[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I am currently playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I spend hours playing it with my friends on Adhoc Party. It's a great game to play with friends.
Command and Conquer: Red Alert

Yeah, the first one, for the old PS1. I've had my PS3 for 6 months and never realised you could play PS1 games on it... and now I've realised, I'm taking advantage.
This game is aaaace, it's so hard though, games nowadays are nowhere near as difficult as they used to be :gonk:
Pokemon White. I have been playing this since I got it this morning. Not trying to rush or anything xD. I am currently at the 4th gym now and Pokemon Black and White has really great changes. SO real now! Pokemon actually sleep when they are sleeping! Yes they finally close those eyes after 4 generations of hand held games XD. The new battle system is lovely. The Pokemon moving in battle and having different stances is what I always wanted and I am glad they finally implemented that. It feels great playing Pokemon again :ryan:. As for most of the horrible designs they aren't so bad in the official Sugimori art so I am getting quite used to them xD

Also playing Halo Reach on the side and going to be the rank of Legend soon. :ohoho:.
I have been playing Halo: Reach lately. I play with others, never liked playing a Halo game alone, seemed so boring.

I noticed a lot of things playing today. For some odd reason, when you pick to be a female, your bullets go off track a lot of the time. But oh well, its pretty fun when you have people to play with (friends xD)

I'm also playing Dissidia 012 (can't remember how to spell the other part, so I call it that). Its fun and definitely updated, but the lack of oldie characters irritates me. I put the game down today because my battery fell out and I had gone up so many levels... :C
Started up FFXIII again... only got to like, chapter 2 before I gave up again. BUT Lebreau will pull me through. <.< maybe. I don't like the beginning of the game before getting the Crystarium very much =/

Also been playing Pokemon HeartGold when I'm out, since I can take it with me and I'm sick of Mario... XD Not very far though, I don't think I've even done the third gym yet. o_O
Just got done playing FFVIII. I can now see why people enjoy this game. It took me a while to get into the flow of things, with the Draw/Junction deal, but when I did, it was easy. Rather enjoyed it, for being an old game.
Shadow Hearts II: Covenant.

Really enjoying playing this game, very interesting, and the character in it named Blanca is awesome (he is a white wolf).

Also, the main character can change into any one of quite a few different monsters, the back of the game case says over 20 different monsters, but I currently have 13 available, and I have played the game for well over 30 hours, about 33 I think...

It has two discs, and I am still on disc 1, I am thinking that it must be quite the long game, so yeah, that would definitely be great.

One annoying thing though, is that what the subtitles say during cut scenes with voices, and what they are actually saying, is so different so much of the time, not even close to all of the words that are being spoken, or even how they are saying it, some times. xD
I'm currently playing Okami on the PS2. thought id give it a shot seeing as my sisters bored with it, and the games uniquely different compared to the games im use to.
Going to play Dragon Age Origins as much as I can before I get my copy of Dragon Age 2. I only beat it once, going for the evil elf this time around
Command and Conquer: Red Alert

Yeah, the first one, for the old PS1. I've had my PS3 for 6 months and never realised you could play PS1 games on it... and now I've realised, I'm taking advantage.
This game is aaaace, it's so hard though, games nowadays are nowhere near as difficult as they used to be :gonk:

I loooove this game!

I'm playing Baldurs Gate on the pc. It's quite fun for an old rpg, I never completed way back when so I hope I don't get too distracted this time.
Valkyria Chronicles 2: Currently playing this and enjoying it quite a bit. It took me a while to get used to the somewhat different system and controls but it's still good though. The Missions are a nice touch. Not only is it good for extending the overall game time but it also gives you a good chance to learn more about your other units the more you use them. Currently I am starting the month of May.

Xenosaga Episode 2: I just started this one the other day. The battle system is the same yet different in some ways if that makes any sense. I really enjoy the new skill system though. This time I can actually make the characters whatever I want them to be so that is always nice. Currently I am SPOILERS
about to enter MOMO's subconscious domain.
Running up the final tower of Star Ocean: The Second Story so I can get to the top then go do some sidequests yet again. I'll always love this little gem of a game. Definitely recommend it for those who haven't played it.
Resident Evil 5

I started this from scratch again just because I wanted to go through the game on veteran on my first go but it is nearly impossible, I keep running out of ammo and Sheva keeps getting hit so I have to heal her all the time, still it is a good game and trying to fight off hordes of people with only a handgun can be very challenging. I still remember where all of the treasure is but I can never remember where the BSAA emblems are until it is too late and and I can't go back to the area where they are and I have to do the chapter again just to get them
I have finally got hold of FFI now that it's on the PSN store so I'm playing that. Put it down yesterday after I got killed because of paralysis, not cool.

Also playing a bit of Neptunia from time to time, mostly just for a bit of a laugh now though, and Dead Space 2 will be getting some attention soon as I bought it and have only played a couple of hours worth.

Got list of about 30 games I want to buy off of the PSN store including several C&C games and FFII as well... :gasp:
Just started Fable 3 again. Had some fun the first time around, being the good guy and all. Now it's time to be evil, mwahahahahah......... Hopefully it'll be much more fun
Just started Dragon Age 2 yesterday. That game is totally worth the $60 I payed for it. Yeah, it's kinda of a pain to level, but theres better skill trees than on Origins. The side missions are plentiful, so you could stray away from the main story for hours doing everything else.

Loving it so far. :ryan:
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

Well, I haven't actually played it in about a week but if I admit that I'm playing another MGS game, I'll scream.

Anyway, I think Baten Kaitos is one of those lost gems kinda games. Those games that were considered good when they came out but were quickly forgotten. It's got a nice design and the combat's pretty fun. Although, I'll admit that the overall game is alot more light-hearted than I imagined it would be. :hmmm:
So my bro recently dug up our old Sega Genesis and the hoard of cartridges we had for it, and we've been playing the fuck out of 'em. So much good retro shit. Some of the things from our Genesis collection:

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Spinball
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
The Ooze
Joe and Mac
Chuck Rock
Shinobi III
lolMcDonald's: Global Gladiators
lolMcDonald's: McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
Earthworm Jim
Halo: Reach, Pokemon Black, Final Fantasy 12 :-)P), Final Fantasy: Dissidia 012 and Final Fantasy III DS.

I like the first Dissidia better and the DS version of FFIII is pretty nice. I've been playing Reach and Pokemon Black more than the others though xD
im currently going through my 3rd playthrough of dragon age 2 as a warrior this time hopefully i can get the remaining acheivements i need to complete it

and im also replaying tales of vesperia
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