[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I just got NCAA Football 12 for the 360. A lot of new animations and AI enhancements are making the game kick ass. Only thing that sucks is this new installment seems to have nerfed Notre Dame.
Outland - PS3

Very fun game, totally different style of any platformet I've played. Some bosses are tough, controls are easy to get used to, and exploring is fun. I hope it's a lengthly game
Silent Hill 2

Got a lend of it this evening after a BBQ, only got to play about forty-five minutes worth but I am already enjoying it. Seems like it will be nice and creepy/unnerving, however the default controls are horrifying but one toggle from '3d movement' to '2d movement' makes the game much more playable.
Final Fantasy IX

Got the game on my PSP a few days ago. I beat this game when I was around 11 years old, and haven't played it since, so I was feeling as nostalgic as ever when I began playing it again recently. As I play though, I can nearly remember almost everything that I examined back as a kid, only back then I didn't pay as much attention to the dialogue, so there were a few things I came across recently that made more sense than they did before. :gasp: Another plus was that grinding was not my favorite thing to do when I first played it. Well, that's different now, and I haven't lost to a single fight yet. As to where I am, I just won the Festival of The Hunt at Lindblum, and I am about to leave to head off to Gizamaluk's Grotto (probably the place I hated the most back then). Man, it feels great to play this again . :ryan:
Final Fantasy X-2. Just went back to it after a really long time. I did say I would play it right after Final Fantasy XII as well. Yuna Rikku and Paine are all above level 50 now. I am at the start of Chapter V where Yuna just sang in hopes of getting Spira back together. The random encounters in this game are the worst. Considering I fought every battle, and that they are really easy and still net a good amount of exp. I think it is normal to be over 50 at this point. I may pass the game tomorrow as it looks like I am kinda nearing the end. I did play a lot and it does not appear to be such a long game. The random encounters every second are hellish annoying though.. but good exp nonetheless.
L.A. Noire

It's amazing. :gonk: I rented it off the Red Box just last night and I've gotten through quite a few cases so far, and the only reason I'm about to turn it off is because I haven't slept yet. :mokken: I'm hoping within a few nights I can finish the story since it is $2 a night to rent it, and the game in stores is still full price. If it takes me too long I suppose I'll have to just return it and wait for the price to go down to finish it.

I figured it'd get boring after a while, just looking for clues and interrogating suspects, witnesses and family members but Rockstar has a way of making the most repetitive things very fun. The story is excellent and I love how the game shows a lot of Cole's past, it isn't just some random detective shooting criminals.

Just an amazing game that I am not looking forward to bringing back. :sad3:
Tales of the Abyss

:hmmm: I really wish I didn't play Tales of Vesperia first because that game had amazing graphics and much better gameplay and now I am playing this older game and comparing it to ToV :(

I can't seem to get into it, the lack of Voice Acting and the ugly graphics are really bothering me, which is weird because usually I don't mind graphics.

The battling is not that fun because you dont get to run around the screen like ToV... I'll give it more of a go however and hopefully I'll stop comparing it to the other game :(
360 - Dragon Age Awakening and speed running through American Mcgee's Alice, couldn't defeat the second Jabberwock boss on Normal so opted to play through again on easy. -_-'

Ps3 - Final Fantasy XIII, I just want to finish this game at this point, but had to go back to Gran Pulse to grind until I get Hope to learn Haste because I can't beat Orphan I.

Ds - Dragon Quest IX, fun RpG, but I would've liked a Ps3/360 Dragon Quest game, probably would hold my attention more. I know there was meant to be a Wii version, but I think they gave up on it.

GBA - Golden Sun, love this game, and slightly different from other Jrpg's I've played, plus I like the puzzles.

PsP - White Knight Chronicles Origins, haven't played much into it, so can't really comment just yet, but seems alright for a PsP rpg. - Third Birthday - Pretty good action Rpg and I like how the gameplay has improved, compared to Parasite Eve II.

Ps2 - Okami, a few games I've been playing on the Ps2 lately, but decided to finally get around to finishing Okami.

Wii - Haha! I'm not sure, mostly use the Wii for Wii-Fit, but at least it gets used! Pretty sure it was Overlord Dark Legacy and the Metroid Prime Trilogy..

I'm not great at playing games all the way through, lol, unless it's Mass Effect or something like Lost Odyssey and keeps me hooked, or online co-op, but made it my priority to play through all the games I've bought. Some are just halfway finished, but then I end up buying more games and forgetting about them. ^^'
Currently i'm playing Resonance of Fate for the ps3 and trying to find a used copy of Phantasy Star Portable1 for the PSP.
FFV. As my first pre-PS2 FF game (and pre-PS1 game in general, though I am playing it on PS1), it has been very interesting. Love the job system thus far, and the storyline, though typical, has managed to be engaging.

Ps2 - Okami, a few games I've been playing on the Ps2 lately, but decided to finally get around to finishing Okami.

There's one I feel bad about not finishing :cry: I was hooked, but then I hit a wall (very literally) that I just couldn't get through. I come back a couple of years later and the wall is magically easy, but now the game lost that hold.
Before I left for my trip I was working on Demon's Souls, cursing it quite a lot for its lack of checkpoints and the idea of running through entire levels to get to my stinkin' souls. But I still really like it.

Now that I'm away from my console though, I'm going to be running through Bioshock again, or doing some more shit around Portal 2, to see how much I can piss GLaDOS off :p Hopefully the laptop won't fry from either.
Just got Catherine recently, been playing it nonstop. I'm on either the 5th or 6th day, and it gets frustrating. I'm playing on medium, and it's damn difficult. A couple bosses freaked the hell out of me, a pretty interesting game nonetheless
There's one I feel bad about not finishing :cry: I was hooked, but then I hit a wall (very literally) that I just couldn't get through. I come back a couple of years later and the wall is magically easy, but now the game lost that hold.

Yeah I think I know what wall you mean, had that problem myself then after so many tries decided to look it up, and there's a loophole to avoiding that guy. I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about by now though. I'd say go back to playing it, it's worth it, and pretty easy to get back into after so long away, left it for a while myself for other games, but glad I got back to it.

On topic -

XBLA - From Dust - Populous type games don't normally appeal to me, but this looked quite cool from the trailers, and turned ever so addicting. When I say Populous, of course I do mean Populous: The Beginning. I've only played the trial, but might get the full game in a while.
I am currently flicking between two games, one of which i play on my own, and the other i tend only to play when my friends are chilling at mine.

Dead space 2: never played the first one, but am enjoying the story and game play of DS2, great fun especially considering you can blow all of your enemies limbs off, i just find it so amusing. hacking off both of a creatures arms and watching it try to kill you is just amazing. the online play is cool, and im enjoying experimenting with the different weapons you can buy, personal preference at the moment is definitely the javelin gun, launches large spikes that you can then charge with Electricity, great for pinning foes to walls and running a few thousand volts through them. . . lots of fun.

WWE Smackdown VS raw 2011 - the Game i play mostly when my friends are round, im a fan of the WWE and my friends enjoy it for the fact of it's a beat 'em' up without the people having mystical powers, and the variations you can put in the matches is just amazing, the weapon selection is brutal and the characters (for the most part) are muscle bound psychopaths, so everybody is a winner.
Errrr... Playing through Final Fantasy IX again but I haven't touched it in a month :| Going through a few floors of Tartarus in Persona 3 Portable every so often (only half way through the game Dx)... And I'm halfway through Darksiders on the PC. Legend of Zelda mixed with God of War so it's fun.
At the moment, I'm juggling Dragon Age: Origins and White Knight Chronicles II on PS3. I've not very far in the former; just woken up in Flemeth's Hut. Going with a ranged Rogue this time, because it's quite a fun little build. I'm still on the original WKC, and still stuck in Albana...well, I can go out to the desert at any time, but since I know there is a boss coming, and since the White Knight inexplicably lacks all his decent moves this time around, I'm going to grind up to level 15 or so...provided my patience holds out. It's a fairly fun game, just frustratingly tedious at times...and giant talking frogs? Seriously? What is even more alarming is that the Don has the best voice acting yet...
Finally playing through Dragon Quest IX on an actual DS instead of the Japanese version on my computer. I'll probably swap between this and Persona 3 now.
Dead Space 2. Slowly but surely making my way through this game and recording all my progress on my Youtube. It's not as scary as the first, but I'm still enjoying it very much.

Not sure what I'll play after this, though. :sad3: Will be a tough choice as I have a very large backlog of games I need to work through.

Started a 4 player co-op with a couple of my friends. I just wanted to play a co-op game that was fun, and I haven't played it with 3 others before. I'm enjoying it, but having some damn trouble with the bastards a couple levels higher than me
FF IX on PSP. I've just been in the mood for comforting games lately, games I know I love already. I want to play X and VIII again too, games that feel like a big hug!

They're my equivilent of comfort eating!
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