexyz Force (PSP) - Doing Cecilia's story first, am on Chapter 3. Really need to do some grinding; I've been getting pwned by certain monsters. Overall I'm quite impressed with this, but it'd be nice if the story was voice-acted, not just the occasional cutscene and battle dialogue.
Just started a new Mage in Worlf of Warcraft which I am determined to get to 80 before Cataclysm hits. Thankfully no one else on my realm had managed to beat me to the name "Dumbledork"
With college commitments high on my agenda, I'm really not playing much lately at all. I'm quite hooked on Flower for some strange reason. Even though I would hardly go near to even describe it as a "game" as such, but it's calm and soothing to play at for short bursts whenever I'm feeling stressed or angry.

I'm more or less done with Dragon Quest IX. All in all, I really enjoyed it, perhaps not as much as the previous game in the series, but it's probably one of the best games you can get on the DS. I'm tackling a few grottos here and there, as well as trying to fill out the monsters list and alchemicion as much as possible.

And finally, I fired up Rogue Galaxy again from the beginning recently just to check that my old PS2 is still alive. I'm in Rosencaster Prison now, and I'm just reminded of how fun the battle system is after having not touched the game for ages.
Pokemon Leaf Green while I wait for my PSP to be fixed so I can buy/play Birth By Sleep. -__- Pokemon's awesome for randomly picking up while I'm supposed to be studying... although I'm catching all of the ones I can and training them all to the same level, so I'm taking AGES to get through the game. It's still really fun though. :yay:

On the weekends, when I have more time, I'm working my way through FFX and Resident Evil Remake... slowly. I hate REmake, so that's... especially slow.
To be honest I am waiting for Halo Reach to come out. 5 days :awesome: I did play Resonance of Fate lately and failed so bad but I want to go back to it just a bit though. I made a mistake by entering one of those super hard fights which sucks. Its not like it takes an age to get back though xD. Played Just cause 2 again. I just am trying to cause chaos to finish the agency missions. almost done. On number 6 soon and 7 starts right after so I should be ddone the game soon. I think Ill let it go after reach comes out tbh. If I had more time I would do more of the completion part of the game.
Star Ocean 4...still fun, Im at the cave on Edeos something..one thing sucks though, party doesnt get healed after saving...its costing me bundles of berries..
Call of Duty: World At War

I finished the campaign and I've seen that ending 3 times so I must've done the campaign 3 times, only, I can't remember doing it so it must be an overly short campaign. :rage:
Mainly playing it for online really since I completely neglected it in this cod.
At the moment, I'm playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I think it said I'm 48% done with the story at the moment, so I've been moving along. But like every other game I work on these days, I'll be moving through it at the rate of continental drift. :lew: I'll either try to mow down Crushing after this or I'll just move on to Uncharted 2 (1 player) next.
Still playing MGS4. I also started another game I've had for a while.

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean(GC) - I decided to start this one over since I got stuck somewhere and haven't touched it in a long time. I think this game is pretty underrated as I have seen a lot of hate for its battle system but I am having a lot of fun with it. Hopefully I will stick with this game until the end this time.
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