[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Right now Im playing FFx. I forgot how much I love the sphere grid leveling system that is used in the game. Looking foward to maxing it out.
Right now I'm playing Tactics Ogre, but once I'm done that I'm gonna pop Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions into my PSP. I adored the original Tactics; I'm sure the remake will appease me just as well.
Final Fantasy IV right now ... unfortunately never played anything before VII. That's where I started, a little hard to get back on the old school 16-bit graphics but couldn't be happier to play an actual turn based game again!

I've heard the story and characters to IV is what makes it one of the best. So far both the characters and story is meh ... Hopefully something will come up and give it a nice shake. Then to play FFIV: The After Years. :D
Right now I'm playing through FFVI for the upteenth time on my PSP. ^^ (I even play it on lunch break at work teehee) It's just as good as I remember. <3
Right now I'm playing through FFVI for the upteenth time on my PSP. ^^ (I even play it on lunch break at work teehee) It's just as good as I remember. <3
I'm thinking of completing VI after completing the side-quests in XIII-2 (I'm a XIII-2 lover I'm afraid. ;)) Either VI or VII. Both have been fantastic so far, with excellent characters and an excellent story. Which would you recommend? :)

I'm still on XIII-2. I've completed the main story and now feel like completing the side-quests. :)
I'm thinking of completing VI after completing the side-quests in XIII-2 (I'm a XIII-2 lover I'm afraid. ;)) Either VI or VII. Both have been fantastic so far, with excellent characters and an excellent story. Which would you recommend? :)

I'm still on XIII-2. I've completed the main story and now feel like completing the side-quests. :)
People actually like that awful game? *gasp* Ce la vi~ I'd recommend VII over VI though. As much as I like VI, VII has the better story and characters. n_n
I just finished Final Fantasy V because its awesome probably my favourite final fantasy but at the moment ive just started FFVI and ive just met Strago and Relm :)
I'm replaying FFXIII. It's hard because there are so many times I just want to quit and move onto something significantly better. Then, I hit a moment in the game where I'm actually enjoying myself... and then the cycle continues. I won't lie, it's a much more fun experience playing it the second time around since I have different expectations.
A bit of a status update on my FFVI game that I'm (still!!) currently playing. Atm I'm only lvl grinding in the WoR in Dinosaur forest since my characters are all in the mid 40s and have only like 3k health. )':

The only characters I have left to get is that mime, Locke, and Cyan then onward to Kefka's tower. Dx I'll be happy to finish this game in all honesty, it plays so slowly and is kind of a chore. Sorry FFVI fans! ^^;
I'm replaying FFXIII. It's hard because there are so many times I just want to quit and move onto something significantly better. Then, I hit a moment in the game where I'm actually enjoying myself... and then the cycle continues. I won't lie, it's a much more fun experience playing it the second time around since I have different expectations.

Absolutely agree with this. My Subsequent playthroughs have been much more enjoyable than the first time. Skipping tutorials helps too.

I'm tackling FFXIII-2 right now, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Bums me out that the better gameplay mechanics had to be delivered in a sequel. I also remember reading articles where the designers said they cut an entire game out of FFXIII. I wonder what that game was like...
Currently playing VI,VII,VIII and IX on my PSP. Alternating alot D: I should just pick one to replay rather than doing little bits of each at a time. I lost my PS2 memory card too so I have to reply X and XII again (and possible X-2 ¬_¬). Ah! I have to defeat all the Dark Aeons again! Give me strength...
Right now I am replaying VI. After that I think I will give II another go since ive only played that one once.
ive got my FFIX file on hold at the mo, after i died and realised id not saved for ages :ffs:

Its been put aside for FFXIII-2 Im not too far in, I never really seem to have the time to get a proper session on it. I dont really wanna elaborate as its still a new game, but Im enjoying what Ive layed so far, and i like recruiting the monsters and putting silly hats on them
I'm playing FF5. The game is interesting I like it. I'm putting it on my top 5 final favorite games. Also I'm playing ff7 forever. YES!! I'm not much into the games as I have been but I play every now and then...:kelly:
im currently playing XIII-2 trying to platinum it... im currently trying to get all fragments and i only have the quiz stuff left DX god its a pain in my arse but its still an all out great game and i love it ^_^
FFXIII- 2 Not played for a week or so, I got a bit but hurt when i got killed on or near the final boss. Trophy wise, Ive still got a fair bit to go, the casino and amassing the chips is really beginning to piss me off
I'm playing 13-2...and the slots are killing me! I just needed one more jackpot earlier! One more bloody jackpot! *grumble grumble*