[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Dragon Quest IX

It's actually a really fun game, the battle system is really addictive, and it shows that a game can have a traditional turn-based system and still be really fun. I've spent a load of time grinding though, since Dragon Quest games are supposed to be difficult, so far I've had no trouble with any boss though. I love the art style too, then again, I've always loved DBZ, so no surprises there.
2 games this time.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance.(PS2): I've finally gotten around to finishing MGS2 and I just started MGS3. The new gameplay features seem very different from MGS1 and 2 but I am getting used to it. Overall I have a feeling I will enjoy it like the first 2 and eventually I will start MGS4 after I finish this one.

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift(PS3): Now normally I would not add a fighting game to my currently playing list but this one actually has a long story mode so I will add it. So far I went through 5 character's story modes and next I think I will work on Jin's story.
I'm playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for the psp. It's one of my favorite RPGs ever. I'm just replaying it so I can get Ending A which makes the story more whole and complete, I got Ending B and it's so lame. :P
Heavy Rain-
Still gotta finish it 100% on one account, need two more trophies, the all endings and the perfect crime. Don't really look forward to this, I really REALLY hate one part and I know I have to replay that like 10 times to get the trophies

Devil may cry 4 - Played it today to show my friend something. I'm on normal now mission 6. Don't really feel like finishing everything again. I lost the save files once when my ps3 was broke. I had finished everything =.=

The urbz on GBA - This game is surprisingly addictive, it's annoying how fast you need to please your character and how long it takes to get a skill point for charisma and body (since she is tired or stinky too fast x.x) but the mini games and goals are nice.
Clan Playthrough 1 - Final Fantasy VIII: Started this a while back a spart of the FFF Tantalus clan playthrough got so far in and now at a point where i cannot be bothered to continue with it but i will return to it eventually.

Clan Playthrough 2 - Final Fantasy X: this is another one i am doing for the clan playthrough only decided that i will do it for the playthrough tonight however, i am 68:40 minutes into at the minute, and i am currently wrinting down what i have done for those precious hours on MS Word at the minute.

Getting Ready For Birth By Sleep 1 - Kingdom Hearts 1: bought this about a week ago and it arrived on monday, i did have it years ago but traded it in, i never really completed it so with BBS coming out in a month i need to complete it.

Getting ready fir Birth By Sleep 2 - Kingdom Hearts 2: Began Playing this a while back but put it to one side while i was preoccupied with PS3 gaming, keep going back to it every now and then but won't be dedicating days of gaming towards it until KH1 is finished

playing all these games currently for 3 good reasons.
1. Because its a Clan LP
2. Because i'm excited for Birth by Sleep :awesome:
3. BECAUSE I CAN AND I AM :mokken:
I'm not playing anything foolio, I'm on a forum haha. I just finished Quake 4 and I'm about to fire up either some Portal, Left 4 Dead 2 or MW2. actually, I"ll probably play some Quake Live............ nah, everytime I come here I want to start a final fantasy game -_- , maybe I"ll play some FF 7,8, or 9
I think I switch games like Katy perry switches Hot and Cold...

Cuz now I'm playing Morrowind. :P

Socom: Combined Assault, well trying to when all the coders aren't dominating the rooms. :mad:


FF.....all of them really. I can't seem to focus much on a single offline game these days.
2 games this time.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance.(PS2): I've finally gotten around to finishing MGS2 and I just started MGS3. The new gameplay features seem very different from MGS1 and 2 but I am getting used to it. Overall I have a feeling I will enjoy it like the first 2 and eventually I will start MGS4 after I finish this one.

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift(PS3): Now normally I would not add a fighting game to my currently playing list but this one actually has a long story mode so I will add it. So far I went through 5 character's story modes and next I think I will work on Jin's story.

Adding to this.

Final Fantasy XIII: I've had this game since it first came out but never finished it due to it's boring story. However I am going to work on finishing this game since I am already at Chapter 11 and get it off my backlog for good. This game is easily one of my least favorite FF games thus far.
I am currently playing alot.

Nier(x360): Really great game but it can be very annoying at times. I am at the bit after yu save the prince of that weird sand village.

Arc Rise Fantasia(WII) Started this last night and its not that bad though L'arc and Niko have terrible voices. I mean the voice acting is shit and I might consider turning off the voices. Even the first bad guy you meet has a terrible voice....

Blazblue Continnum shift(x360) Was playing arcade mode and lost against unlimited Hazama over 50 times and gave up. HE IS A BITCH WTF.

Just cause 2(x360) Fun game is fun you can go anywhere you like. It is really open and Panau is really huge.

Nothing else really
I'm currently playing two mainly, thoses being Lost Odyssey on the 360 and Pokemon mystery dungeon: blue rescue team on DS. I'm absoloutley loving Lost Odyssey only been playing for like four days and I'm on disc three with 30 odd hours haha it's kinda taken over my life since im off college. And Mystery dungeon is good for something a bit more relaxed plus its good in short bursts as it gets samey quickley, still a decent game though.
Fable 2.

I've done pretty much anything worth doing in this game, but for some reason never got around to downloading any of the DLC. So now I'm finally giving it a go and having a lot of fun with it so far.

I've managed to pull myself back into the game after my last PS3 YLoD'd and lost all my saved data. I love everything about this game, it takes everything back to the basics, a fun battle system and nice sidequests to sidetrack from the main storyline, interesting characters, a brilliant OST and the story itself is interesting and not over complicated. The graphics aren't particularly brilliant but every other aspect more than makes up for it :)
Dragon Quest VIII (still!)

Not long since got the Godbird Soul stone, so the end is in sight, I've done most of the optional stuff up to this point, about all I really need to be doing is upgrading afew bits of equipment, and completing the bestiary, though, I'l probably crack on and beat the game so I can go back for the alt ending (seeing as I can't even complete the bestiary til then anyway)

Fucking January I restarted this game :wacky:

Tbf though, it IS ace :ryan:
Kingdom hearts 2 on my ps3. Got this one for my birthday from a friend.
I love it <3 I've played it before and didn't like it that much back then but that was probably because I just played a few random parts from the game.
I'm at the colliseum now and ready to save the girl. And Auron is badass.
Just Cause 2 (still at it)

I've managed to clock up about over 120 hours into this game in total, which is rather impressive considering you don't normally catch me play this much in one single game due to my short attention span. So far I've managed more or less 60% of the game. I'm aiming for the Perfectionist trophy which is 75% (no idea why they call it "Perfectionist") next. The game, while nowhere near flawless of course, is just a load of fun particularly due to the sheer size of Panau Island and the vast array of things to do, be it Agency Missions or blowing everything up that belongs to the government. Yes, it is repetitive and such, but I'm willing to overlook all that.

Dragon Quest IX

Nearly 100 hours into this game now. :ohoho:

Like Just Cause 2, this game just offers a vast array of things to do. I had a major gripe with how the vocations work in resetting levels to 1 earlier on, but I'm capitalising on all the potential amounts of skill points that I can get by resetting them to 1. I've collected six fyggs out of seven and I've yet to visit Swinedimples Academy. I'm putting the story progress on hold for a little bit while I'm augmenting my ideal party.
I am currently playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite to clear the rest of the quest that I haven't cleared. It's a fun game to play, especially if you play it with multiple players. It is one of the greatest PSP game out there.
I just finished The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and I'm currently playing through Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. (the remake of the original) I'm on Chapter 17x since I started quite a while ago.
I can't decide wether to start Final Fantasy IX again or Zelda Wind Waker.
As much as I love my Xbox 360 Elite... I actually hate it at the moment. 2 major problems have hampered my gaming. First, freezing. Not matter the game, the action freezes leaving me unable to move my character, pull up the ingame menu or even the Xbox Guide (Via the Xbox button in the middle of the controller). Second... Red Ring Of Death. I think I'm cursed or something, as this is the third Xbox 360 (first elite) I have which has done this. Fortunately, it's still under warranty, but I'll be unable to play any of my favorite games for a month or so. So... that brings me to what I'm playing at the moment. I've dug up my 'fatboy' PS2 which I haven't used since December of 2006... and it still works! Playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas/Tony Hawk's American Wasteland/Dynasty Warriors 5 (As well as the Xtreme Legends and Empires expansions.). I'll be using my PS2 for awhile, til my Elite comes back.
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