[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood. Insanely bored.
Reason. took a shower, got dressed and was about to drive over to the mall, then i realized i left my keys in my sisters car. so now im stuck here all day waiting for her to get outta work, and then i go to work at 5. ughh.

The sun is shining outside and its so warm :ryan:
Went for a run for an hour, trying to burn off the beer belly -__-
My feet are killing me though, theyre gunna need a good rest and a soak i think. Working for 9 hours then jogging takes its toll on the feet.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I've finished doing everything I wanted to do today. Now I have the rest of the evening off. I can't be bothered picking up my art pencils tonight, so I'll probably just watch the next match or play more of FFVIII.

Last night was pretty fun for a formal event, even though we all killed our hands with the excessive clapping. However, it was the last chance I had to see my U6 friends before they disappear off to university or a gap year - so that saddened me a little.

I feel like everyone's going to disappear forever or something. :hmmm:
Mood: :ryan:

Reason: I've been in a super mood this week. There is seriously nothing that can ruin my mood. I'll the night to myself, but I'm going to be pretty busy after tonight, for probably about a week. This summer is going to be most excellent. :awesome:
Mood: Fine

Reason: I'm very pleased that England got through to the final sixteen. That game was so overwhelming! However, I'm not happy that it took a whole hour and a half to get back home. I swear I'm losing my faith in public transport. Anyway, at least I've had a productive day for once. I need to start planning my summer because I don't wanna be in all the time when there's lovely weather like this.
Mood: Good :ryan:

Reason: My prom was cool, I'm officially done with school (although I am going back but legally I don't have to), I'm off away this weeked, and this time in a week I'll be in Lanzarote :ryan:
The only bad things are the footache I have from my shoes last night and the mild hangover... but I don't have to do anything today so I can just sit around :ryan:
Mood - Liberated.

Finished all my exams. Huzzah! I feel as though I've done my best on all of them, so now I just have to wait until August. It's a huge weight off my mind, really. Now I don't have to think "Oooh, I can do that in a week, but I've got an exam in three days..." or something. Freedom :woo:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I am strangely enough for someone who fainted last night because of the unbearable heat. Glad it's cooled down a bit today, even though it's twenty-three degrees celsius. Still! Relaxed, regardless of anything. Going to unwind with some gaming and catching up with yet more TV. I've only got one more sleep here and then that's it. I go home tomorrow and then come get my stuff on Saturday morning. It's going to be quite hard saying goodbye to this place since it's the last full day I'll be here.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT FOOD. :gonk: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you. You rock. :gonk:

Just went to get food, I was considering either the supermarket, or chinese. My weak spot won me over. :gonk: I'm stuffing my face. :andry: That's what I get for skipping dinner last night. :ohoho:

Sweet and sour chicken with white rice. :ohoho: :ohoho: :andry: :ohshit: :x3:
Mood: Blah

Reason: I'm just not feeling it at all this week. Just generally been not in the mood. Can't be arsed. Tookme years to fall asleep againlast night, and I was late for IT this morning, couldn't do my exam because the systems were not only being shit, but the last few things I was trying to cram on were being fucking cunts, even the tutor was having issues with it. This bodes fucking fantastic for my final exam.
Lunch with the girls was cancelled as well, roll on fucking Saturday. I need alcohol and a good fucking gossip


I'm kind of tired though :hmmm: I was just burning up :gonk: and even with the fan on it was hottttt. I can not sleep when i'm hot >.<

This week seems to be going fairly fast to be honest :hmmm: I don't think I have any plans for today but tomorrow I think i'm going to hang out or do something with keke.

And finding a job is sooo haaaaarrrd :gonk:
Mood: bad. Italy lost yep and I hoped with all my heart for them to be back to back champions, But no. Waaaaaaaaaaaas really sad that they lost in the 1st round. was really dissapointing! Now just here doing nothing xDDDDD
Mood: Good

Reason: Other than the fact that my MSN is being as reliable as a tractor on a racetrack, I'm pretty good tonight. It's become significantly cooler compared to this afternoon. Although I don't really want to publicly complain about the heat here, because I know that England is rather cool compared to other places. xD

I'm currently trying to find something to do. I'm taking a day off from video games and from doing artwork. I'll probably just sync up my iPod with my laptop and put some songs into it.
Mood: Fine

Reason: Been a pretty eventful day. Shame that I'll be leaving here tomorrow and going for good on Saturday. I've had quite some fond memories here. I've had some right giggles today about lots of funny stuff I've been watching when catching up with my online TV. Been a better day than most I have nowadays.
mood. perrrrrrrrrrrty good.
reason. just got back from the gym, and mom just finished cooking dinner when i came home, and it was ziti and i love ziti. Also going to Hooters tonight for endless wings with my friends, so overall success.
Mood: Fine

Reason: Still pretty much the same as I was last night, but didn't get as much sleep as I would've hoped. I'm still packing a few things around the flat since this'll be my last chance to do so now. Currently deciding if I should take anything back with me this afternoon to lighten the load for tomorrow. Other than that, I guess I'm good. Just trying to spend the last two hours and three quarters of an hour here in peace.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Off away this afternoon, but I really can't be bothered with this weekend... feet ache etc.
But I'm still in a fabulous mood so it's fine :ryan:
Lol Italy


Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Really needed that company last night, so glad Gina came round, I was starting to wallow in boredom and irritation, though some tit across the road reversing into Ginas car threatened to ruin the evening :rage: Brand new Astra and she's like, I well never caused them dints, they was already there innit. Fuck off nob 'ed there were witnesses. Her face when we told her we had witneses hahahahah it was fucking priceless xD

We finally got that sorted and got the takeaway we'd been starving for for like 2 hours - I ate too much as usual, and I managed to rip my bloody jeaaaaaans

We had a really good catch up and a natter, Clare round tomorrow so just gunna mong and do not a lot tonight, you know, for a change. Gina might be coming tomoz as well woop. Roll on tomorrow
Mood: could be better

Reason: I'm pretty tired, had to stand up early as well because I had to go to the doctor, and for nothing because he delayed our appointment.. hmm >.<
And also because My rp mate isn't online anymore and it will probably take a while until she will get online again, and we were just at an exciting part. x.x
Another reason is that I can still not pick up my driver's licence as I still haven't received any papers about it.. hurry up.