[V3] What's Your Mood?


Talking to 'a friend' and he just doesn't think through. I said what I disliked about FFXIII (I have it on ps3) and he said that FFXIII would probably be a lot different on the XBOX360 (he doesn't even know the game) and he really believed that he could go to do sidequests in the little towns on his version and that he had a lot more options than the ps3. He said most games are different like that on the XBOX... wth?
a tad sickly

Musta been the............actually ive barely eaten so i dunno why im feeling sick. Its not that bad really, i guess..but its enough to stop me trying to sleep.

Ive been browsing guitars on the webs for the last...hour and somethings really caught my eye. Ive read all the reviews from people whov bought the instrument and theyve all given top marks ¬_¬
Thing is, its really NOT cheap at all. Like not at all...but im kinda set on it. It happens to be on sale in bruce millers, which is a large music store in the centre of town. Theyre closed 2moro but i might have a wonder down next weekend and have a play of it. I know if i like it im gunna buy it and i really really really shouldnt as im already overdrawn by ALOT, more than ive ever been, but.....its so nice ¬¬ They better have it in sunburst blue ¬¬
When im back to work my debts will clear in a month so im allowed to but it right?..............right?


I feel so.... tired D= I should really get back into going to sleep earlier but... meh.

Tomorrow i'm gunna go see mah daddy! :D and his girlfriend. Going to watch the world cup as well:-) Go Italy!

So that should be fun ^^
Mood: Extremely freaking tired

Reason: I woke up at 5:30 this morning so I could go to my dad's commencement ceremony. Then got home and relaxed for a couple hours and went to see Iron Maiden. Just barely got home, and all this was done on about 3 hours sleep.
Mood: Good

Reason: It's raining at 5 AM on a Sunday. :ryan: I don't think there's anything better than that.

Just sitting here bored really, nothing much to do, seeing as how it's a Sunday. Since my grandma's coming up later, hopefully she'll want to drag my sister and I out. Been a boring weekend.
Mood: Fine

I'm alright. I called work to tell them I was gonna come in today, just to make sure I had my hours, then the same person I spoke to yesterday, who was supposed to write me down for today again, probably didn't and told me I still was called in as sick. :hmmm: So I'm staying home for today, and back to work Monday instead. I'm not complaining. I'ma just enjoy the extra day.

Just had some veggie soup. =) Just listening to some music. I think I'ma watch a movie in a bit or play a game or something. Today's decent. :D

Sakura said:
It's raining at 5 AM on a Sunday. :ryan: I don't think there's anything better than that.

Apart from the 5am. I know, right? <3 Rain.
Mood: Bored

Reason: There's just nowt to do, I'd revise but the stupid disc wont work - and for once I actually WANT to revise because I really need to :ffs: I might just go shove the PS2 on for abit again. At least I slept last night (not surprising really as I was fucking shattered on Friday and still went out Friday night) I was out like a light. Still woke up at daft o'clock, but I feel more rested than I have done for aaaaaaaaages. Let's see how I get on tonight :rage: I'm just lacking all motivation to do anything today really

Mood: good. Just played awesome on Halo and now watching the world cup Italy vs new zealand. Italy will win :ryan: Besides that just here xD
Mood: Bored

Reason: It's fortunate that my dad is a big football fan. Between my brother and I, we've given him a new football shirt and a huge mug with the England flag on it for Father's Day. If he isn't a football fan, I'd have no idea what to get him. xD

Unfortunately I'm left in the house rather bored now. My dad's gone off to play golf, my brother is out with friends and my mum is probably doing some shopping. Nothing much to do except perhaps watch the match while I'm here.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I've been up since 8 this morning. My shift at work started at 9 and ended at 4. And even after that, I went home to eat dinner and still had to travel back here to the flat. So I'm obviously knackered, but finally relaxed. I'm going to spend the evening watching some online TV I've missed recently.
Mood: Tired

Been up since 9am this morning, so it shouldn't be anything huge. I just feel so tiiiired. :gonk: Didn't do anything besides finish up a cover song today. :hmmm: So the tiredness is just, most likely, lazyness. :rage:

Anyway, early nighter for me today *gasp* (I can do that?!) I'll be pissed if I get to work tomorrow and they tell me they already have someone else working 'cause I was written as sick, still. -.- I was supposed to go back in today, but this happened. Retards. :rage:

Night. :rage:
Mood: Excellent

Reason: Ran today for 6.2 miles in a heat advisory of 100 degree heat, and 108 humidity. One of those good days, but probably not to good for my eyes since they still seem to be blood shot.
Mood: :hmmm:

Reason: Half good, half bad. I feel really relaxed at the moment - sorted out a few things for going on holiday today. On the other hand I have to do some work again tomorrow for my next exam which is on Tuesday... at least it's my last one, but I've lost all motivation :sad:

Today was a very chill day. Went to see my dad and stayed there for a few hours. 'Tis was rather nice to see him and just have a good relaxing day.

I feel rather bloated though :rage: Damn period.

Just chilling at the moment, drinking some tea :ryan:
Mood: ugh. At my cousins house and internet is shit here. So im quite pissed off. I get disconnected from time to time :gasp: Also Italy vs NZ :rage:
Mood: FFFFFFFFFFF :rage:

Reason: Fucking worst nights sleep ever. In fact, you couldnt even CALL it sleep, I was still awake at 4 when I actually gave the fuck up and went for a shower. I'd imagine I fell asleep around 5ish, though tbh, I probably just dozed, and I woke up before my alarm went off. I'm getting servery fucking hacked off with this now. I'd saty at least I'l sleep tonight BUT I ALREADY KNOW I FUCKING WON'T. My best hope is trying to get back to sleep after the school run, then going for an actual run to try to tire myself out. Not that that has been working, I'm starting to think I should just have a couple of glasses of wine before bed, at least I know that will knock me out. IT'S DRIVING ME FUCKING INSANE

Got nothing in particular to do, have some eats, tunes, Games?, .....meh.
Hey a netball game from New Zealand! All right I feel much better now.
Mood: Pretty Excited. :D
Reason. Going up..err i guess down to Hamanacit (spelling idk) beach in Rhode Island in a few hours with a bunch of friends. never been there, so should be fun. Not looking forward to the sun burn after words. XD