[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: blegh, The shit ay that was yesterday still isnt gone today. I still have Italy's loss in the tournament. Its all that is running throough my head :sad3: And I had to take out ll my Italian flags because they lost :sad3:
Mood: Very sad ;_;

Reason: I finished playing a Visual Novel called Ever17... I got a bad ending... it was really really sad and tragic :sad3: I didn't know bad endings could be this sad :sad3:
Mood: Hot

It's hot. :rage: I'm just sitting behind the PC, just finished a new set. Pretty satisfied with it for once, but I'm sure I'll get bored of it soon enough.

I also have the munchies 'cause I'm bored. -.- I wanna go out, but there's no place to go. :hmph: Everyone else is at work. -.-
great :rage:

its friday

im happy

im rested

theres football

i have irn bru and cigarettes

life is great


and i fixed my latop key

i am awesome


yay for happy days
Mood: Overcome

Reason: Rain.. about freakin time, living down here in the south we've been experiencing the biggest heat wave in some time. Granted it's decent for taking my shirt off and getting a tan on a long run, but hell, I'd rather it be 80 or so again. Being 100 degrees on a daily basis was getting old.
Mood. Bored and tired.

went to bed at 4:30 this morning and woke up at 8. Now im just waiting to go into work at 5 and since its friday its gonna be ridiculously busy and im gonna be stuck there untill 12 in the 100 degree kitchen.
Mood: Meh

Reason: I have not had the best of weeks...hot weather has made everyone in the house irritable, making the atmosphere in the house very unpleasant. Its beginning to wear thin - this is ENGLAND, for Christ's sake! Its supposed to be cold and rainy, not like the bloody Sarah or something. Its a hot and miserable summer ._.

I wake up and feel as though I haven't slept, I'm getting random nosebleeds thanks to, I would assume, the change in pressure, and the pollen in aggravating my eyes, despite the fact that I've never had hay fever in my life before. I am not a happy bunny at the moment.

Monster Hunter Tri and Disgaea 2 are occupying the majority of my time right now, and I spend most of the afternoon watching Stargate. I need to get on and do things...

You're welcome :wacky:

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Just finishing things for the assessment expedition for Duke of Edinburgh's Award tomorrow. And my teeth are getting better, so I can semi-eat everything normally now :D

On the other hand, I got some of my exam results back :jtc: No points on guessing how I did...
Mood: Tired

Reason: Stocktake at work has tired me out. My feet are killing. Though having the chippy after was absolutely GLORIOUS. Only been back home an hour, but I feel like I wanna go bed earlier than usual. Not been getting much sleep as well, partially due to this annoying weather. Gonna chill out tonight and go with the flow.
Rain.. about freakin time

Tell me about it :hmph: The other day the pool water was soo warm 'cause of the heat :gonk:

Got some rain here too but not that much sadly =/

Mood: Okay :D

Reason: Finally finished something that i've been putting off so now i'm free XD. Watched some football as well. I didn't watch the ending so i didnt know who won.
I've also been getting far in X as well. I just beat Seymour for the second time in Bevelle.
Gunna go tanning with keke and then swimming. We're also gunna go out too :awesome: later though xD.
We need some rain right now in the UK. We're starting to reach a drought - a word we Brits don't normally come across very often at all. :lew:

Mood: Pissed

Reason: Call yourselves friends? Two-faced, dishonest, lying bitches that's what you are. But it's fine. I'll just completely fail to acknowledge your existences from now on. How about that? I would do more, but I'm not stooping to your level. You ever need me for anything, you won't fucking get it. There. :dave:

Other than that, I think I'm alright at the moment. I'm just watching some Mock the Week again on Youtube just to lighten things up for me. It hasn't exactly been the most fun-filled day I've had today.
You want rain? Come to my neck of the woods in the New England area of the United States. It's been raining a lot, and races keep getting cancelled as a result. :mokken:

Mood: :woo:

Reason: I am heading for an amazing weekend, so I'm really looking forward to it. :awesome: I'm really looking forward to it. I hope all you fine folks have an excellent weekend as well. :ryan:
Pretty stressed and pissy actually.

No, it's not that time of the month.

I believe class during the summer is causing me to stress, but the final in monday so its all good after that. Its also so damn hot here I feel like melting. Luckily, I'm going to the beach Wednesday so I suppose I'm also in a hopeful-type mood.
Mood: Annoyed

Some people are overrated. Enough said.

Just a slow day today, mood took a turn, and my head's fucking killing me. -.- I just feel crappy.

Also, I'd love me some rain right about now. *gets thundered by a rain cloud above head* :hmph:
Great :awesome:

Im full of energy today. Granted i didnt wake up til midday but the sleep has freshened me right up. Gunna have something good and healthy for breakfast then go out for a run a bit later i think. Money money money, i still dont have any so ive got no major plans for the weekend. BUt ive got enough in the hosue to keep me plenty busy:ryan:
Mood: Sleepy

I couldn't sleep well last night so I ended up getting up early today. I am supposed to go to a graduation party today but I am not too sure if I will end up going now. Hopefully I can get some sleep before it starts getting too hot today.
Mood: ugh. I just got up and my brother was playing War for cybertron and suddenly the tv blacked out and we cant get it to turn on anymore. Ugh why now out of all possible days :gonk: fuck that now ill be bored as hell.
Mood: :confused:

Reason: Ive felt weird all day, Ive been back to bed twice, and it's wine night, typical :rage: I'l be reet when the quiche is ready and the wine is flowing. Nothing gets in the way of wine o'clock, NOTHING :rage:

It's too 'ot outside as well

Clares brought some filmor other for us to gossip all the way through and miss completley like we did with Marley and Me hahaha
Mood: :doze: (sleepy)

Description: I've been up for almost 15 hours without any rest, I drank last night 2 bottles of The Bar vodka (strawberry) and 5 shots of tequila. whew~