[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Just been away on holiday and wanted something to play when bored so got FF III for the DS. Absolutely love it, have played FFVII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII & XIII before.

I could do with some help getting the Onion Knight class, so if there's anyone out there who can help by becoming a friend on my address book i would really appreciate it!
too many to count...........

im currently playing a couple of games right now.

1)Final Fantasy VIII
2)Final Fantasy X-2
3)Dissidia012: still hooked(is that a bad thing?)
4)Resident Evil 2
6)Legend Of Zelda:Ocarina Of Time: N64 version(amazingly my N64 still works:confused:)
7)Front Mission 2
8)Tekken 5
9)Goldeneye: Wii version and N64 version(don't know which one I like more:confused:)
That Hogs of War thread yesterday prompted me to re-plug in my PS2 and find my old PSone copy of the game. I definitely agree that multiplayer is the best part of the game, but seeing as though I was more or less alone in the house, I ended up just playing on multiplayer...against myself. To this day, it's perhaps one of the best RPGs you can get and a big shame that it sold pretty poorly in its day (at least I think it did). There is nothing more satisfying than watching an enemy pig drown in a lake after you've bayonetted it into the water, and then subsequently watching the pigs just explode when they die and damaging surrounding pigs as a result. Crazy, addictive and so much fun. I think the closest RPGs I've played that have matched Hogs of War in terms of crazyness, fun and humour are the Disgaea games, though in Hogs of War you never needed to grind. :ryan:
Started working my way through Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection tonight, and so far I'm loving it. Firstly, the game looks fantastic, based on screen shots and clips that I'd seen I hadn't expected it to look that much better than the SNES and GBA versions, but they really don't do it justice. It maintains that lovely 16-bit feel but seems very crisp and polished at the same time. This is complimented by the DS versions musical arrangements, which feel more fitting here for whatever reason, and some new cinematics, including the new After Years FMV which gave me goosebumps when I watched it.

All in all, since I'm almost as big an FFIV fan as I am FFIX fan, this is absolutely brilliant as far as I'm concerned. It does feel a tad easy though, so far I've stormed through all the bosses with no trouble whatsoever, I'm not sure whether they've dropped the difficulty since the PS1 version that I used to play or whether it's because I'm that much more familiar with the game now. All the same, can't wait till I get to the new interlude chapter! :P
Just started a new game for Mass Effect. Going for a Techy role, and on hardcore level noless. So, it's safe to say that the level of challenge and riskiness is going to be mighty high...and that's what I like in my video games. :andry:
I recently got back on the playstation II after a few years... I think two? Yeah I never beat Final Fantasy XII before and I went back to it. Currently playing Final Fantasy XII. I did remember where I left off from the last time I played. I grinded on Phon coast a hell of a lot yesterday. It was really needed, seeing as I was so weak. Currently fighting Ahriman in Sochen cave palace. I did kill it last night, yes. The traps on the way to Archades killed me, though. Now I need to get revenge on Ahriman.. Also still playing Eternal Sonata on the side. I got further in it a bit. Finally beat Pirate Ship Dolce in chapter IV.
Going back to Dragon Age 2 to try to get the last few achievements that seem to want to be pricks. I'm only missing a few, but for some reason, I can't seem to get them, even though I do pretty much exactly what I'm supposed to. :hmph:
Taking a break from Star Ocean and going back to try and get as far as I can on Vanquish on its Hard difficulty. There's only so much I can take of emo Edge and company in Star Ocean before I really feel the impulsive urge to play something that involves hectic shooting, and I figured I would marathon Vanquish on Hard. So far, it hasn't been too bad. I've mostly ignored the scoreboard and preferred to duck behind cover as often as I can rather than just run in and mindlessly shoot like in the easier difficulties. I've a vague idea of where most of the Pangloss statues are in the game, so I'm collecting them as I'm going along - hopefully to find some more this time. Yes, this is my third playthrough of the [rather short] game and I still hate the game's single escort mission earlier on where you have to protect an armoured vehicle from hordes of walking bombs and giant jellyfish bombs in a dark tunnel - even moreso on Hard mode where killing them takes an age and they rip a huge chunk of damage out of the vehicle. Most of the times that I die is mainly out of carelessness, whether it's blowing myself up from the charges that I detonated too early, or forgetting which button is thrust or cover. Still, I'm loving it so far, and I'll resume with Edge and company in Star Ocean again once I've marathoned through this game more thoroughly.
Sudeki, World of Warcraft

guild just got 4/13

Sudeki is a game one of my friends had back in the day, but I never really got the chance to get into it or play it. The other day I remembered how I liked the way the character switching was involved in the game while I was bitching about how much FF13 sucks and ***** stole my bike, so I looked it up and found out that not only was it released on Xbox, but on the PC as well.

It's an OK game I guess, I'm really just playing it out of personal interest and don't think there is anything particularly outstanding about it (besides Buki's ass) and I feel there was a lot of room for improvement, but I am enjoying it.
Assassin's Creed 2

So far, I quite like it. It makes me want to talk in an Italian accent more than anything, and I hope it isn't too wrong to find a videogame character like Ezio too attractive. :monocle:

I like the non-linear style of gameplay, the fact that I don't have to kill Person X yet, but can instead investigate an assassin tomb now or just renovate Monterrigionni to my heart's content. The storyline is interesting enough to keep me hooked, so that could sway me enough to get Brotherhood and Revelations - and perhaps the first game as well. The recreation of Renaissance Italy is quite amazing as is the sheer size of the place. There's the small issue though - I'm not the most stealthy person there is, so I foresee a lot of my assassinations being messy and it would take a pretty stupid NPC not to detect my presence. :monocle:
LA Noire

It's alright, the facial features are amazing. Saw one person I actually noticed. Voice acting is spectacular, and trying to solve crimes is fun, but missing a question sucks badly.

I remember when I saw a trailer for it last year, I thought it looked fucking epic. I bought it recently and it's incredibly... decent. The controls feel a lot like Gears of War and the atmosphere feels like Megaman for some reason. I can't really give a good hard opinion on it considering I'm not that far into the game but I don't see this being one of those games I look back on with great fondness.
I decided to pick up The 3rd Birthday again and start a second playthrough because i'm bored right now. I'm glad this game is just a spin-off and is not apart of the PE series. It's not a bad game, but it's not good either. The story is a confusing ball of mess and the ending...don't even get me started on how much I hate the ending. -__-
The music is amazing and the gameplay is fun though. :/
Trinity Universe

Just finished off Alice: Madness Returns the other day, and I look at my games, thinking: what have I not finished yet? There is Ar Tonelico Qoga, Hyperdimension Neptunia, White Knight Chronicles II and Dungeon Siege III, the last of which I haven't even opened yet. What do I find myself playing, for the third time? Trinity Universe :ffs:

Ploughing through Kanata's story (quite literally, I'm not taking my time at all) so I can get the True Ending as Rizelea. Whilst I prefer Kanata's story for the humour and Tsubaki, Riz has something of an actual story, and more options available from the start...meteorites, etc.

I can't see why people don't like this game, this is how crossovers SHOULD be done. This is everything Cross Edge isn't.

Handheld-wise, I started playing Final Fantasy II on the PSP the other day, but progress is very, VERY slow in that. I just got the mythril, then lost the will to live and turned it off. Maybe I'll just skip it and go on to FFIII...
I am currently playing the Uncharted III beta. Usually with FFF buddies because it is a hell of a lot of fun. I thought level 25 was the cap... but I am seeing people over that. I really love it compared to UC II. It just seems more fun. On the side I am playing Final Fantasy XII Still trying to beat Cid. I will try today as I probably haven't touched the game in a full day or so. :hmmm:
Red Dead Redemption.
It's a really good game. A lot of fun too, it's a lot like the Grand Theft Auto series but it is a lot more compelling. I'm in Mexico at the moment, I've done all the Landon Ricketts and De Santa missions that were first available, there might be more later. The only criticism that I have is how long it takes to travel places, that can be a bit of a pain.
I am currently playing Dungeon Hunter Alliance for Playstation 3. I totally like playing this game. It's a total new experience for me since this is the first time playing this type of game.
I'm playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time. I started playing about two weeks ago and I'm near the end of disc 2. I'll probably finish it in two or three days.
Still playing Dissidia Duodecim. I restarted because I wanted to level grind a lot more, but then I stopped playing for a while altogether, and started up again recently :3
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