[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: okay. Playing Pokemon Soul silver now. I got all the badges now and going to get Ho-oh. Also whoever knows about the event Jirachi go on mystery gift to get it cause the event will finish at the end of July! It has draco Meteor :ryan: Its so hot in here though and all icky ffs
Mood: Happy

Reason: After the last email my ex sent me about a RP post she read while continuing to stalk me, sent her one last email. In order to ensure myself that I will never have to hear from her again, I deleted my email address and made a new one. She doesn't know it, and she will never be able to contact me again. I'm happy about this. I know she'll never stop stalking me now, she even admitted it. However, at least now I'll never have to hear from her again. It was getting rather taxing.

However, I still find what she made a big deal about this time hilarious. It's hard to take someone with that kind of twisted logic seriously. I also find it funny that she said that logic was against me. She's so damned determined to find a way to make her paranoia justifiable. She thinks I cheated on her, and I didn't. No matter what I tell her, she will not believe me. Then to blow a RP post out of proportion like that, it made me laugh my ass off. Then, to top that off with the fact that she actually considered it to be "evidence". And she wonders why I can't take her seriously anymore. XD

It's also funny to find out that she doesn't know what fiction is. :rofl:

I even went on to write the first serious poem I've written in years. Dedicated to a dream of a world without her in it. Needless to say, I enjoyed it, and now that I'm... mostly rid of her, I can finally be happy for a while... Until I go back to being pissed off 24/7. Give it time, it'll happen. :hmph:
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Mood: Good

Reason: I had a good long sleep last night for about 10-11 hours. In fact, it's caused me to oversleep and I couldn't make it to my first two lessons today. Oh well, I don't give much of a damn about them anyway. They're not important. Teachers and students alike are finding excuses to skive at numerous opportunities and rules are severely relaxed at the moment. I'm pleased as long as I get my sleep without having to be abruptly forced awake and stagger into the car whilst half asleep.

Ive been pretty unmotivated ever since i got home, Quite funny seeing as how i spent the whole day at work watching the clock, waiting to go home.
Dunno what it is. Nothing an early night in bed wont cure.
The week aint half gone fast though, its wednesday 2moro already. Payday is after wednesday :ryan:
casnt wait :ryan:
Mood: Energized

I blame it solely on La Roux's "Bulletproof". I've been listening to it nonstop for the past half hour. There's that and the fact that I woke up at around 1 pm today soooo . . . yeah. I think I'm just going to do a bit more cleaning today and then just do piss all: i.e. play some Disgaea and FF1 and shizz. Yup.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Stuck... in my bed.. all day. Doing nothing :rage:

No bueno.

I hate it >_<

And keke left me too =( so now i'm like uber bored.

I want to get better already D=

I don't like her damn boyfriend either >=( he's a big meanie.
Mood: Dragging and Bloated

Reason: Well I'm recovering a bit from 4th of July, but seems my body isn't healing up fast enough to go running right now. So I'm stuck with having to do arms, and my stomach feels like I got a damn beach ball up in there. So damn sluggish.
Mood: Tired

Reason: My body is beginning to shut down. I'm tired. And I blame waiting in the doctors with my dad for forty-five sodding minutes to wait for him to go and then for him to get out. The fact he couldn't get his prescription for half an hour pissed me off, but we went off to Tesco to do some shopping. Just about two hours ago, he asked me to do a video for his friend's 50th tomorrow ... well, technically today. I'm a bit annoyed he didn't ask earlier when I was awake. Ah well, it's almost done. Might as well try put the finishing touches to it.
Mood: Drained

Reason: This not sleeping lark isn't getting old anymore, it IS fucking old, I'm lacking all energy, I feel like I could sleep for a month but I CAN'T and it's really fucking me off, Just getting my t-shirt off to get in the shower required far too much effort. I was gunna head to the docs this morning, but I needed to get some milk, Clares calling round soon and I wouldnt have had the time to sit in the doctors for fuck knows HOW long, then have no brewing up gear for when she arrived ]:

I'l go tomorrow -__-
Mood: Tried.

Reason: I woke up at seven in the morning :rage:

My teeth ache too D: It hurts to like chew when i'm eating. I tried eating earlier but didn't work out too well for me so i've just been drinking water and juice and whatnot.

I'm still kinda sore but, it's not as bad as yesterday.
Mood: a freaking headache.

Dunno whats wrong with me, but I feel crappy all day. I felt sick in the morning and a bit headache, sickness disappeared but the headache went worse and got very tired in the afternoon.
I really should go to bed now, but I can tell already it won't work.
Mood: Annoyed. People have to quit forcin g me what to like seriously. Get up yourself and go get the fucking thing. Or when I dont wanna do something just leave me the fuck alone. :rage:
Mood: Shite

Got into a minor argument with the bf, again over money as usual. We're going to be getting this back but we don't know when, and we're running out of money from my EI... =/
Mood: Good

Reason: Clare came round yesterday. We were naughty and had dominos, which was good, and watched a cinderella story which we unanimously agreed, was utter shit. Just had a good natter and a catch up. I even managed to sleep well, though as per, it took me aaaaaaaaaaaaaages to drop off. This reminds me Im off to the docs after Ive dropped the kid off at school. Horse tranquillizers pl0x
Mood : Fantabulous

That sleep did me the world of good! Waking up at half 8 instead of 3am is wonderful. I feel great! I'm in a really good mood atm too, even though, as I type this, I'm in asda, watching the ancient gegwins shopping. Bless them, I think a snail could beat them in a race.
Mood: Decent... Again

My mood is always pretty mild, I realized. I rarely ever feel particularly angry nor sad, though I do have those moments, and more often than not, I'll be frustrated and stress. More than other emotions, at least. Nevertheless, aside from all that, today was rather satisfactory, for the most part.

There were no results released today, so I didn't have to go through a moment of depression as I see a 'U' grade, probably our equivalent of 'F' in American schools. It's called Ungraded, meaning the person did really, really bad. And well, I admit, I did do really badly this time, and I'm rather disappointed about it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I get retained for a year because of this.

Anyway, I hope that won't happen, and I'm willing to work towards preventing myself from getting screwed that way... So I'll stay on track, and hopefully improve during my next series of examinations.

Amusingly too, today, as soon as school ended, I joined my class to eat out. We thought we ended early that day, and while eating, I was actually starting to regret having followed them. They had a tendency to talk about all the random stuff under the sun which I find myself unable to actually comment on actively with interest. I was contemplating taking my leave of them when suddenly one of them received news from another friend saying there were lessons!

Heh, we had misunderstood our time table, and spent the next few minutes rushing back. Thankfully though, the teacher didn't scold us, but that was funny while it lasted.

All in all, a good day, though whether or not it can really be called a 'good' day will have to depend on how I spend the rest of it.
Mood: Much better. I just got a phone call that made me feel much better. If it were not for that than I would still be pissed off. It had something to do with school but its ok now :gasp: So I guess today I will play some more games. Not just halo 3 :hmmm:
Mood: Amused/ UBER HAPPY

Reason: Dunno why I am so frickin happy to do maybe its to do with my speakers catching on fire, oven going boom and my toilet still burning after torching 5 or 6 big hairy beasts (Spider ofc). But I am amused because of my randomness and how people respond to it in the SB and other spam games :wacky: Maybe its the Jagermeister :hmmm:
mood - =_=

My gaffer at work is a knob =_=
I have a sore head aswell :hmph: cant be done with it. Is it wrong that im thinking of sleeping at like 5.30?
Mood: Chill :ryan:

Reason: I got me an Icee XD 'tis keeping me cool considering it's a bizillon degree's in here D:

Just sort of relaxing a bit listening to music.

Keke also got some game... I dunno what it's called, something Oblivion. It got game of the year. Anyways, gonna try that game out in a bit :monster: