[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

FF Crisis core...some days I swear i'll never get to the end of it...I did buy it when it came out but I work 3 jobs and mostly I sleep in my free time....

Dude how much money do you need.....3 jobs thats sounds just so excessive
but what ever you need to do to support your family,huh?

Oh i played FFXIII again it was fun and its out of the trade pile
Dude how much money do you need.....3 jobs thats sounds just so excessive
but what ever you need to do to support your family,huh?

Lol actually yeah lol I live in a tourist town so I have to slave every day for minimal pay rent for an efficiency apartment can be up to 900$ I have a car,car insurance,food bills,cable internet.....oh and a disabled parent I take care of...Im by no means middle class...your average poor bitch working to survive......
so if you average out my bills....
rent 1000$
car insurance 110$
cable internet 125$
1555. a month for those things alone one job I get 1200 a month average the other I get about 600 a month oh look I can have food! and the third is to pay for work cloths lmfaooooooooooo
I've recently just Finished XIII.

No other recent FF games.

I'd like to replay FFX sometime, but I lost the disc.
galaxyflair said:
Dude how much money do you need.....3 jobs thats sounds just so excessive
but what ever you need to do to support your family,huh?

Lol actually yeah lol I live in a tourist town so I have to slave every day for minimal pay rent for an efficiency apartment can be up to 900$ I have a car,car insurance,food bills,cable internet.....oh and a disabled parent I take care of...Im by no means middle class...your average poor bitch working to survive......
so if you average out my bills....
rent 1000$
car insurance 110$
cable internet 125$
1555. a month for those things alone one job I get 1200 a month average the other I get about 600 a month oh look I can have food! and the third is to pay for work cloths lmfaooooooooooo

Let's try and keep the thread on topic please. Any further off-topic posts will be deleted. Thanks. :)

I'm currently playing through FFIV again. I'm playing the SNES version which of course has a lot of funny translations. After playing the PS version, I noticed that a lot was left out of the original NA release of the game. I'm still having a blast though. ^.^
Still playing FFXIII. 78 hours later and I still have 8 Cie'th stones left. Then I have to go back and 5 star the ones I haven't already. And I have to 5 star the final boss. Then I have to max out the crystarium (if not already done), and get every weapon and accessory in the game.

I swear to god, I'll easily hit 100+ hours on this game...
Final fantasy III. Just training before the crystal tower and trying to master the jobs :D

Final Fantasy X. Trying to beat all the dark aeons, nemesis and penance without Yojimbo. Only Nemesis, Penance, Dark Bahamut and Dark Anima left.
million miles an hour stuff hey...Im happpy with just one job and thats enough for me.....

IM still playin FFXIII hehe

You may have one of mine if you get bored with just the one

Currently playing FFVII.

Try and stay on topic or expand your posts a bit please guys, please remember this isn't a spam section ^^

Well, despite my PS2 deciding to act up, I'm replaying FFIX. I'd forgotten how much I really love the game, and this time, I'm getting really into Chocobo Hot and Cold. I'm on Disk 2 and I've just kicked Zorn and Thorn's assess. It's really fun to play and the hours fly. xD
FFXIII for me. I'm currently in Chapter 9, but haven't played it in over 2 weeks I'd say. I can't wait to get back into it, but I've been spending most of my time with friends back home playing Modern Warfare 2.

I'm pumped to get into free roam play in Chapter 11 and venture into missions and all. The plots really good and I knows there's tons more for me to experience.
Currently playing Final Fantasy VI. Surprised I haven't played this earlier, its a terrific game. Been too busy working on other FFs like IV (which I gave up at the very end because I really disliked the game) to play it, I guess.
I'm becoming quite powerful and I've been on a roll. Last week I rebeat FFVII, now I'm on disc 3 of FFIX. FFX is probably next. Feels good to refresh my knowledge of FF games.
Currently playing Final Fantasy XIII, it has been great fun, I am just a little ways into Chapter 11, saved just before you encounter Vanille's Eidolon Hecatoncheir, which I have had to go back and get many tens of thousands of CP to strengthen characters, most importantly Vanille and Fang for the battle against the Eidolon, even though it's attack pattern is predictable, the power of the attacks at first were way too much for the two of them to survive, now Vanille has 2995 (I think) HP currently, and she is the team leader during the battle, so that is most important that she survives, Fang could just assist in getting the Gestalt Gauge up quicker. >.>

Normally Fang is crucial to keep right in the thick of battle, she can dish out huge damage with her high Strength, so she is key to quick kills. ;)
Still playing FFXIII. I finished the game and now I am leveling up and trying to finish their roles to level 5 and get more 5 stars for Cieth stone missions. Also have to beat most of the A rank missions which are a pain. >.<
I'm currently playing final fantasy 8 and final fantasy 1 on my nes emulator.
I wish I had a real nes, then I could get a chance to play one of the first rpgs ever on the proper console
Final Fantasy X-2.

Chapter 1, 18% finished. Going for a 1-play 100% game.

Really good game, I don't see why so many people dislike it. Sure, the storyline isn't that great, but as a whole, the game is really good. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Again.