[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Bored

Reason: Sat here studying for my exam tomorrow... I'm about to watch the football though. Come on North Korea :rage:
I don't mind Portugal but... Cristiano Ronaldo... I hate that man :hmph:
Mood: Fine

Reason: Had an excellent eleven hour sleep after the past week of horrendous sleep. However, to my dismay, the hot water wasn't turned on and I almost ended up going in a cold shower. Other than that, I'm great. Had some porridge for breakfast, which was excellent, and off shopping this afternoon for food. Also want to hunt down some missing books to the Cassie Palmer series.
Mood: Great!

I only listed my car up on ebay a few hours ago and within the hour I had so many enquiries and then someone bought it for $1000!!!

I'm so excited!

They're coming out tomorrow to pick it up!

I had that car sitting in the garage for two years, and within one hour of listing it I had it sold. >.<
Mood: Good. Doing good. Just had breakfast and now gonna browse the forums like usual. I think Ill be going bck to my house in a few :gasp: But Its so quiet here and Its lovely. :hmmm:
Mood: Slightly emotional

Reason: A close friend of mine from college has left today. She's going back to Berlin and she was studying here as an international student. I've always hated seeing friends disappear from your lives.

She was great fun to have in lessons, talking about the most random of things and really lightening up the atmosphere around. So it is sad to see her go and perhaps never see her again. I'm keeping in contact with her though.
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Excited :D


I got the movie situation is all cleared up and were going to see A-team tomorrow :)

So, i'm pretty excited.

I'm doing pretty good, just talking on the phone hanging out. Watched some football.
Mood: Fatigued

Reason: Well I'm almost done with my work day, but the thing is, I gotta drive an hour and half round trip to pickup the wife's new ipad. Then I gotta come back and run my 4 miles outside in the head, then go get us some food, since of course I haven't packed our fridge.
Mood: Bit rubbish

Reason: I studied a lot of the day and I'm still really not confident about tomorrow's exam... it's not a subject I expected to do really well in but I don't want to totally fail it :sad3: and it's tomorrow morning too so an early start.
I'll just be so, so glad to get them all over with. End of exams, end of exam stress... beginning of worrying about results for two whole months until my results day.


I'm sooo fucking mad.
Jamie and Michael just ditched me... Said that they wanted to go to the movies and then, whaddya know? They say: "fuck you, we got others plans." Its like, we've been planning this... for over a week and then you just.... screw me over.


No A-team for me :sad3:
Mood: Fine

Reason: Slept ok, though not to as a greater extent as the night before last. Nevertheless, I'm satisfied with the sleep I've had. My dad is finally coming up here to see me, not seen him for at least two and a half weeks now. Hope everything goes well. Apart from that, I think I'm going to be hunting for trophies on my PS3 today.
Mood: Great :woo:

Reason: Last exam over :woo: hello summer :ryan:
Only got stuff to look forward to now... apart from results day but hey... I'll worry about that later, two months away yet :woo:
Mood: Hungry mostly

Reason: Diet. Hungrier than usual though, it's pretty annoying, need to go for a run, but it's too warm and I really can't be bothered. I'l motivate my arse soon...ish...maybe. God I hate running. Had a slightly better kip last night, when I finally got some pissing sleep.
Been to the dentist as well, glad that's out of the way for another 6 months, it's such a chore, but alas, it has to be done. I was in and out in about 5 minutes which is always good, clean bill of health for the old gnashers :andry:
I wanna sit out in the sunshine, but my garden's rubbish and I really don't fancy sitting in the front garden which is equally rubbish :sad3:
Mood: Epic. Just got up and going to play some halo 3 in a bit. Watching futbol and seeing how much of a loser team France is xD. Also Might get a new game today. Going to my grandparents later so that should be fun.

Btw Charlotte Awesome! <3 and Kaylee wtf O_O thats just stupid :sad3:
Mood: Angry at my Face!
Reason. Face keeps breaking out and idk why. Im 18 and have never had bad acne or anything my entire life, untill this past month. I stopped eating fastfood, soda, i went on a fruit diet, and nothing seems to be helping! i miss my clear face.
Mood: Bleh.
Reason: My ex is pissing me off cause basically cause hes a dick. And Ive got some hours to meself, so not sure what game to play or book to read lol.
Mood: Tired

Reason: It's been quite the long day. Went shopping around with Dad and his girlfriend in the town centre, bought Uncharted 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV while I was out. Just had a great time playing Uncharted 2 with Danny, Argor and his friend. But I'm a little bit worn out now. Since I'm not doing anything tomorrow, I'll be having a very nice lie in.

I just feel confused I guess. Not so much confused just... questioning :hmmm: idunno, hard to explain.

I'm hungry too :mokken: I hate being hungry.

Pretty bored as well.

Gunna watch the game tomorrow :D
mood: tired and bored.
reason: been on facebook for the past hour or so and watching various tv shows, and eventually getting to adam sandlers movie bed time stories. might jump into some halo3 before i go to sleep.
Mood: Happy. :D

Reason: It's my day off work today (after a pretty mad couple of weeks at work,) so I'm chilling out. Will be playing Final Fantasy III in a bit before moseying to town in search of a DSLite (I still have the brick. :P) Currently nomming on a Mint Aero ice cream which is a blessing in this heatwave. All in all, things are good.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Still tired, but I slept better again, I think threatening myelf with the doctors seemed to do the trick, I fucking hate sitting around inthe doctors surgery bored to death with loads of sick people, or people pretending to be sick. And it's always dead stuffy. Why you cant just make appointments at that place is beyond me. Anywaaaaaaay, I'm still struggling to drop off at night, but weird as it sounds, coz of the caffine, a cup of tea before bed seems to help some, and Im gradually waking up later in the morning as well. That was really beginning to annoy the stuffing out of me
I missed 2 appointments yesterday as well, that I had in my head were today, I noticed about half an hour before I was due to leeeeeeave. Muppet. Quick phone call sorted that one out :hmph:
I may even go for the run I neglected to go for yesterday. I was just really grumpy and hungry yesterday