[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Thrilled :x3:

Reason: Today is the last day of school :dance: Now I can kick back and relzx unti I get a summer job. Summer should be great :ryan:
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Because of 'a friend' who doesn't have his own opinion. He pisses me off because of that. I just have to say that I like this and that and he likes it too and doesn't stop talking about it so he thinks he impresses me. Also when he says something negative about something and I say it's cool he always agrees and changes his opinion. Jesus... My best friend is annoyed by him as well because she clearly sees he copies me.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Went for a run, though it nearly killed me, so it wasnt much of a run..... trying to get in shape stinks. Cut my grass at last as well, so now I have dead arms, i woke up far too early this morning as well, and ended up dozing til gone dinner time, i hope the gardening and running has knackered me out enough to sleep tonight. I also came on today and have a massive spot on my chin -__-
Mood: bah. Study study and more studying. I dont need to study for tommoroq but wednesday. Tommorow is french and its an exam that requires no studying. Math part 2 on wednesday I have to study for :gasp:
My Mood:

Getting a new TV today!

Going to play Final Fantasy XIII on a HD TV going to look amazing..........

Or I could just invite my friends and watch a match............Who's playing later today in South Africa?
Mood: Crappy

Reason: I'm no better than this morning. The only distraction I've had so far today was shopping for some food and bought two books for £7 while I was at it. On the other hand, I feel so sick right now. I want to hurl, but I'm one of those who can't throw up unless it's extreme. And that really sucks right now. >_>
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I could hardly sleep last night. I don't know if it was because of a really bad case of hayfever or if I'm just agitated or something (or both even). Last night was just awful. It felt unnaturally warm for some reason and I just seemed to refuse to fall asleep. I was so exhausted by 6:30 in the morning that I just didn't feel well enough to do anything.

I'm going to go to bed soon....I want to catch up on sleep. However I'm not looking forward to getting up at 6am tomorrow though.
Mood: Not quite so happy any more...

Reason: I just found out that I'm never going to see somebody who I used to be quite close to ever again :hmmm:
It's also dawned on me that I'm not at all prepared for the exam I have tomorrow :sad3: I hope I do ok... but after this, only one exam left :awesome:
Mood: Warm+

Currently holding a body temperature a few degrees above normal, with no heating devices active or abundance of clothes.......just Warm naturally, its a little disconcerting. Its about
9 degrees in ambient temperature so I should be cold?
Mood: Tired

Reason: Slept horrendously again, yet I'm somehow not able to go back to sleep. I'll attempt to have a nap later on if I really am tired. Going to try and do something productive today as well. Maybe writing, reading those books I bought yesterday. Just something to help me cope with what's going on right now. Other than that, I really hope my dad comes up to visit today. I really need to get out of here for a while.
Mood: Rather peaceful

Reason: Not sure. It's almost 4:45 AM. Nothing is currently wrong. My mind is at ease. For the first time in a long time, I'm actually not frustrated with anything. It's a rare sensation for me. One that only comes once every few months at the most. I think I'll enjoy it.

I got my bank statement through :wacky:
Seems the whole time ive been spending money i never noticed there was a minus in front of my balance :rage: I did wonder how money kept going up the more i spent :jimberry: Once im back to work on monday it wont be a problem anyway so im not worried, i just feel stupid ¬¬
^^ Lol. XD You should get internet banking. <3

Mood: Good

Organised to meet up with my best friends mum on Thursday night for dinner with my best friend as well. Her mum is up from Sydney and wants to meet me apparently.

Going to go to Pizza Hut I think.

Other than that, a little hungry and waiting for Steve to cook me my dinner. <3

Oh and I played FFXIII for the first time in two months last night. Last save file was 7/04/10. I feel slack.
Mood: Dazed

Reason: Went back to bed, just woke up. Im sick of this not sleeping lark, gunna go for a run soon, and this volcano on my chin is pissing me off. Cleaned the fish out before I crashed out at least, so at least the day hasnt been totally unproductive. I keep looking at the back garden, wondering if I should whirl the strimmer over it, but its a fucking death trap out there
Friggin' bored


I have so much more free time it's unbelievable. I hate it :hmph: I watched the World Cup some Port VS IVC?

Think im going to go work out in a bit... I feel the need to do something.

I want to do something fun >_<

Maybe go see my dad and his girlfriend or something... 'tis been a while.
Tired, Bored, Happy

Looking forward to tomorrow :yay: Only one exam then I can go home ... Excited about KH BbS after watching that trailer, and yes, I'mma buy the PSP with the game :mokken:

Cannot be bothered to revise... need to learn case... studies... x_x
Mood: =/

The decent thing is that I am allowed to stay home from work for a few days, besides that I've been feeling awefully crappy still. I'm just gonna curl up with a book or something and listen to some music. Hopefully fall asleep.
Mood: Bleh

Reason: Dunno. Bored lately. Think I'll be off to the store tomorrow and pick a few things up that I've been needing for quite a while. Just been too lazy to get out. :wacky:

Luckily, I think I'm done with tests for the week, although there may be one more I need to come in and take... I've just not been notified of it. :rage: Hopefully I'm done for now though.
Mood: 8(

I must be fucking crazy to go out for a jog at 5.30am 8(

Never in my whole life would I have gotten up that early to do that. I went to watch Avatar last night, that was done at 4am, and I've been considering picking up jogging for a while now. I think I just might stick to it twice a week. Half an hour isn't too bad, I think.

Mostly just walked in a decent tempo to get started with little jogs in between, that's gonna improve soon. I mean I could just sprint the block but... :8F: Sore muscles are a pain.

I still feel crap, but I'm at least glad I had a jog. =] I'm hoping I'll keep up with it, now to set days... :hmmm: