[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: A-okay

I wouldn't say great, but oh well. Had the most horrible day at work, friggin' manager needs to get shot. (That's not funny, but seriously). I told them I wasn't gonna come in tomorrow, so I don't have to wake up early to call in. I felt sick this morning, 'not sick enough to not go in to work' but enough to have me not wanting to go. I got 4 hours of sleep, though no one picked up. So I just went, and collapsed for an hour when I got home. Drained.

I'm just relaxing with a glass of coke now, and just finished watching Spread - really great movie. I'm considering watching another one... Which to watch, which to watch... I'm feeling so-so. =]
Mood: Good

: Our little four and a half hour nap last night made us feel quite awake and we ended up staying up until 2:30am this morning.

Just got up and it's 11am and Steve's about to head out with his mates and I am going to sit in my bed watching all those DVD's I've bought lately but not yet watched. >.<

I totally forgot that I have Sabrina season 6 waiting to be watched. I HAVE to get that out! :gasp:

I kinda want to go to the shops too, but I know I will only spend money that I should be saving. >.<

I barely slept a fucking wink last night, i dunno what its been about the last few months. But ive spewed more in the last couple than i have my entire life. Last night i was waking up every half hour rushing to the toilet.
Hehehe though im not at work 2moro anyway, though i am back on tuesday :ryan:
Mood: Bit tired

Slept in until 11am and then did nothing all day really. Probably made myself tired by being lazy around the house.

As crazy as it sounds, I'm glad I have work to go to five days of the week. It makes me appreciate coming home and sticking a DVD on and having a snack.

When you're doing that all day on your day off, it gets repetitive and not as enjoyable as it should be. I got bored with it after a while.

I need to do various things often, otherwise I lose interest fairly quickly.

This is why I can't understand people who only have casual jobs and aren't studying or anything. It's either you work full-time or you're working part time whilst studying. I honestly don't see the point in only working part time. It's kind of pointless in my opinion. =/ Wouldn't be saving much money and you wouldn't be working towards anything during your time off either.

Unless of course you have a child to take care of or something. But if you're on your own I don't get it unless you honestly haven't been offered/found a full time job or something. >.<

My headache has come back and I took two advil for it. Still here. <_<
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Thats quite the post ma'am.

Mood: Anxious........kind of spoiling for a fight.

A bunch of Teenagers just walked down my street and made a lot of noise and on there way they blew up an old TV out for hard rubbish and then parked themselves in front of of the local Bottle shop......probably gonna spray paint it or something lol

There a lot of them aswell maybe 20, the point is a lot old people live around me place and if they star trouble I think Im obligated to fight them of?

Could get interesting.
Mood: Happy

Reason: I did something slightly stupid that could have turned out to be pretty good for me. I'm feeling pretty relaxed today after a big lie-in (that was well-needed, I was shattered last night)
Next exam is on Tuesday, but it's not something I can revise for really so I'm fairly confident I'll do okay on it, and I don't have to do much work towards it.
Mood: Content

Reason: It's the end of a really good week, Ive probably put about 20 stone on mind, but Ive had such a well needed break from Ellie and the internet. Ive not really stopped since like, last Friday, and it's been ace. I really can't wait to find a fucking job, I dont wanna slip back into the same old routine of doing piss all all bloody week because I cant DO anything else..
Anyway, had a right laugh at Sues last night, stuffed my face and drank a whole bottle of vodka, Im amazed I drank the LOT bar one which clare had. Tbf, I think all the food I ate soaked up an awful lot haha
Back home now, not before coming back via Ashton and hangover splurging on a gold ipod called Louise <_<

edit* I hangover splurged again, paid off my credit card, Im appallingly skint right now ]:
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Mood awesome. Im so proud of myself on Halo 3 now. Finally fucking leveled up after having that 47 for a long time. what is it 1 year now xD. I have gotten so much better now. So ima studay a bit now. Well for french I dont really need to because you cant study its just writing and reading :lew:
Mood: Hot and Sweaty..

Reason: No not like that either, 2nd day in a row to run in this damn humidity. Apparently it's, feels like: "107 degrees F", actual "94 degrees F." Today ran 3.16 miles, and yesterday ran 4.38 miles.

So doing alright, lost a good 7 lbs in the last 2 days. Got 16 more to lose before December. Yeehaw..
Mood: :hmmm:

I got an unpleasant wake up call from my mother this morning. I swear my family has more drama than a daytime soap. :hmph:

Half the conversation has me worried and the other half has me annoyed. I'm not really sure which has the upper hand yet. :hmmm:
Mood: Sick

Reason: Had too much food before and now I feel awful. I'm hoping it'll pass really soon as well, though it could be down to the fact I had that Coke at work today. Needed it since I knew I was in for a long day, anyway. Just going to hope this sickly feeling in my mouth goes away soon. >_>
Mood: Crappy-ish

Reason: Hayfever is a bitch. It's hard to concentrate on my artwork if I'm having to sneeze or blow my nose every minute or so.

Also I'm becoming rather overly-worried nowadays. I have a couple of friends who are going through shit in their lives. Naturally I don't want to envisage them in moods like this. But I'm trying to stay positive though because they don't want me to be worried because of them.
Mood - Urgh

Well the power in the whole street went out at Midnight and it's not back till 2pm, apparently. So I feel gross cause I haven't been able to have my daily shower, and I'm pretty bored
Mood: Sad

Reason: My great grandmother is dying of blood cancer and it's absolutely destroying me inside. She's one of my last two grandparents as well, so it's devastating to think that another one is going to die. I've been anxiously waiting for a call or text for news of what's happened, but nothing so far. I've also slept terribly because the nerves in my stomach prevented me from doing so most of the night. I need a distraction because I feel like I'm going to have another breakdown again. >_>
Mood: Tired

Weird sleeping pattern has made me tired all weekend.

Even though I had nice sleep ins, my body is still worn out.

I need to start working out. I intend to finish off my home gym for my birthday. Need a couple of more exercise machines and then I'll be finished.

Work again tomorrow and I sorta can't wait strangely enough.

I need to do something productive. >.<
Mood: Bored/Tired/Annoyed

Reason: Even though I went to sleep around 10 last night, I'm still freaking exhausted. I've got to go in and take a test this morning, and I'm not sure how long it's going to last, but I hope I'll get out of there quickly. -__- Can't wait to come home and take a nap.
Mood: Nervous/Aggravated

Reason: I'm supposed to be getting my exam results soon. The e-mail I received on Friday said "shortly" which is about the most helpful time frame I've ever seen, and the wait is driving me CRAZY. I want them NOW, but I'm extremely worried that I need to be careful what I wish for, since I have no idea how I did and I really, REALLY do not want to fail anything. As a result, I've been unable to concentrate on anything this morning, and my patience is stretched to its limits ._.
Mood: Happy :awesome:

Reason: I got a Distinction in the BTEC in public services I did which is worth 4 GCSEs. I didn't do it through school so I have 4 more GCSEs than all of my friends and a distinction is the highest grade you can get :griin:
I hope I do as well as that in my actual exams :hmmm: