[V2] Last Movie You've Seen

The Dark Knight

Not seen it since I first watched it in the cinemas two years ago, but I was bored and decided to watch it because it was showing. It's probably one of my favourite films from 2008 and I enjoyed the performances of Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. I also loved Michael Caine and Martin Freeman supporting, some of their lines had me laughing at times. A great Batman film, couldn't have been better. Loved the dark themes to it and especially the unexpected ending.

Clash of the Titans
The first time I saw the trailer, I thought it was gruesome and bloody but it wasn't.
Not gruesome nor bloody, just full of greek mythology since it was about Perseus. It was so cool. I've read Greek Mythology and it really fascinates me :x3: Sam Worthington was great as Perseus, and Ralph Fiennes as Hades. Gemma Arterton playing Io was so beautiful! I never actually had an interest at Perseus before, but after seeing his story, I like him now :mrgreen:
All in all, it was a worthwhile movie.

Lost Boys

A pretty good film for the time it was made and they depicted the vampires back then very well as the ones shown today. Even though it may have seemed like a kiddie film, I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were a few laugh-out-loud moments and the characters were developed very well. The final confrontation had me quite surprised and I'd have never guessed that guy was a vampire leading them all. I'd definitely watch this again.

Martin Freeman supporting

Yeah, no. :wacky:

Last 2 films I've watched have been Spy Kids 3D and Hocus Pocus, just 'cause. Spy Kids amused me at the cinema due to the sheer "PUT ON YOUR GLASSES WHEN THE PLAYERS DO!" idea of 3D. Awful plot, awful movie. Sylvester Stallone, George Cluny, Antonio Banderas etc must have all been desperate just to get the film over with.

Hocus Pocus is a sheer classic as well, you never get tired of Bette Midler singing a verse of I Put A Spell on You :wacky:
Movie: The Expendables

Rating: M

Comments: Yeah - no.

I fell asleep through this. I couldn't figure out if it was because I was just that tired, or because it was just that boring. =/

Steve is forcing me to watch it again because he loved it and wants me to see the ending. XD

I may watch again but not anytime soon. >.<

The actors are all great actors, but the movie just didn't do anything for me.

Score: 5/10
Movie: The Lovely Bones
Rating: 7/10
Well, the book was definitely better in terms of the transition from heaven to the real world, but it's definitely a thrilling movie to watch. Although, it focused more on the after-life rather than the real world, which made it a little different from the book. Nearly made me tear up while watching this, tbh.

Prince of Persia

Honestly, I'm not playing the game even though we have it. But when I saw the movie yesterday, I found it seriously epic. It's actually funny, I love Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan. He does many jumping stunts and it's awesome, he's like doing Parkour, jumping from building to building. The fight scenes are really cool too. It's a good movie.

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Life Is Beautiful

Ahhhh..... gorgeous movie. I don't speak Italian, my landlords do and they yell at eachother in Italian everyday (in fact they are right now), I'm not really into foreign movies until my english teacher told me I had to watch this. She said it was the best historical fiction/foreign film ever. Then again, she's really into reading about the holocaust and stuff, I'm not, I just can't get into it, it's either it's too depressing or it bores me reading about the same scenerio over and over. But this, I love it SO much. Such funny and touching and beautiful moments, aww this movie made me laugh and cry. The story isn't your typical holocaust story, it makes you smile even in the worst of times... Oh... it really is beautiful. Great movie, I highly suggest.

The Prestige :monocle:

Very good movie, a lot darker than I would have expected, but very well told. My only real complaint was that the dialogue was too quiet in relation to the soundtrack, so a lot of the lines were difficult to hear even when the volume was turned all the way up :hmmm: But it was very good, a great dueling-magicians period film, and unlike some magic tricks in movies/TV, you do actually get to find out how many of the tricks are done, which is satisfying. Also, I'm not a huge fan of Scarlet Johannesen (sp?), so I would take off .5 for that; however this casting flaw is balanced out by the presence of David Bowie playing as Nikola Tesla, and Andy Serkis (Gollum) as his assistant :x3: It was awesome to see both of them in there :yay: So 10/10.
Fantastic Four

Watched this last night and it's still as good as the first time watching it. Love the cast, especially Chris Evans as Johnny since he proved a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. The action scenes were brilliant and even though I prefer the sequel, this is pretty good.

Movie: The Other Guys

Rating: M

Comments: Freakin' hilarious. XD

I loved every minute of this movie!

Now I know why Steve was laughing every 5 seconds the other night when he watched it. XD

I especially love the part where the guys are in Will Farrels Prius and his partners says he feels like he's driving around in a vagina or something. XD

Great movie!

Score: 10/10
Movie: RENT
Score: 8/10Comments: Can you tell? I absolutely adore this movie. It has a nice edge to it, and the songs are just amazing. I haven't watched the original Broadway version though, so I suppose my review is, in a sense, a little biased. :ryan:

The last excorism
Watched this at the cinemas yesterday and I gotta say I was kinda bored............Ok I'll admit I got scared, but only once it just shaked me thats about all the movie did or was trying to accomplish throughout.

The movie is basically about this girl who has been possesed by an evil devil...........and the whole movie is about getting the devil out by performing an exorcism.............Before I go on it's kinda weired calling it a movie when its set out like a documentary........It's not like a movie at all, more like documentary wise and during the scary parts you can hardly see anything because the camera is shaking.

But other than the scary parts it's just all talk....and almost like interviewing the girl,her father,his son etc etc.....I wouldn't reccomend this at all..........But thats just me horror movies never scare me sure I get shakes while watching it because its all of a sudden but nothing in the movie was terrifying once I walked out of the screen.

It might be just me who says me as it didn't scare me at all (except a minor shake).............however if you love horror movies and it scares you a lot why not go see it?
Ju-On: The Grudge

Pretty good. I saw a german Let's Play of the Game ("Ju-On" xD) and then I wanted to see the movie and it's pretty good. Now I understand the game, somehow.

8/10, because it's not the best movie I've ever seen.
But it's OK xDD

Was a pretty good film, the martial arts obviously drew me right in as a viewer. It highly reminded of the concept of Tekken, but had more of a deeper storyline. I loved Jean-Claude Van Demme in the lead role, especially since he played it very well being mysterious and deadly. I particularly liked Donald Gibb for being outspoken and giving a few laugh-out-loud moments. The last fight was quite gripping and even though it's a little corny, I liked the film. Full marks.

Seriously, the game was a million times better. The story was kinda different, it wasn't that action pack and there were only few characters from the game. i already had a feeling it won't be good, since a live action movie of a video games is a bad idea (except for Sin City, which my brother says was great) but I still watched it. Because I like Tekken, and was disappointed by the movie.

Watched this with my sister last night since we had no TV. It's just as good as the other times I've watched it and it still retains that element of mystery for the first half of the film. I particularly enjoyed from when Bella meets the Cullens and the dramatic showdown in the ballet studio. All in all, still a great film.

Bought some movie collection that includes three Jack Nicholson movies from 70's.
'The King of Marvin Gardens' is the movie from that collection i watched :)

I give it 9/10.
Too busy to write a review, go on and watch it :)
Spice World.

Yeah the Spice Girl movie. It's pretty terrible. No plot, lame jokes... However I love the damn thing XD

And honest rating would be 3/10

But I'd give it an 8/10 due to my enjoyment of it.
Peter Pan

Not the animated one, the live action one. I adore this film and all the roles were cast perfectly. I could never get fed up of this because it's so magical and beautiful. The story is performed fantastically and I especially loved Wendy this time around. The actress who plays her was brilliant in her role and I felt like I could connect with her during certain themes. A good conclusion and it makes you feel like an excited kid again.
