[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Along with the two games I said in my last post, I am now also playing Silent Hill 2. So far I have to say this game is scarier than the previous game. Being stalked by Pyramid Head give me such a wave of nostalgia from playing Resident Evil 2/3 and being stalked by Mr. X/Nemesis all over again. Can't say I care about the escort mission part of the game but overall I really like it. As for my current loaction, I just left the Hospital.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

I just want to dust aside some of the criticisms first - a few of them technical. My SDTV isn't very ideal for the game as the partially cut-out screen at the edges, the horrendously jumpy framerates and teeny tiny text have shown. The sparse save points aren't exactly frustrating at the moment, though I can tell that I'll be having an issue with them later on. The voice acting leaves a lot to be desired, as do the repetitive battle victory phrases they have. Not to mention I hate Welch with a passion.

Other than all that, I am really enjoying the game. It's perhaps one of the most solid RPGs I've played in a while. The real-time combat system is just fun and involving, especially as I'm launching a series of Special Arts attacks on some monsters and dishing out some shiny combos just for the heck of it. Outside of battles, the standard JRPG is all there, with large areas to explore and some towns to run around in. I've found myself getting a little dedicated to the Private Actions though - I'm a little afraid of getting them wrong though I suspect I've probably screwed up already on the Calnus. Still, looking forward to the rest of the game ahead. I'm hoping things get a little more challenging soon especially as I have Lymle now kicking a lot of ass with her Symbology.
Well, I got a bunch of Final Fantasy games again for my PS1.

Right now I'm replaying Final Fantasy VII. I have beaten it lots of times, but it has been a while since the last time I beat it. This was the first game I ever got my Playstation and the first game I beat on it long ago. VII is a great game and I'm getting a good refresher to story and characters. Plus with this play through, it is the first time playing VII after going through Crisis Core. I'm kind of excited to see the various connections with the games.
Gods Eater Burst, Persona 3 Portable. Looking to try out Tactics Ogre, but it keeps hanging on prome. =\

Great games though, I am really enjoying them both quite a bit... I still havent gotten down to finishing the latter, but I really need to before my GameFly subscription is up so that I can play The Answer from Persona 3: FES (an epilogue in which you play as Aigis, which is NOT included in Persona 3 Portable) on the PS2.
At the moment, I'm mostly playing Ar Tonelico Qoga which, occasional crass humour aside, I'm actually enjoying quite a bit. I've spent most of my time diving into Finnel's Cosmosphere (Saki irritates me quite a bit, I've discovered) and its pretty messed up in there, and occasionally entertaining. The combat is very simple and repetetive, and the story is pretty disjointed, but overall its quite a fun game.

I've also started a new file on both Dragon Age II (Rogue this time, I want my Platinum trophy) and Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (thanks for that, Oliviski. xD) both on PS3, although I doubt I'll play them much...I still have Neptunia to be getting on with, after all. I'm also playing Dissidia 012 quite a bit whenever the mood strikes me, and I started a new Luminous Arc file the other day. So lots to do. I can't really decide on what I want to focus on at the moment, so I'm drifting between games that take my fancy. I have a lot of games, though...
Playing Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at the moment, actually got this as a Christmas present but didn't get around to playing until the last week or so. So far, the game is pleasant in audio and visuals, but the story hasn't developed yet as much as I'd hoped. On top of that, the challenge so far seems non-existent, I haven't even come close to a game over. Hopefully story and challenge will pick up though.

Also playing Duodecim on and off, seems more like an expansion pack than a new game. All the same, it is pretty good fun, and the new characters, stages, music etc. are enough to keep it interesting.
Was playing Final Fantasy X-2 before it crashed on me, and kept repeating one of the side-quest over and over.

Damned emulators.

With that, I've barely anything left to play, except, maybe, DotA - Defense of the Ancients. -_-

That, I dread a lot, largely because of the ridiculously coarse language used in the game by players. I mean, sure, an occasional 'f@@@' is okay... But when it escalates into an all-out argument between players, and it's showing in the game play...!!!

RAWR :rage:

It's fine if it's happening on the other team though. :britt:

Even then, that itself is rare.
Pokemon Black

I've been playing this for the past week, and I gotta say, I LOVE IT. It's pretty easy to tell that they lowered the camera a little bit, which makes the game look much better. Still the same addicting pokemon music, and a bunch of ugly pokemon to say the least.
Dead Space 2

Now I'm kinda regretting watching a playthrough, I didn't think I'd ever actually buy the game but I gave in. I knew it'd be a fantastic game regardless but so far I'm enjoying it. I really don't like some of the button setup such as running and reloading but other than that I'm not seeing anything bad about it. :ryan:

Haven't tried the multiplayer yet, though I'm looking forward to it. :hmmm:
Gods Eater Burst, Saints Row 2 and Persona 3.

Still just collecting weapons in GEB, waiting on DLC. Saints Row 2? I just love Saints Row 2, murdering the innocent citizens of Stillwater and discharging weapons on people who are trying to surrender is awesome.

I feel like I'm on the tail-end of Persona 3, and I'm about to start Persona 3: FES before I have to send it back on the 22nd.
Parasite Eve

I was in the mood to play something from the Playstation era, and I haven't played PE all the way through yet. The combat reminds me of Vagrant Story except with guns and clubs rather than swords and such.
I was playing uncharted 2 multiplayer on ps3 but my ps3 got the YLOD AGAIN! *sigh*
And I'm playing dragon age awakening on my pc, because I want to continue the save in dragon age 2. (Not sure if the happenings in awakening return in dragon age 2, but oh well)
Then after I finally finish it I will start dragon age 2 obviously
God Eater Burst

I just started back up on this game. I have high doubts that I'm going to finish this game before I leave. But I'm gonna give it a try. I'm probably just gonna give up on trying to finish the bonus missions and just focus on the story missions. Of course, the lack of new weapons is gonna have me constantly getting my ass handed to me. But, oh well. :dave:
I have just started playing Odin Sphere, a PS2 game.
It's kind of luke Muramasa on the wii, a side scroller RPG with amazing graphics.

In Odin Sphere you start off as a little girl called Alice who is in the attic, there are 5 books you can pick up and read and each book has the story of a different hero. It's interesting that the characters stories intertwine although I am hardly that far into the game yet so I don't know much.

The fighting is fun but at first it feels a little clunky and the voice acting in english is pretty good :D
I'm playing FF tactics, FF9, Castlevania LoS, and Last Remnant

MOD EDIT: Can you please put a little more effort into your post? This is a spam post in a post count section. Just tell us more about the games you're playing, whether you like or dislike them. Thank you.
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I just placed Xenogears in my PS1. Literally. The first and only time I played it, I got all the way to the last dungeon and couldn't figure out how to get through it. So I just got it again recently and shall start all over and this time beat it. I remember enjoying it more then I thought I would when I first got it so this should be a good time.
Got really sucked into Dragon Age: Origins again. I've restarted for the 4th time I think without having finished it, mainly due to the fact my computer kept breaking and by the time I got it back, I didn't feel like picking the game up from the middle of the story. So far it's been as awesome as I remember it, I think I'm clearing it quite fast this time around though. I have bought the awakening expansion as well, so I'll probably move onto that soon.
At the moment, I'm juggling Dead Space, Borderlands and Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, all on PS3. I'm currently up to chapter 9 in Dead Space, I've put it down for the last couple of days, since I don't have the second game yet and I want to pace myself a little...plus the faster-moving necromorphs are scaring the crap out of me. Borderlands I'm supposed to be hunting down Sledge, and I'm playing as Mordecai - who is crap next to Lilith, to be frank. Star Ocean I'm about to leave for Lemuris...asides from the orders I can't do yet, I've done everything I can on Aeos. 100% of all the monsters there, sidequests, etc. Edge and Reimi are level 11, whilst Faize is level 9.
I am moving at an excruciatingly slow pace in Star Ocean The Last Hope: International at the moment. I am still on Lemuris and I've more or less got used to the slightly spooky atmosphere of this planet as I've been there far longer than I should have. I'm supposed to head to the celestial ship like...now, but I've been sticking around trying to do as many of the sidequests (exciting ones such as finding a cat I see!) and shop orders before I'm unable to do them again later. At the same time I want to try and get 100% of monster data in the region and I've inadvertently got my whole party to Level 26 while still not achieving that. I suppose I should quit running around in circles and just get moving before I lose the will to do anything else.

Oh and can I just express my disbelief at how irritating several of the characters are? Lymle, were it not for her innocent doll-ish appearance and her usefulness in battle, I would have wanted to strangle someone after hearing her voice, Reimi's "Wonderful! I'm so glad everyone's safe" line is really doing my head in and fucking Welch just makes me NOT want to go near the Item Creation terminal. :mokken:
I am replaying it after 3 or so years. I talked myself into it because I thought the fights would be easy, but they aren't. They're harder than the fights in UC2. It is good though. I'm rescuing Elena after the plane crash at the moment and I've nearly done that. At least there's no Nazi Zombies at the moment.
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