[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I am currently obsessed with Grand Fantasia, an online mmorpg, and this site :) lol. Also obsessed with this new Donkey Kong game.
Mass effect II/Cod Black Ops with FFF buddies. For Mass Effect II I just recruited Doctor Mordin Solus. Mass effect II is one of the games that has me hooked I will admit xD. I am a commander on Call of Duty Blackops, have not even touched the campaign yet but I am thinking of prestiging Later on so I wont be bored while playing with buddies from here. Even though I hate prestige.
Black Ops-> MP to Zombie Mode with friends or FFF members..
Major fun to do and sometimes stressfull..

I also bought Dead rising 2 but that game sucks so badly..Really slowpaced..the main Char cant run for shit..its like he's taking a stroll amongst hords of zombies in the middle of a shoppingmall..

His daughter needs a type of zombie cure every 24 hours..and that stuff is really haRD to find..so I gotta keep watching my watch etc..for the time..but in the meantime you have nothing to do but kill zombies or save survivors..

Survivors are the side quests..side quests you need to do for exp..if you dont do those you will have nothing else to do but kill zombies..BORING..

On top of that some survivors are on the other side of the freeking shopping mall..combine that with the damn slowpaced running skills of the main Char its tedious..

Also every weapon has a duribility :gasp2: then it breaks...
Shitty game I tell you...I hope the co op is fun with friends..Have yet to try that out.
Vanquish has taken a brief backseat for the time being. The game is absolutely full of "oh, fuck" moments due to its speedy pace and with all the action going on in the screen at once. What's worse than being attacked by a huge Russian Argus robot? Being attacked by two huge Russian Argus robots at once, that's what! :dave:

In the meantime, I'm working my way through Fallout: New Vegas, having switched from the Easy to Normal difficulty now that I'm kind of used to the mechanics now. I've not done much in it as I'm juggling between being online and studying, but I'm now on my way to Primm while on the lookout for those Powder Gangers. I'm saving the game particularly often just so I can go around abusing the VATS system on innocents for fun. I think I'm turning rather bloodthirsty. :wacky:
Right now I'm playing FF VII on my ps3.

I'm having real problems getting into this game and I'm not particularly liking the excess dialogue in the beginning of it. I understand this is a game that was ported for one of the earlier ps's but the graphics are taking me wayyyyyy back because some of the characters look so laughable with having hooves for hands and etc... The way that they planned the controls on the ps3 remote is really awkward too because the controls are completely opposite from any of your ps3 games. Anyways, I'm going to keep with it because I'm thinking it might get better eventually...hopefully.

Resonance of Fate (PS3) - Damnit, I WILL finish this game! :rage:
I'm just finishing off the missions in Chapter 11...since I've managed to link the Exp x 1.5 terminal to the Arena, I'm going to take some time out to grind a few levels before I advance, as well. Leanne and Zephyr are approaching Level 70, and Vashyron has just passed it, since he's using grenades to kill everything and his levels are just skyrocketing as a result. I'd kinda like them to be around Level 80 (30 MG and HG, 20 Grenade) before I carry on. Plus I need to do the money glitch to get some more cash...and buy more pretty clothes ♥

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (DS) - Has taken a bit of a backseat...I'm disappointed, to be honest. It's nowhere near as epic as I expected. In any case, I just managed to recruit the second Water Adept, Amiti (I expect he's
Pier's kid, but if he's Alex's kid that would just be too awesome for words and would totally renew my faith in the series, provided it was properly exploited
) and I'm going back to the Ouroboros maze...which I'll do tonight.

Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) -This is totally dominating my life. I didn't expect it to be so damn GOOD. I've just gone back through Tylor's territory and killed a boss that reminded me far too much of Serris in Metroid Fusion, and now I'm going to continue to rescue whoever it is I'm supposed to be rescuing. God, I love Vivienne so much though ♥
Resonance of Fate: By which I mean playing when i'm bored, need to try and grind up to about 70 or 80 and then finish up Chapter 14, been here FAR too long -__-

Trinity Universe: Only got it a few days and loving it, up to Chapter 8 now I think but Flonne keeps killing me with her insane magic attacks :sad3: curse the power of love! :rage:

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Epic game is epic, pretty much abuse online now i've almost 100%'d the game, level 27 and rising :ohoho:
Just started Persona 3 FES. And I love it. :) But my uncle borrowed my controller... So, I probably won't be playing for a while... aka... until i get $60 to buy a new one. (I use my PS3)
I'm currently playing Record of Agarest War. Level grinding my main party in Gen V and hoping I can beat the Gurg bosses that have been giving me a headache and a half. It sucks that level grinding takes so long in this game during the later generations.
I am finishing up Mass Effect II. I did most of the loyalty missions yesterday for each character. I think I only have Tali's and Jacob's loyalty missions left. After that I might do some of the side missions on the planets. Then go continue the story with the Reaper IFF. After that I can pretty much use the Omega IV relay and hit the final battle. The game is just amazing and I can not wait to start Mass Effect I after I beat II. I will do the DLC for II also and do an insanity run sometime.
Dragon Age and it's giving me nightmares ]:

Also got a load of shit for the DS, so that should keep me entertained as well
I'm totally focusing on Fallout: New Vegas and so far, I've the few glitch alerts. Minimal damage despite what VATS says, stuck on a rock, moonwalking character (probably not a glitch at all, but it's damn funny), a coyote that went through my character and a gecko stuck in one of the roadsigns' legs(?). I'm doing okay so far even though my aiming without relying on VATS gets horrendous when I'm shooting at human characters. And I've run into the issue where I'm out of Stimpaks and buying them is just really pricey. So it does get rather punishing at times. I'm now dreading the basement facilities with the Nightkins, which is probably why I'm very slowly heading towards Novac.
my games

Kingdom Hearts II, Gran Turismo 4, Devil May Cry 3 and Winning Eleven 10.

Call of Duty:Black Ops, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy VII, Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4

MOD EDIT: Can you please put more effort into your posts please? This is a spam post in a post count section. Elaborate more on why you're playing these games. Thank you.
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Monster Hunter Tri, Pokemon Black, Dissidia: FF, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

I highly recommend Amnesia if you're into the idea of running from monsters and hiding in a closet, hoping they don't find you. Certainly takes me back to some of my more terrible nightmares as a kid.
FFXIII: Still working on this one in an effort to finally finish the game. However I am mostly working on missions and doing some grinding at the moment.

FFV: I am mainly playing this at the moment and I am really enjoying this one. I think I am pretty close to the end now so I should be done this one soon enough. Once I finish these two I think I will take a break from FF for a while.
Trinity Universe (PS3) - Picked this up again, started a new file - going with Kanata's story for my first playthrough again...it's funnier than Rizelea's story, as well. I bought all the DLC, so I have a lot of extra stuff...the Godly weapons live up to their name. I kill everything in one or two hits with them. So I took them off. I DID pump Tsubaki full of 90 stat-enhancing souls, though...of every stat. xD
Currently on Chapter 4, just recruited Recit :-)tehe:). Might do a little grinding to get Pamela up to speed (she's about 12 levels behind Kanata, Tsubaki and Miyu) before I carry on with the story. Still debating whether or not to swap Miyu out for Mizuchi when I get her...I adore Mizuchi, as a character and as a party member. But Miyu has been pretty useful thus far...

Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) - Left this alone for a few days, picked up again yesterday...mindless grinding ahoy, since I just unlocked a ton of optional missions. I'm still on level 64 though, the higher level ones are beyond me. Might attempt them again when I get to level 70...I've developed a love for gauntlets, as well. More power, and awesome combo attacks. Might carry on with the story soon, though...

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (DS) - Just reached Belinsk...haven't played this very much. Sveta joined me, ditched me, now I have to find Kraden...damnit, I don't WANT to find Kraden! I want to go back to the days when Golden Sun was awesome...
Resonance Of Fate

I have been at this game for a couple of days now and I am still only on chapter 6. I want to try and connect a few terminals before I advance to the next chapter to make it easier by getting a few bonuses for when I battle but getting the hex colour that I need after a battle is nearly imposable I am fighting at least four guys at once that drop the hex but I might just get one of the hex's after the battle. Still the game had a confusing battle system at first but I managed to figure out the basics and carry on and it took a while to figure everything out.
Dragon age origins. I wanted a new game, a friend had it and saw a few scenes of it, I decided to buy it now because it is also an RPG. I love it so far, the music, the options you have. I´m not that far yet.

Assassins creed- Bought this one at the same time with dragon age, only this was second hand. Just tested the beginning, gonna play it for real when I finish dragon age
Currently I'm playing
Borderlands (First Playthrough) (I do have all the expansion content)
Final Fantasy VIII (First Full Playthrough)
Final Fantasy VII (3rd Playthough)
Legacy of Kain Blood Omen
World of Warcraft (Always :P)
Heavy Rain for the second time.

I'm doing things differently this time to a) get some trophies I've missed the first time round, b) to get different endings and c) to see the different reactions and parts of conversations I missed before.

It's weird playing it since I know what happens. It approximately takes 9 hours to complete the game each time, so it won't be too bad. But repeatedly will get on my nerves at some point.
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