[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Dragon age origins- I'm already pretty far as an elf mage but normal was somehow pretty hard to do and I got bored running around in the same place so I started over again as a human rogue and done the things I forgot to do on the mage playthrough. Also just died a few times now, and I still don't get that xD this game is so addictive, I'm definetely gonna buy the second one as well.
Xenosaga Episode 1

Started this one about a week ago after having this one for over a year and never touching it. think I am somewhere towards the middle of the game. I'm enjoying the game so far. I really should have started this one sooner. While there are a lot of cutscenes in the game, it is not really a big deal. The graphics are very nice to look at. Especially considering the game came out nearly a decade ago now.
Suikoden II on PS!

I just played through the first Suikoden and now playing Suikoden II.... too bad they wont release this game for PSN or PSP for people...it was a great game...
But I think im going play through the whole suikoden series....
At the moment, I'm only really playing Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes on the PS3, casually. I've completed Magoichi Saica's story twice, and Motochika's once...just playing it as and when the mood strikes me. I have to say, the voice acting is superb, and all I really need right now to keep me amused until Dragon Age II is some mindless carnage. xD

Oh, I was playing Lord of Arcana (PSP) but I'm not really in the mood for another Monster Hunter esque game right now...I'm probably going to put it away for a few months and play something else...maybe Phantasy Star Portable II, or Tales of Eternia...Eternia sounds good right now.
I am currently playing FFXIII on Xbox 360, but have had to take a unscheduled break due to my xbox controller being stuck round a mates house -__-.
So now its been three weeks since I last played it but havent played anything since on any other console so FFXIII is the currently played game for me. :wacky:

Dragon age awakening.

I just had to buy this DLC, I didn't want the game to end, I'm 8 hours in the game with my female human noble character from origins and I love it. I just love to do sidequests and I actually didn't expect there was this much to do.
At the moment there isn't really a game I'm solely focused on now as the increase in studies in this term means that I've less time to actually go on the PS3 as much lately. I am alternately playing both FFVIII and FFIX though. The latter is probably my fourth playthrough of the game (because it's clearly awesome and deserves that much love) and hey, I'm still not bored with FFIX. It's genuinely one of the best Japanese RPGs you can find on the market. FFVIII, I've been a little slower on because I prefer its successor to be honest. That's not to say I don't enjoy FFVIII - I really do, and I've even found some enjoyment in drawing as many spells as I can from enemies. I am currently on Disc 2 and looking forward to the battle between the Gardens.
Xenosaga Episode 1.

Sadly I've owned this game but put off playing this game for over a year now, just like I did with FFIV and V go figure. It's pretty enjoyable. The characters are likeable, the story is interesting, the villain is a crazy SOB. One thing I do like about it is that it seems as though with some bosses it requires you to use a strategy instead of the typical pummel it until it dies and heal when needed. Go by that strategy and you'll get slaughtered very quick. Looking forward to episode 2. :neomon:
Phantasy Star Portable 2 - I finally decided to pick this up again after losing interest in it for awhile. I'm trying to S-rank all the story missions so I can get the Perfect Ending.

I'm also playing the Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity Demo (Japanese Version). It's fun, but I can't understand what the heck the characters are talking about. :sad3:
I can't wait untill this comes out in english. X3
Resonance Of Fate

I've seen some pretty bad reviews about this game, but I decided to get it. I'm not very far in the game, actually only learning about the battle system, seems pretty confusing, but I think it'll be worth playing once I get used to it
Final Fantasy VIII

just restarted this game again, plan on doing everything I can, thats all sub plots, side quests, cards, weapons, GFs Ultima and Omega and anything else I have missed.
Why because I need to complete this game. and i want too do it thoroughly.

as well as this I am playing a few other games for trophy building purposes :lew: so Killzone 2, inFamous and Dragonage (also in preparation for their sequels)
I am currently playing Halo Reach again. Just playing the fun multiplayer and such. Going to be Hero rank tonight :ohoho: and after that it will take an age to level up xD. Always a godd pass time though.
Persona 3 Portable - I'm really enjoying it. The way the female quest line was handled was damned near flawless in execution. Though the cutscenes were removed, it was also handled well. You're not really missing much of anything. In my opinion, it's the definitive version of Persona 3. I would recommend it to anyone.
Prince of Persia: Epilogue.

I don't care what anybody says! The Prince in this game is the best there is. Witty, handsome and useful in battle. :'D Sure, there are a few frustrations with him (like being unable to die) but I just find him to be a blastie blast of a character.
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Chrono Cross

I just got this game, heard very good things about it. I loved Chrono Trigger, and I hope it'll at least be a PS1 version of it. You can't go wrong when Yasunori Mitsuda composes for you. I also heard there is a very big cast of characters, most you can choose to get, and the ending depends on who you got. Once I go home, I'll play this the whole weekend!!
Dragon Age: Origins

I love this game so much. I'm hooked. It's a problem. :XD: You got the elves, the magic, the swords, the fighting, the epic humor, some sexy characters... :jess:
I just want to beat it before the sequel comes out... which probably won't happen because I'm not even halfway there (at least I don't think I am?)!
Agarest: Generations Of War

I started to play this game again because I have yet to finish it because when I started to play it the first time I got another game and finished it first and when I returned to play Agarest I forgot what I had done in it so I have started a new game and I am enjoying it better this time around because I am able to use the battle system better now and I am getting into the story more and I like the way you can make decisions on certain things as you play the game
Fallout New Vegas

I stopped playing this game for a while, so now I'm starting back up again. I hope I don't get to distracted by sidequests like I did last time.
Playing through some PKMN Yellow. I just adore the Kanto series, anime or otherwise. There's just some sort of feeling to it that the newer games (and overall show) does not have. Right now, I'm battling the Elite Four. :B
Infinity Blade (iphone), solitaire and MTGO.

quick games to help pass what little time i got when im not sleeping.
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