[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :rage:

Reason: Can't sleep. Though that's understandable seeing as how I have a bunch of movies that I want to watch before I leave for home tomorrow. Thankfully I'm coming back to my aunt's house in about a week, so I can raid her DVD collection when I get back anyway. :wacky:

The week's been really fun. Went to the beach a few times and today I got a chance to go to the pool and then to the movies. I think I'm actually tanning a bit, too. Hopefully it lasts, I'm so sick of being pale.

I think I'm looking forward to getting home, even though I know I'll be bored... it'll be nice sleeping in my own bed again.
Mood: Brooding

Reason: I was upset before, but now I'm in a sorta foul mood. It was my great grandma's funeral yesterday and no one bothered to fucking tell me. I'm pissed off and could throttle the people who organised it. I don't know them very well, but I know that I'll strangle them if they ever see me in the short lifetimes they've got left. Hope they're very bloody happy with themselves.
Mood: Meh. Got up early and now planning on eating something. Possibly 100% chance ill get pokemon soul silver version today so that should be fun. On any other note it just feels meh right now.
Mood: Fine

Reason: It's been raining like for the past three days :gonk: I mean I don't mind at all 'cause we do need rain x]

I've just been chilling and relaxing a bit just been listening to music :ryan: I love Em's new album =)

About to take a showwer and eat

Mood: Good

Reason: Got me wine, passed me IT course, had a nice scoff, even though the gone off sherbert made me feel sick :rage: But Im nicely drinkin away noo, havin a good natter all is good. Til Im hung the fuck over the morn, but thats another mood thread post
Mood: *hiss*

Reason: It's this time of the year again. Ants are trying to infiltrate the house. I must have found about ten in the conservatory today and I've been venting my frustration towards my day on them. I've also found a few inside the house as well. Where are they fucking coming from? :gonk:

I've been doing a bit of jogging with my dad on the beach earlier this evening. It was a gentle kind of jog - nothing arduous. Yet somehow I managed to slip on some wet pebbles, grazed my knee and nearly killed my right ankle. So I kind of had to painfully limp a bit back home while my knee was bleeding quite a bit. >.<
Mood: Happy

Reason: I'm in a very jolly mood. Just got back from the pub a while ago and it was fantastic, exactly what I needed. Had so many laughs with the guys from work and the music was worthwhile since they played the newest music, which was a relief since other pubs I've been to play old music all the time. Shame I've got work tomorrow, but I'll be looking at them and laughing about it. The boss will be clueless, I can't wait. xD
Mood: Great!

I finally got my car now so I am in a good mood today. Now I have complete freedom! All I have to do is go out and do some shopping for my new baby and tune her a bit but I think I will do that later when I wake up a bit.
Mood:Sleepy Had like only 4 hours sleep yesterday...............

I hate my neighbours..........They kept me up like 5 hours!! with thier music............Honestly I felt like actually going around to their house and telling them to keep it down..........They were lucky I was too comfy in my bed............
Mood: tired and warm and bored.

It was so warm a couple of hours ago and that makes me extra tired. Don't feel like doing anthing besides sleeping, but in my room it's like a sauna.
Luckily it started to rain so it cools off a bit. Also I don't really have anything to do, every day is the same.
Mood: Omg rain

I missed you. :gonk: Where've you been? :gonk: *clings*

It's raaaaaaaining. It's raining, it's raining! Huzzaaah!! It's 3.10PM, and I don't work until 7, that means it's gonna cool off a lot and I won't be boiling. Didn't wake up until 2pm today either. :gasp: I went to bed at 4.30am though. So it was to be expected, I feel all sticky even without sleeping with no blankets.

I need a shower.
Mood: Ooooooof

Reason: I went to bed when the sun was coming up and I have a raging hangover... I managed to cook the chips I drunkenly had to PERFECTION though, I'm still fantasizing about them... pizza in the oven now.
Mood: Hot and bothered...

Reason: We need more rain. I've missed standing in the rain getting wet - believe it or not. I know it's summer now - but there's a limit to how much warm weather and sun I can take. I'm staying downstairs today - it's become virtually uninhabitable upstairs - lethal possibly.

I want to go out now....but there's a vast amount of people at the beachfront as well as cars. I kind of want a bit of peace and quiet, but there's too many screaming children running around. xD
Mood: Angry.
Reason: All my friends went off to a beach in Rhode Island and i had to sit it out because i had to work. I go to work and after 2hrs he sends me home, So i miss an awesome day with friends for a measly 18 dollars! :angry:
Mood: good. Playing pokemon Soul silver version. I played so much in one day though even throughout the night. Going to battle Lugia now. Besides SS all I am doing is browsing the net
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Mainly whatever right now, although I'm in a bit of a foul mood. Work went terribly slow today. Think I've become a bit antisocial and withdrawn just recently, but I guess that's the way it goes. Going to try cheer myself up by doing some things later on. Right now, I just want to sit down in the comfort that I'm not rushing around for my boss or any customer at work.
Mood: Tired. :gonk:

Haven't gone to sleep since yesterday, and it's 4:51 PM. Lul. I would love to go to sleep but I have to go somewhere later.
Mood: ¬¬

reason: I wanna shut up some dude. Seriously, yes I whined about him before but he always wants to sound smarter. Now he wants to sound smart about a character he just got to know while I know him for years. Now I can't bear his happiness now I'm annoyed xD
Mood: Meh

It's been raining for the past week or so and I'm tired of it. :gonk:

Of course the weather is supposed to be rainy for the next week so I'm not happy about that. The only upside to this is that I don't have to drive at night since I changed my work schedule since night driving in rain is ten times worse. -__-