[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Started playing XIII-2 a few days ago. On episode four and thinking that the plot would have been better suited to a stand alone game than a sequel - it doesn't feel as if it fits the already established world/characters.
I am still in love with Final Fantasy II and III. Nothing can beat the classics. Was especially happy to see the versions on the iPhone
final fantasy X, I went to 2 stores but i found it, first time i tried to play it i lost on 3rd boss in the ruins, didn't have a memory card and forgot about that. So like an idiot, I was careless. Then i got 2 hours in,I had to go to bed so i left it on. The next day it got magically unplugged....WTF!!!!!!!!!!:raye: So i did it again and died on the plant fiend boss, i know to use Valefor now lol. I wil get a memory card today.
Final Fantasy X.

Lost count which No. Playthrough this is. xD Just arrived at Luca and just took a break at the first Save Sphere. Been grinding AP a bit in the Kilika Woods with Tidus, Yuna and Lulu, all just below 1000 HP now. Blitzball Tournament up next, I play so terrible at it. xD I've only won once and that was mainly luck on the shot and positioning.
I'm about 8-10 hours into XIII-2. Kind of waiting for my game guide to arrive from Amazon, hopefully by Friday.
I'm working on my 21st playthrough of IX.

I just finished my 20th last night! Not counting the 12 hour Excalibur 2 burnthrough. Still my favourite of the series just something about the three ps1 games stories that keep me coming back at least once a year
I'm playing FFVIII. I haven't played it before. So far, I'm only on disc one. Also, I like Squall and dislike Quistis, so far in the game :)
I also plan on starting FFVI after. :)
Oh and I left playing FFXIII. I think I'm on chapter 11. I'll probably try and finish that sometime. I also want to play Dissidia 012 so I have a few things to do.
I'm also on my second playthrough of Crisis Core but I'm near the end and I haven't finished it.. because of you know what.

Why do you have a picture of Nina Williams? :)
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Well I am playing through 5 It's I don't remember beating if I have or not. I just got the first crystal and the first set of jobs. :) playing it on my PSP and using my Final fantasy Anthology Guide Book.
I do get irritated about the save glitch but i think its add more to it like the original :) weird I know. I love this game so far!. I know galuf is replaced by Krile. :) but again I love this game :) one of my top ff even though I have not beating it.
Currently playing FF4 on my PSP. I've also got a save of FF10 going that I really need to get back to... Never get a chance to use the TV anymore. :P
Currently playing Final Fantasy I and VI on my GBA. I refuse to do them in order for some reason...

True, I never play them in chronological order of release (in fact, I never play them at all these days). But I can always point out the moron that takes playing the games in chronological order of release almost religiously, when in fact, the order in which you play them for the most part is largely irrelevant.
i had a few good things go down.. one.. i got my xbox controller to work on my laptop and two.. i got the original final fantasy for my computer via emulator.. so i been playing the crap out of it.. super bulked my guys up.. am level 21 and just the the jolt tonic to wake the elf prince to get the mystic key.. i wanna be level 30 before i go any further :)
I play only the Final Fantasy games on playstation from Origins/Anthology, and all the way to when I stopped at X. Currently I am in the middle of 8, and soon I will restart 9 which I never had a chance to finish-
I just bought Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection on PSP, cause I heard so much good about IV. I'm not too far in yet,
Cecil just obtained his Paladin-shipness
only about 6 hours, but I really am enjoying myself so far. I have died a couple times cause I wandered into areas using the airship that I assume you're not supposed to be in yet. XD
FF Tactics for the PSP
(I have a feeling I'll be playing this game for a good portion of the rest of my life.)
This time around, I've named my characters after people on House. So I got Ramza as House MD, and the rest of the squires are Wilson, Lisa Cuddy, Taub, and Kutner.
I know what your thinking...Awesomeness knows no bounds >_<
Final Fantasy V

Love the job system and felt the game was challenging enough to bring a sense of accomplishment. Surprisingly a bunch of content and ideas were brought to the table despite the game being on an older system.