[V1] What are you currently playing?

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FFX. 2 Years ago I borrowed it from a friend, but he wanted it back after 2 weeks.. Atm I'm in Zanarkand Ruins.
Silent Hill 3

It has been a long while since I played the game and I forget everything about it but it has been fun to playthrough it again, I keep hearing the stupid radio static and the music to tell you theres a monster about but I never see them until it is too late and they jump out from behind a corner and I end up jumping as well but I am enjoying the game as it has been a while since I have played a Silent Hill game
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

Beaten both 1 and 2, giving this a try now. It's much better than I thought it'd be. The controls are still very easy to get used to, traveling is enjoyable, and fighting is amazing
Final Fantasy 12.

Good story, average characters but very good battle system. Final Fantasy 12's battle system reminds me the battle system of Vagrant Story.
Okamiden on the DS. Just as beautiful as Okami, a bit more simplified, nice storyline twists along with various companion characters (You only have to put up with Issun for the first little bit). Once again, further proof that whatever the true sequel to Okami will be, it will be magnificent!

And Chibiratesu is too damn adorable!
Dragon Age 2

I've been playing this for 3 days straight. It's just so addicting. I don't really care if most of the places are the same, it's very fun.
I bought God Eater Burst today. It's pretty good so far. I love the graphic design of the game. Also, you're given alot of customization choices. And the soundtracks pretty damn good. The only complaint I have about it so far is the camera, but being a PSP game there are bound to be issues with that so I guess I can't bitch too much. So far, a good game. I'll have to see how it goes.
I've been playing a lot of Black Ops online. So much more balanced than Modern Warfare./
Also running through Fallout: NV. Great game, but they need to hurry up with Elder Scrolls V!!
Bioshock :ohoho:

ohoho, this game is ace. I didn't think it would be my thing but I'm playing it on recommendation and it hasn't disappointed.
It's a bit weird but, it's good. I think I understand the story... I think.
I've just finished Silent Hill 3.

Scary piece of work, true to it's name. They say it was one of the... Sort of 'pioneer' in the survivor horror, alongside Resident Evil... And I must say I completely agree.

Perhaps it could be the conditioning from advertisements and all, and my contact with the previous series, but assuming they meant little... This one terrified me. Well, not to the 'screaming' extent, which would be rather uncharacteristic of me. What it did was to keep me on tenterhooks half the time I played through the game.

The environments are a living nightmare! Kinda makes me wonder how the main character, Heather, could have went through all that.

Worth a try for any brave souls.


I was actually playing it all on 'Easy', LOL :D That says a lot.
Torchlight on XBLA and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.

@Tom Badguy
MOD EDIT: Can you please add a little more content to your post? This is a spam post in a post count section. Tell us a little more about the game. Thank you.
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Still playing Pokemon White. I am now at the Pokemon League but I do not know if I just want to sweep them or just go catch some legends first. Actually when I come home I am going to try and nab Victini because that event ends on the first week of April and I do not want to miss it. Ah finding the perfect one will be annoying though.. but I will try.

On the Side I am playing Halo Reach and almost getting the rank I want which is Mythic Rank. Once I get that, I will buy my favorite armor piece and then that game is going on break. I will then start a few other games that I have been meaning to play.
I am currently playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy which is my latest purchase. I play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on adhoc party with my friends and Dissidia 012 Duodecim when I play by myself.
Finished Radiant Historia and just started on Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Can't say much as I just started it, but I'm interested to see how my choices are gonna unfold later on in the game.

EDIT: Right, well I downloaded Prologus and I'm pretty much gonna be playing that for the next little while.

Sorry Tactics Ogre :mokken:
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I am currently playing Call of Duty: Black Ops for PS3

there isn't really much to say about it other than its just a newer version of every other CoD game out there haha. I mostly got it for the online which is still as fun as ever!
Although I am not really good at it.
I'm currently playing Parasite Eve on my PSP.
I don't have much to say about it except for that it's an amazing game. I just beat the centipede boss in the subway (which was a real pain to fight) and now i'm headed towards the museum.

I've been playing Brave Story: New Traveler too. I'm on the forth chapter right now and so far this game is pretty decent.
I'm playing through Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn with the character I imported from my original Baldur's Gate game. My party currently consists of my imported character (half-elf fighter/magess), Minsc, Yoshimo, Viconia, Jaheira, and Nalia. I've got a couple of mods in there, too, but until I'm given a good reason to dismiss my other characters (story-related or party balance/drama (...Viconia) reasons), I might just have to wait until I start a new game to experience the NPC ones.
I'm also playing Baldur's Gate Tutu, with a different character and a couple of banter/NPC mods.
I just downloaded the new Mass Effect 2 DLC, Arrival. I haven't started it yet, but I'm pumped. The best part was, I just found out about today at work so I got to skip all the waiting bullshit. It was awesome.
Mass Effect I. Yup I finally started it! Oh boy though I must say Mass Effect I is way harder than Mass Effect II. I am loving it so far but I am currently kind of stuck but I am going to try and see if I can get further. I played a lot of it for my first time yesterday. I might play Mass Effect I and something else at the same time I guess.
The Impossible Game on XBLA.

This game is totally addicting, and insanely difficult. Me and my brother have tried about 400 times, and we can't beat it. It's crazy that someone actually took the time to come up with this game. If anyone can beat it, they deserve money. :mokken:
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