[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Red dead redemption. I'm a little late with this game but its pretty decent, doesn't quite hold my interest for long periods of time though. Thinking of replaying FF9.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

My disc is pretty messed up, but the game works some of the time. This game is very very difficult to begin with. Each Joker fight brings a whole new meaning to difficult.

Once again, one of my favorite Boss Battle themes (the whole soundtrack is amazing), a pretty dark story, and lovable characters (even Baofu)
I've been playing Ys Seven on the PSP for the last while. It's mostly just a filler game while I wait for my pre-order to show up, but I'm honestly enjoying it a lot.

I was a little curious about the Silent Protagonist because he has a canon name that can't be changed (Adol) and instead of a dialog box, there an explanation of what he says, so I kind of think it's moot point (the game doesn't have vocal audio except in battle xD). There's the occasional optional choices, but again, I think it could've applied to an actual character, but whatever.

Thus far, while I'm apparently playing the seventh game in the series, I'm enjoying it as a standalone game, so it's all good ^^

The battle system is a pretty simple as with most action-rpgs, but still a lot of fun. I like how you can quickly switch in battle between characters.

Otherwise it's a little generic so far; which isn't bad, but how many games have there been where you travel to various locations tagged with the element of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire? xD
Dead Space 2

Just got this game a couple hours ago, and it is already pretty scary. This one is already much better than the first one. It's strange actually seeing Isaac's face. This game gives me the creeps, they do a pretty good job of scaring you.
Currently I'm playing Lost Oddysey, my 4th disc is messed up, but I'll survive.

I'm also playing Marvel vs Capcom 3...Is it just me or does everyone use Dante.
I have no room to speak I use him too!
Star Ocean: The Last Hope

I have been playing this game like crazy for the last couple of days and I think I am near the end of it now but most of my characters are really weak because I never use half of them and for the last few areas I have just been running straight to the bosses so that I could just progress through the story but now I have stopped and I am trying to level up a bit before all the regular monsters can kill my party
Heavy Rain.

I've been playing it too much over the past week, give or take. I'm trying to platinum it and have 65% in trophies so far, which isn't too bad. It's just annoying having to get the Perfect Crime gold trophy on the third try. It's interesting seeing the different interactions by making different decisions.
Deus Ex for the second time this month. Probably gonna finish Half-Life Blue Shift afterwards...
I am currently Playing Pokemon Black, japanese version.

I couldn't wait for it to come out in english haha, I also have the english one on order though!

Its an amazing game, although it's still similar to the other pokemon games it still feels really refreshing, starting with all new pokemon and none of the old ones is awesome too! They made it so much more challenging by having all the new pokemon evolve at really late levels! its an awesome game!

Just playing it through again for the story now, right near the end with the Shadow Lord then another 3 endings to play through. :ryan: The game never gets old, epic characters combined with an epic storyline withplot twists always makes for a fantastic game. :ryan:
Just picked up my pre-order of Radiant Historia tonight (a week later than I was suppose to pick it up, but details~).

I'm really enjoying it a lot so far. The characters are kind of meh but the story is interesting. The battle gameplay is standard turn-based fare, but it does have it's own tweaks to make it interesting (like changing the attack order to get the most chaining possible-which yields more rewards at the end of a battle).

However, more than anything, the constant back and forth time traveling gameplay is really kewl. Along with time travel, you're also basically alternating between two universes, and doing something in one universe, can affect the other.

I was stuck for about 20 minutes because I didn't realize I had to go do something in the other universe to be able to move on in the first one xD

Finally, I'm realling loving the music-but what else should have I expected from my lady, Yoko Shimomura? ♥
Mass Effect 2.

I'm not amazingly far into it but so far it's a fantastic, fantastic game, definitely the best I've purchased in a while. I love everything about. The story, the voiceacting, the characters, the OST, the graphics, the shooting system, everything. Definitely would recommend this to anyone. (y)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

I have only played a bit of the game but from what I have played it seems to be really good, I like the way you use two light sabers now and there are a couple of new combo moves you can do and I am really enjoying the storyline and some of the fight scenes so far so I can't wait to find out what happens later on in the game
As of now, I'm rotating between Deus Ex, Twilight Princess and Donkey Kong Country Returns. There's some World of Warcraft mixed in, on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Good shit, son; DKCR's super-hardness separates the men from the boys.
Silent Hill, probably won't finish it anytime soon. I think it's on hold for me.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. It was kind of difficult to get used to at first, but now it's a blast. I'm about 5 hours in.

EDIT: Oops, I forgot about Final Fantasy X. xD It's my third attempt because I always screwed up on that game.

I think I will play Bulletstorm soon...
Currently playing: final fantasy dissidia,Kingdom of hearts Recoded and Final fantasy X

MOD EDIT: Can you please put a little more effort into your post please? This is a spam post in a post count section. Just describe the games a little and maybe why you're playing them. Thank you.
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Persona 3, Persona 4.

I'm really finding FES unbearable in comparison to it's PSP Counterpart which fixed a lot of issues with the game. But I never finished P3P and my computer is managing to run a PS2 emulator just fine, so I'm just running with that.

I already finished Persona 4 with both the bad ending and good ending, reading on the wiki I apparently have to get the true ending once before I can get Izanagi-No-Okami.

I really don't plan on playing the game 3 times over, so I'm a little annoyed. Part of me wonders why the first Personas that the characters get access to are so completely useless 10 levels into the game.

I get that Izanagi-No-Okami is probably the best persona in the game, but I just don't see the point in working your ass off to use something you'll only use for less than 10% of the actual time you spent playing the game.

Just seems like a waste of time.

I do really like Persona 4, but I think it's just bullshit to have to actually go out of your way to see a canon ending.

edit: also, I felt that the good ending was akward...
It's like they intentionally try to hide it from you but really? You're trying to hide a character behind Johnny Young Bosch's (Renowned for Voicing Ichigo from the popular anime Bleach) voice? When has Johnny Young Bosch played a voice in an anime where he wasn't a significant character.

Adachi's just sitting over here with the most blatant HIDDEN PLOT DEVICE HERE sign on his back
Pokémon Black.

I'm having so much fun playing this game, it's ridiculous. I've spent about 6 hours today just breeding. I've got a box full of Snivy, Tepig, and elemental monkeys. Excellent currency in the GTS, I just have to offer up any of them, and half an hour later, I have the Pokémon I requested :lew:

Sure, some of the Pokémon are ugly, but the world is gorgeous, and personally, there are more Pokémon I love than loathe. The battle system is better than ever, and it's just great fun to play.
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

My first Shin Megami Tensei game, though there's honestly a fuckload of them :rage: This is the first one I've had a chance to grab... and I think I'm addicted. o_O It's so unbelievably fun.. summoning demons to fight for you, wiiiiiin. Not fond of trying to rescue people really, but I'll live. I'm only on like... day two out of seven and I already love the game.

... now. Must. Not. Spoil. Self. *trots back to playing*
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