[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood - Refreshed

God knows how I've managed sleeping for over 12 hours two days in a row, and waking up before mid-day, but I must have really needed the sleep. I felt like shit yesterday, but today, I feel wonderful, very refreshed and alive. :jess:
Mood: Alreet

Reason: Complaining always seems to brighten my day... I'm such a grumpy old woman... I can see me being one of them old codgers that all the young folk hate. BACK IN MYYYYYYY DAY, etc

Filling in application forms pecks head though, Ive done one and got about a million windows open for the other one. Why oh why I cant just send my CV... Equal opportunity forms piss me off as well, if you were so arsed about equal bastard opportunities you wouldnt make us fill one in in the first place AND JUST EMPLOY THE FUCKING PERSON BASED ON THEIR MOTHER. FUCKING. SKILLS

Also, it's sunny again, fuck you rain, mocking me with your 5 second down pour the other night, I slept well again last night but it took me aaaaages to drop off (nowt new there) and I'm pretty sure I dreamed about dancing twirling around with a twirly skirt.... fuck knows what that was all about

Had a brief wander out this morning as well, can't say my mission was sucessful though, I'l have to keep looking.......
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Got the house to myself for a while, though not too sure for how long and so I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet while I can. My sleeps have been glorious so far this week, sleeping over eight hours to twelve hours is fantastic. I'm not being nagged to get up, that's the best part about it. But I'm quite bored now and I should find something to do for the next few hours.
Mood: OMG. Just got my status report at scjool and I Passed everything! You dont know how happ I am right now. Now I can do anything anytime without worrying! OMFG!!!!! Thank you god :ryan: YES!!
Mood: Lazy

Pretty much woke up around 12:30 pm, could have slept longer if it wasn't that warm. I spent most of my time until now on the couch and don't feel like getting up. But I do have to, have to go to the supermarket. :P
Geez I really need to get back to school, this long vacation is killing me.

Reason: Keke's at work and i'm all by my self D= i'm really bored :hmmm:
I guess i'll just do the usual.... i dunno.

I might pick back up with Supernatural <3 since i've been sleeping in forever i always miss it D: yeah, think that's what i'll do kill some time.


I dun like this >.<

Plus, its all blecky outside and whatnot. makes me feel lazy xD
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I had the college day off today and it was welcome. I certainly needed one - not that I even do much in my lessons that I consider to be academically relevant anyway. So, I had the opportunity to sleep for a good 10 hours without worrying about getting up early and jumping on a bus or car.

And it's still warm even with overcast weather for half the day. My fans are on at full blast, but they're still ineffective. Oh well, I'll live....
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Mood: Nervous, Scared, Upset (To be honest at the moment I dunno how to feel >.>)

At the moment I feel I fit into several mood's as I am on edge at the moment due to problems wit a girl :K.
But just everything including the weather is getting to me :O
Mood: Tired.

I've just been really tired the last couple of days and I can't wait for the weekend when I can sleep in. It didn't help I worked the late shift on Tuesday and the early shift today. I plan on getting to bed a bit early tonight so hopefully I'll be refreshed in the morning.
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Mood:Tired and a bit annoyed.

I feel reaaaaally tired. I dunno why either I slept fine the other night :hmmm:

I dunno, I didn't do much of anything either :8F:

I just feel tired D= I should try getting off to bed earlier :hmmm: maybe that will help xD.

I'm annoyed cause annoying people are annoying :mokken:
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Mood: :andry:

Reason: I passssssssssed my finalllll exaaaaaaaam. The way the day started as well, I was so dazed when I woke up, I stumbled into the bathroom door, then when Im starting this stupid exam it made me miss a question when the stupid thing hadn't loaded properly, and I couldn't answer it. Then the whole system froze and we had to shut the application down and resume it.... I was about ready to tear my hair ouuuut. Then I came to the conclusion I'd failed the fucker, so I just plodded through grumbling to myself about how utterly CRAP it was

I was shitting myself when I clicked the 'end test' button, I thought my heart was gunna bounce out of my chest

79% performance (stupid skipped bastard question that had 3 parts to it)
100% Knowledge (NO ONE is allowed to call me thick today, for one day I'm allowed to pretend I'm a genius :monocle:)

That and I'm only the second person to pass first time. Genius. :griin:

Well pleased with myself

I treated myself to some peapods and I decided Im having wine this weekend to celebrate, though EVERYONE has plans MY MOTHER INCLUDED, though my mate said he might be able to come round to get drunkard with me, so we shall see

Either way I'm getting drunk to celebrate my fabness :andry:
Mood: Mad at myself.
Reason: Was invited to go wakeboarding and didnt go. =/ my best friend had to work so he couldnt go and he was telling me not to go, since it might be annoying for these people to constantly see us. now i see he was just mad he couldnt go and decided to share his misery with me. -__-
Mood: Decent

Reason: Last night I played a bit of soccer with around 22 folks, and I was running circles around most folks. Only problem is my cleats from last season are totally dead now. I've made due in the past by taping them up, now the entire sole is falling out it seems. So I couldn't make diagonal cuts to with ball, only run straight, or slowly turn right or left in a 45 degree angle. It was great fun, but hopefully I'll be able to get a pair of cleats by next week, so I don't have to worry about that again. Oh and the fact I just didn't have any traction made it ...fun.
Mood: Oh Yay!

Seriously. SERIOUSLY!

My Mid-Year Common Tests have just ended, and with it's completion, comes great mental relief. For the past four days, I've been fretting, dreading the coming of today, which is actually the hardest paper of all- Mathematics. Technically, for a genius like myself :awesome: , that shouldn't have been difficult, but I didn't actually do a thorough enough revision to safely say I did my best. So, well, I'm definitely going to fail it, but never mind that.


Though, this means a return back to ordinary schooling period. Boring, yes, but I guess better than fretting about reading non stop in hope that what I read stays in my head. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. The really bad thing about my country's education system here is that they offer lesser variety of subjects compared to their American counterparts.

Otherwise, at my level, I could have taken something like Psychology? And not something dumb and which I'm not actually interested in- Chemistry, or Economics (Specifically, Economics at a super-simplified level that one can sometimes feel dumb realizing he's learning that).

Oh whatever. Screw this school. I'll just find a way to survive this long enough to make it into University.
Mood: great. Just woke up and about to pla some Xbox 360 and then going to a friend's house and gonna use the computer there methinks. I just feel great overall. You know after I dont have to worry about school anymore. :ryan:
Mood: Tired

Reason: I was just visiting a university opening day today. It was quite a journey to get there and back. I had to be there at the bus lay-by at around 7:30am - too early for me. I was so groggy I felt like I had to be carried onboard rather than actually walk up to it and climb the few steps. xD

Fortunately though, it was a rather informative day - even if my bag did put on a ton with all the prospectuses I collected (that I probably won't even read xD). There was a lot of walking though.....and it was raining a bit. The weather is so kind to me lately, isn't it? Anyway, I'm totally shattered after today. That's enough walking to last me for a week at least.
My Mood: Exstatic

Why: Becayse Avatar; The Last Airbender was awesome!!! I loved it slow beggining but toward the end it was amazing all the fight scenes were dead on, I think Noah could have touched up his acting, but it all made me so happy!!
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I'm in one of the best moods I've been in for a very long time. Browsing around here, listening to music, writing and talking to people on MSN. Everything's pretty goooood, despite my little tiff with First Buses. I swear they were trying to waste my time. I'm pretty happy right now that I could dance around the room to my music.
Mood: Happy :-)

Reason: Well, I actually went out and did something :andry:

Keke and I went to the movies :D 'Tis was very fun :]

Overall, i'm really happy.

Though, it's humid wet and like, sticky outside >.< I don't like it when the wether is like that. I like rain and all but, it's bleck.

Just gunna relax a bit will probably play RE5 some more soon :hmmm: