[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm trying to build a seaworthy boat in the Sims2 Castaway. Though I don't know where to get sandalwood.
Sometimes I play blitzball on FFX. I rarely, once a week, get to play FFXII.
Now I'm playing The World Ends With You. I really wish I had finished Final Fantasy III first, because after playing TWEWY, FF3 seems, well, boring.
I've started on FFVI now I have finally beat KH. The amount of times I have strated this game though and something goes wrong, I'm really beginning to get sick of the start of this game :gasp:

I'm only about half an hour in, but I'l get there.....eventually >_<
FFVII: Crisis Core...the battles system is a bit weird although I'll get used to it eventually, and the CGI cutscenes are amazing!


FFT:WotL, epic, epic, game although I'm only about 10mins into it. Amazing so far!
After being side-tracked with another run-through of FFX I've gone back into my backlog and am now collecting the Djinns/summons in Golden Sun: The Lost Age before I go ahead and finish it finally after like four years.
Currently playing Mana Khemia, battle system is like atelier iris 3 with a few additions, currently in chapter 6..
The multiplayer from GTAIV; and tomorrow i'll start playing Okami on the Wii.

It took me a while to found Okami, dunno why but it was really hard to find.
Okami was an amazing game...even though I haven't seen it in a while either :wacky:

Anyway, my cousin borrowed my memory card so I'm waiting to get it back before I continue with Crisis Core, so I started Final Fantasy 1 with my epic party :monster:

Jane ftw! ;)
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - My Life as a King.

I bought it th wednesday and i haven't stopped playing it since then. It's really addictive. I need to return and finish GTAIV still >>
I'm thoroughly addicted to The World Ends With You. I think its better than all of the Kingdom Hearts games...

Still treading through Persona 3.
I finished my finals, and I've got the majority of summer vacation to relax, so I've got a lot of time on my hands.

I'm playing a few different games now:

First there's Famicom Detectives Club II, which is a really good old mystery/horror visual novel. I'm getting close to the end of the game.

Second is Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga for the GBA, which is a pretty interesting RPG.

Third is Megaman Battle Network 1 for the GBA. I haven't played it in a while, though.

I'm also planning on sitting down and playing Radical Dreamers straight through, which is an old visual novel that's technically the sequel to Chrono Trigger and the game in which Chrono Cross is based on.

I'm also planning on re-playing Chrono Trigger with a fan re-translation.
-Pokemon Ruby, on GBA
Lol, haven't played this game in years...

-Metroid Prime: Corruption, on Wii
This is a good game, with some fairly good puzzles and bosses... not the best Metroid game but its good

-Dynasty Warriors 6, on PS3
FREAKIN' AWESOME GAME! Needs more Musou modes though...
I've just unlocked all the characters in Dynasty Warriors 6 and done all the stories I'd intended to ( can't really be bothered doing Dian Wei or Zhuge Liangs' ), and got a few more 4th weapons in Samurai Warriors 2. So to save me from becoming sick of Warriors games; I'll probably be moving on to my large collection of "still-to-be-finished" rpg's.
I finished SW2 a long time ago (I mean 100% finished; everything unlocked everyone lv. 50 etc. etc.), and Im just levelling up my guys in DW6... such an awesome game, it is!
I am currently playing Pokemon Dimand. I am almost done to I got 7 badges. So I'm pretty far in the game.
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