[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Dissidia, Final Fantasy IX, XIII, II, III, Super Ghosts and Goblins, Earthbound, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Sailor Moon: Another Story, and Tenchu Z.

I have a tendency to play multiple games at a time because I enjoy multitasking, I think that's the reason at least. Dissidia, IX, III, and Sailor Moon I am just working on conquering completely since I have already beat the games. The others are games that I have been having troubles with or haven't played much yet.
Fallout 3, although I abandoned it for awhile because it's getting a bit boring for me. And I'm also replaying Resident Evil 5 over and over again until I get all the bonus features :argh: But it's still fun blowing majini heads off.
Playing Shadow Hearts Covenant. Pretty good game, and I enjoyed the prequel immensely. Also playing Samurai Warriors 2 Empires concurrently.
Mass Effect, Dragon Quest IX (again), and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter.

I've played Mass Effect 1 and 2 about a bajillion times (yes, that many) but I'm playing ME in hopes of importing a perfect game into ME2 which I will also try to get a 'perfect' ending.

I'm Dragon Quest IX again (I already beat it once) to also get what I'd consider a perfect game as well as do all the side quests and whatnot.

And I just started Dragon Quarter, but I'm just playing it for fun since I bought it recently and have never played it before in my life, though I do remember seeing a cover case for it at Blockbusters as a kid.
I'm just waiting for Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep so in the meanwhile I'm playing Dissidia: Final Fantasy. 1 file with 210hours, another with 10hours.
I am currently playing Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn on the Wii. I'm playing it again because not only a very fun game, but there was a character that I missed picking up to use. I'm also playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, which is a game for the gamecube. This is a very fun game as well and I could just keep playing it, along with Radiant Dawn as well.
If anybody has never played these I'd recommend them for you to try, I find them to be very fun.
Kingdom hearts 2- I'm at hollow bastion now for the second time. Followed Leon and went into the cyber world. That world doesn't really interest me so far. Lion king was my fave until now.

Mario tennis on GBA- it's addictive xD I love the random mini games to obtain power shots. I'm at the Mario world now and have to do a match against Peach.
I'm playing COD: MW2 - playing through it on Veteran, which isn't too hard for the most part.
Persona 4 - Making my way through the final normal dungeon, as in not the "secret" dungeon. Love this game :)
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - Was fun to start with, but doing the same thing over and over again is just getting boring.
Red Dead Redemption on and off. It's a great game but lately I've been having freezing issues with it so whenever that happens, I take a long break from it. Thankfully, the auto-save feature has been doing wonders, always saving right before the thing freezes.

I'm also replaying CoD: MW2 campaign. I need to blow/shoot things up once in a while to keep life interesting.

But my staple of gaming for the past month has been Football Manager 2010. Mad props to Ryan [Mercurial] for introducing me to the game --- which, I should add, is incredibly addicting.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and AC: For Answer.

I'm just tryin to score some easy achievements this time around.
I'm playing FFVI and Overlord 2. I've beaten both, but they're f*ckin ~AwesomE~. Also trying to play Elder Scrolls 4, but Iv'e played through it so many times tht I'm wondering if I'll bear through it b4 tossing it aside lol
I am currently playing Resonance of Fate/Dragon Quest IX/ Nier/ Arc Rise fantasia/Uc2/BB CS/Jc2. Really Just Uc2 Multiplayer the most now cause its really fun with some fellow FFF'ers. :ryan: Plus I really dont have time to play all cause school starts in 1 and a half days.
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Took me a long time to finally get started on this game, I didn't think that I'd like it so I just let it sit on the shelf. But now that I've started it I'm enjoying it.

Gameplay, story, and the occasional scares are really good.

I think I'll pick up the second game when I'm through with this one. :ryan:
Im trying to figure out what final fantasy game im going to start up next, can you guys tell me which one to play? Ive already played through 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13.
Phantasy Star Portable and Phantasy Star Portable 2 Demo Version. I can't wait until Phantasy Star Portable 2 comes out next month. The demo was so amazing! I've also been playing the first Phantasy Star Portable while I wait for PSP2 to come out. I've beat it so many times. I'm just trying to unlock some hidden costumes for my character.
Right now I'm kinda playing Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. I haven't played this game in about 10 years so it's really nostalgic. I beat it last night and now I'm doing the mercenary missions which are alot harder than I remember but I guess that's to be expected after not having played a game for a decade.
Growlnser II: Sense of Justice

I decided to boot up my old PS2 and take a trip down memory lane. Growlanser II is one of the first strategy games I ever played, so nostalgia runs pretty high when I'm playing it. To think that I nearly forgot I had this game!
Uncharted I Drake's Fortune. I must say that I am enjoying it. Loving it so far but it is much harder than Uncharted II. You can not jump and fire at the same time in UC I like in the 2nd game. Lots of things were changed in Uc2 and I am proud. Cause if the gameplay was like UC I then it would kind of suck. Sometimes the jumping in UC I does not even register and I fall of cliffs because of that -__-
Right now at 12.32 AEST I a playing Star Ocean Till the end of Time.
I lurve the battle system on this game.......Realtime battles =a really good gaming experience.......?

!2.35AEST when I finished posting
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