Got my copy of Deus Ex Human Revolution today and played it when I got home I'd already played the leaked beta back in May, but they've made some pretty big improvements to the game since then. For one it isn't a shoddy POS 360 port with the weapon bar tacked onto it like the beta. And the graphics have been improved a lot. the cutscenes could scale better, but they aren't as bad as the beta. I could spend hours just running around the Detroit hub finding things to do and earning EXP for praxis points by leveling up. I took my time doing the side quests and spent about 4 hours doing them all and other things like killing these two guys with their own refrigerator for pulling their guns on me. I was just exploring I'm a mix of tactical and assault. I have my tranq rifle for silently picking off enemies, and my pistol or shotgun for when things get a bit heavy. I'm in the area that the beta ended, so by tomorrow if I don't play Tales of the Abyss instead, I'll finally see what happens next. Great game. Better on the PC, of course. And so far, it's a worthy successor to my favorite PC game of all time.