[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Chatty.

Reason: New sig and avatar. :8F: Every time I post, I see these, so I've suddenly went on a posting spree and went from about as many posts below 2,000 as I am above it now, to...well, that. This is my 2,012th post. :P

The credit belonging to the creators of these are just under my signature image. :awesome:
Mood. So Sleepy!
Reason: I really dont know, all i can is Saturday. My whole life ive always slept the entire saturday, just some weird habit i guess.
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: Last night was dreadful. I could hardly sleep whatsoever and I woke up with a headache as well. I try to keep my room cool, but it became unnaturally warm in the early hours of the morning.

I've taken a nap over the course of the day, in between doing my artwork, lurking online and taking the dog out for walks. I'm still shattered now.

My friends keep bugging me about putting up a profile picture on FB. I tried to do something to myself on PS but I make for a very shitey stock. :hmph:

Also I got a reply from one of my joabs and they don't have any vacancies. :rage: But they kept my application and I have some other things on the go.

And I heard a song on the radio the other day. I really like it and I've heard it before but I don't know what it's called or the artist name. :rage:


Reason: After I ran this afternoon, my stomach was hurting a lot =/ it went away but now i have a headache :hmph:

Not to mention, USA failed :sad3: I mean it went to overtime but still, idunno i was hoping they would advance D:

Just been relaxing. I played RDR and MW2 but, i stopped.

Think i'm just going to take it easy and listen to music :ryan:
Mood: tired and bored.
Reason: at work, pretty much all done just waiting for som people to leave so I can clean. I get paid tonight and I have to give my mom $100 and I only make $150. -__- so that sucks; just like USA today. Spend the rest of the night on XBL.
Mood: okay. Should be getting a new Tv tommorow so then I can resume playing whatever the hell I want xD, Man just got up and its boring as hell Nothing to do at all but stay here -____- Eh I suppose I can wait til tommorow.

Just wanna get the fucking TV :rage:

I couldn't sleep for shit >.< I went to bed around 1:00 and couldn't sleep until 3. -__- I hatteeee it.

I'm still tired and well, I can't go to sleep now even though i want to it just would be impossible :gonk:

Think imma play X soon and try to finish today Then i might start another Final Fantasy.

Ahhh Sunday's.
Mood: On a munch

Reason: Wine last night. Ive had 3 sammiches Im stuffed but still scoffing bikkies.
Tired, Annoyed, Relief

Took me one and a half hour to feel the fatigue :gonk: but thank god that's over...

Eff my teamies. They can all go to hell. :jtc:

They lead us to nowhere for about 4 times, 3 of which I have actually made a reasonable suggestion and they ignored it. They thought they knew where they were, but were they? :rage:


At least we only have the project to do now, and just need the booklet signed as well, and we get our certs. :ryan:

Mood: Hot

Reason: The weather? Anyway, still am after everything. The air conditioners weren't working today at work, so that was a bitch to deal with. Felt pretty faint and customers were saying it was too warm for a frozen foods store. Sadly enough, I agreed with them and the air conditioners didn't work until near towards the end of my shift. Still, I'm home and that's all that matters.
Mood: Hot and bothered

Reason: My house really needs some air conditioning. All we have are the fans and no matter where I position them, the cool air is never blown at me. It's not even that cool either. Still, it's better than nothing I guess.

In fact, the heat is putting me to sleep. I feel absolutely drained now despite having done hardly much today. So, I'll probably go to bed soon - early-ish morning tomorrow anyway, with lessons tomorrow. However, we hardly do much in these lessons anyway. They're a bit pointless now.
Mood: Mentally tired, and bothered

Wanted to go to bed, did 'cause I work tomorrow, and I'm just tossing and turning. Too much on my mind.


I'm so tired of this one manager at work... We clash, we know it, I try to bite my tongue at his every comment, I really do, yet he just seems to go out of his way to get me to snap. I have patience, I have a lot of it when I need to, but he's wearing me out and it's just having me close to telling him to go fuck himself with a rusty knife, clock out and walk out. There, have fun finding your replacement.

I've had a talk with my floor manager twice now, one was an hour long, the other was today. Which took about five minutes, because I asked him if it was possible to change my schedual so I don't work with said manager. He reacted snappy which kinda bothered me saying "No." Okay, that's fine, do something about your shite employees then.

He said he would have a talk with him, again, though he kinda sounded like he didn't believe me. Said he was getting a bit sick of this back and forth talk, well if he's sick of me bitching, he should try considering my feelings having to actually deal with this shit management during said managers shift. I'm just looking forward to wednesday, when that manager has the night shift again, and I just know something's gonna happen again. If so, I'm clocking out. I am tired of his bullshit.

I noticed and asked myself, to just honestly consider if I have trouble taking orders from someone that's only two years older than me - which I don't. I don't have trouble taking orders from you if you weren't a selfish prick, stuck with your own head up your ass, acting like you do so much but actually do shit ALL day.


Aside from that, I'm just a little disappointed in certain people. Just a text saying "Hey, everything's alright here." would be enough for me, seeing I'm worried and texted twice. I feel like I'm being a bother if I was to text again, so I won't, but a small response isn't too much to ask, is it? =/ Guess it is... Kinda upsets me 'cause it's not a daily thing that's going on with them, so I was just checking up, and tbh, it's expected that said people get back to you. Just kinda upset this is not the case.

I'll just leave it I guess... Can't say I haven't tried. =/



I'm just kind of tired of this back and forth. I feel like everything I say is wrong and.. its sort of in a way irritating you obviously don't get my personality.

Other then that.... i'm doing alright I suppose.

still tired though :gonk: I might try to sleep earlier but idunno.
Mood - Urgh.

I hate Summer. My sleep cycle turns practically nocturnal. I've been awake since 4pm, and it's now half 7. I'm gonna try and sort it out over the next few days, cause this is ridiculous :gasp:
Mood: shit. Just doing shit all and I am very tired. Its really shit here without the tv. Cant play anything im just watching my stupid systems scratch dust. THAT Will change tommorow when I get the tv repaired or a new one hopefully :rage:
Mood: Aggravated

I can't fall asleep sooner than 2am these days, even if I lay in bed at midnight, sleep doesn't come any sooner. Thus, I sleep until maybe noon the following day and half the day is gone.:gonk:
Mood: Fine

Reason: The weather seems to have cooled down, although it keeps coming back up. I had a decent sleep, despite it as well, but I was annoyed when I was roasting like a chicken in the oven this morning.
Mood: Agitated

Reason: This fucking weather is driving me insane. I cant remeber the last time I had a full nigghts decent fucking sleep, I'm sure I'm gunna shut down and die soon. Also, my mothers a cheap skate, how dare she not have a full birtth cert for me. Tried registering with that agency this morning and they like, only acept full birth certs or passports as ID. I HAVE NEITHER :rage: Anyway, they have my details - I just need to take abirth cert in, which mother is sorting for me :mokken:

Im tired and cranky :hmph:
Currently I am feeling crappy. First I have this headache that I have had since last night. Second, my allergies keep being a pain in the butt. Third it is hot. Finally because of said reasons I can't sleep like I want to so I am awake now at nearly 8AM. The sooner summer ends the better.