[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm playing Little Big Planet

Its soooooo cute and it never gets old. Theres no cap on the limits of creation when you make your own levels (which I should probably get around to doing because it sounds fun :britt:)

I've made a few cute outfits for my sackgirl and I've gotten pretty far in the story. The only thing I'm not nuts about is how its so hard to complete and get 100% of the treasures from each level. I've found I really need some of my friends online to be able to get everything because when I try to get them with the randomers online they usually have no clue what to do and run right past all of the unlockables :(

The multiplayer, I will say, is ridiculously fun omg :awesome: I love playing online with other people on the forum...we've slapped each other off of cliffs...blown each other up...and hit each other with frying pans to no end :lew:
Playing Metal Gear Solid 4 for the second time. It's the only MGS game from the main series that I've only finished once. It's a really good game, but not quite as good as the other ones in my opinion. I'm at the beginning of Act 3 so I still have a fair way to go.
I finally got Little Big Planet 2 in the mail yesterday so now I'm playing that.

Ohhh this is so much better than the last one...really, I didn't think they could improve a whole lot from the original but they did :ohoho:

The world is much bigger in this game...the outfits are really very cute...and it seems like there are more people online with the second game than the first. There is also a considerable increase in difficulty from the first game. I was told it was going to be hard but I was still a bit shocked :gasp:

It is a lot of fun though, and I do recommend it. The customizations for your sackperson seem to be endless and the music in the game is very very good. I was shocked when I heard a few that I knew...especially Rock Your Body Rock by Ferry Corsten :lew:

Love this :inlove:
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Picked up my DSi XL the other day...am now replaying Luminous Arc, for lack of something else to do. Ridiculously easy, but rather relaxing, and something fun to do whilst I decide between Pokemon Platinum and HeartGold...

Still hammering away at Trinity Universe on my PS3...finished Kanata's story, have now moved on to Rizelea's. Despite being ten levels below everyone else, Flonne has more attack than any of them. All hail downloadable content. Currently on chapter 4, drifting some dungeons...I'd very much like a Platinum trophy on this, so I need to keep track of these things for the true ending...

...oh, and I keep borrowing my mother's iPod to play the Tetris app. The remix of Type A is rather good, will have to see if I can find it for download...
...I ought to get back on Star Ocean. At this rate I will forget where the heck I am in the game and what I should be doing next. -__-

Still on Assassin's Creed 2. I've done the Arsenal Shipyard extra level (to get in there I had to go within the walls of the Arsenal Shipyard itself. I spent about twenty minutes baffled as to how I could actually get in - even needing to swim around the entire area itself - until I realised that there was an entrance just there. I felt like turning off the game in shame), so that means I've done all the three extra levels that came with this edition of the game. I've now got half of the seals needed to get Altair's armour and about 30% of the feathers (Petrucchio! :rage:). I'm into the 10th sequence now, having finished the 9th one not too long ago. Damn, the 9th sequence was perhaps the most annoying one yet. The timed free-running minigame mission thing - the need to actually be stealthy to do Marco Barbarigo in, it took me several tries to actually pull off, and they were perhaps the most awkward tries ever. :lew:
Fable III.

A lot of people were very disappointed with this one, but in most ways I think it's a major improvement on Fable II which I also enjoyed a lot. Sure there are some things I feel they could have worked on a bit more and I think just standing back and blasting things with magic or your gun is way overpowered compared to melee weapons (oddly this was much more balanced in previous Fable games) but overall I enjoyed it a lot. The storyline was great, the voice acting fantastic, and the humour and environments leagues ahead of most other games.

I've played it so much that I now own every single building in Albion, shot all the gnomes, and is now working my way through the DLC and I still want more :)
Still playing Final Fantasy XII but it was on break for a bit. I returned to it just before and after fighting Cid numerous times from where I left off... yep that is right I did no grinding on the imperials. It took me awhile... but I eventually beat him and was so happy because I thought I was stuck. From my understanding, I was a pretty low level.. but not so low at the same time. I thought his crazy attack would have owned me.. but it only did 800 to everyone. I truly am good at Rpgs.. because even at low levels, I prevail! Now I just found the savepoint in Balfonheim port. Goodbye draklor laboratories. I fucking hated you so much and Cid, but now never again am I ever thinking of playing draklor again.
Parasite Eve I've only played a demo of this game way back when FFVIII was still pretty new (or was it IX?) I'll be honest, one of the main reasons I got this game was because I knew Yoko Shimomura is the composer!! I'm only about 2 hours into it, and really enjoying it. The battle system is pretty different than what I'm used to, and the music, oh my god I love it. I think I'll play this to the end, or at least try to, died on an early boss a couple times
White Knight Chronicles II

Played the last one last year and it was good. Thought I'd give the second one a go now =D
I'm currently in the middle of three games. I just kinda keep trading off between them.

1) Valhalla Knights 2 - It's kinda like Monster Hunter in terms of gameplay. Starts off kinda slow because if you just run in and try and beat down on monsters in continuous battles you're just going to get your ass handed to you over and over again which makes it a little frustrating because it's hard not to get anxious when you're pretty much confined to the same areas until you can get high enough in level to not die. But I do like the game so far.

20) The 3rd Birthday - It's Parasite Eve 3... But it's not Parasite Eve 3. I'm a casual fan of the series. I bought the first game about a year or so ago and played it only up to a certain point. Then I got kinda bored with it and gave it to a friend since he seemed to get more enjoyment out of it than I did. It wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't my thing. I don't really remember enough about the second game to really give a decent thought on it so...yeah. This game's good though. It's a nice little PSP shooter, survival-horror game. It kinda takes me out of the survival horror experience, however, when every thing is flashy like it's a FF game but it's made by Square-Enix so what should I really suspect. I look forward to finishing it.

3) Silent Hill 2 - I'm really behind I guess because I'm only just now getting around to playing this game. I just hope it lives up to it's reputation as being the best in the series. Its had some creepy moments now and then and the story line's interesting enough to keep my attention so far. Though the dialogue is a little awkward. But it's a Japanese horror game. So, it's not like it's unusual.
Halo 3 and Saints Row 2

Trying to finish Halo 3 on Legendary (have had some good laughs lol, i did the fourth campaign mission drunk and it was surprisingly a breeze) and thinking about renewing Xbox Live to get some co-op achieves with one of my warrior forums buddies from the battle.net World of Warcraft forums.

Tried to do the Tow Truck to finish off Blue Collar, but fuck I suck at it.

It's pretty amazing so far, I have never played anything else like it in my life. The artistic design is gorgeous and the puzzles are really clever and not irritatingly obvious like they are in most games. Storyline seems pretty awesome so far too

Resident Evil

Accidentally saved over the file that I was playing through on professional, so I have to start that again.

After years of ignoring this game, I thought I'd give it a shot. I've looked up pictures of this game, wasn't very impressed, now that I'm playing it, I love how it looks. I had no idea the game was that old. I have no idea who the composer is, but they've done a great job. I don't know why, but the battle theme reminds me of FFXII in many ways, probably just me. I'm a couple hours into it, getting exciting
It's still a lot of fun and a very good game. I'm 60% through the game according to the save menu so there should be some nice scary zombie things coming up soon. My TV is incredibly shit so most of the time I only have the vaguest idea of where I'm aiming so that is adding an additional challenge.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

After floundering about with a huge disinterest in any particular game for a while I've decided to give this one ago. Some of the menus are a bit cumbersome but all in all I'm having fun. The battle system is classic Strategy RPG goodness and the characters/story are pretty interesting from the get go. Hope the game keeps up the momentum!
Mostly Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes on PS3, because I can't seem to concentrate on a game for any longer than half an hour at the moment, so short bursts of utter carnage are perfect for my mood. Currently doing Kanbe's story...figured I'd get it out of the way. Kanbe is probably my least favourite character, because he's horrendously slow, and his moves are awful.

Also started a new file on Dragon Age: Origins last night...dunno how far I'll get with that, though. Handheld-wise, I'm back on Final Fantasy Tactics A2...although I may give Dragon Quest IX another stab somewhen soon.
Secret of Mana

I was going to put on AC: Brotherhood the other night, but when I realised that I had to painfully lean over to swap out the Wii cables for the PS3 ones from the back of the TV, I couldn't be bothered to do that. So instead, I decided to visit this game again. I've had it on my Wii for a while and I've neglected to play it for a couple of years. My first impressions are: I love its visuals. It's classic SNES goodness with a colourful palette and fun 16-bit tracks that totally reminds me of how fond I was with my old SNES console. The odd menu system, occasional AI idiocy, tiny bag space for items and lack of description as to what a certain item does drags the game down a bit so far, but I'm still loving it, even if monsters hit hard on my other two party members, killing them regularly now and then in this castle dungeon.
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