[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Pleased

Reason: College is out tomorrow. Finally. We've been spending the last month coming in and doing very little. There was little point coming in anyway, but I had to meet my attendance requirements to progress into the A2 year smoothly.

At the moment though, this drawing I was working on is really irritating me. Being the perfectionist I am, I'm just endlessly trying to amend it over and over again. Now I probably ruined it having drawn a conspicuously narrow face. Oh well, it's a gallant attempt nonetheless.
Mood: mwah

My laptop and Internet is really slow because I'm rendering two movies at the same time. (it's a miracle it can handle that) But the two movies will be done in 20 hours... ....o.o So I can't go on msn or anything now. Have to be patient as well on this forum.
I'm also a bit tired, like always. And the cat whines which starts to annoy me.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Comfortably sat down with the laptop on my lap and on a nice chair that I'm not fully sinking into. It's probably the most relaxed I've felt all night. It'll be more relaxing tomorrow since I'm getting rid of one sister, who's off to Tenerife. Unfortunately, I may be stuck with the other one over the weekend, unless she decides to come here to my dad's. I'm finally getting my creative buzz back since it's stopped me from writing just lately, which is goood.
Mood: good. I actually was making progress on Halo 3 today. Got a 41 in Team slayer just now so proud od that even though it might be very fragile and might go down If I lose one game, Still just happy I made progress. Right now I am about to got to sleep in about an hour or so. I am all alone here >_>
Mood: Fucking paranoid . . .
Reason: There's this weird wasp ichneumon thingy and it's fucking HUGE, stalking the second story landing. Shit's like right outside my bedroom and it's been skulking around for God knows how long. I just want my stepdad to wake the fuck up and smash the bloody thing into the wall. I've never been more anxious to see bug guts until now.

EDIT: This shit is not cute and cuddly looking . . . http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2528/4161306420_0f18c5feb2.jpg:gasp:
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Mood: eeeeeegh!

Reason: I'm bloody tired, went to bed at 3am because it was warm and I felt weird, slept in later and woke up at 8 am because I was hungry or whatever, It didn't feel that good. So I had breakfast and the first thing my mom talks about are what chores I have to do.... shut up.... don't talk about that in the morning. A half an hour ago I wanted to sleep again but when I just lay A FEW SECONDS.. my freaking body decides to annoy me. I suddenly had a sick annoying feeling so I had no choice to get up again and now I sit here half dead, and annoyed behind my laptop. Also still waiting for the vids to be done... x.x
Mood: Pissed

Why?: Well I was absolutely disturbed to find out this morning that a Woman in Iran will be stoned to death for a crime she not only didn't commit but was already whipped 90 times for and partially stoned for. And the court is saying even though the judge has no proof that his word is good enough :ffs: Her two kids are running a campaign against it to try and save her :(
Mood: Satisfied and kinda nervous.

Reason: Well, I can finally eat without my teeth aching anymore so, i'm happy I can at least finish my food in peace xD. Just ate lunch so i'm happy :monster:

The nervous part: I'm suppose'ta be meeting up with someone for dinner. I haven't seen the person for a while so, i'm kind of nervous to do so. All I know is that.... i'm not going alone keke must come x]
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Chilling out in the extension of my house. Glad that everything's calmed down, it's a madhouse here. But now I can finally get some peace and quiet for a while. Watching a bit of TV whilst doing some ol' browsing and talking to people on MSN. The rest of the night should go just as smoothly as planned, hopefully.
Mood: Great

Reason: Went for tea with clare, massive chicken burger and chips. Went to watch Eclipse. Eye candy a far as the eye can see and had an expensive ice cream. which was ace. I also finished clares. Im such a fatass

Oh well, Im knackered now though, perving is tiring

Also, when we left, I put my jumper on coz it was cold out, somehow got it tangled, got it stuck on my head, stumbled into some dude, who stumbled over my hand bag that id just left lying on the floor. cant take me anywhere. And the bus driver taking me to mothers let me on for free, so the ice cream was somewhat justified ;D

Bed boond soon, wine tomorrow. Good times
Mood: Good

Reason: My sister's come back home again for the rest of the summer and it's just great to have her around again. She's a keen Wii enthusiast though, so I expect to see her occupied by Wii Sports Plus or Wii Fit continuously now. Unfortunately that means I won't be able to play much of the PS3 then. xD At the moment she's rather tired and cranky, so she's retreated to bed. I don't blame her. It was a long journey particularly by train.

Right now I'm just relaxing in front of the laptop with some music. I'm also on Amazon hoping to get a bunch of books for my History EPQ dissertation essay to prepare myself for university entry.

One day till holiday~ :awesome: I'm off visiting my homeland, in Asia, for three weeks. I'm so excited :x3:

As for now, just finishing packing and relaxing and whatnot.
Mood: awesome. I got a microphone for Ps3 so now I can talk on both 360 and ps3 :awesome: Played Halo 3 a little. My teamates were raging though. Lastly the pool would be nice now. Time to swim
Mood: Stressed

Reason: So much is running through my head atm. I feel so... overwhelmed.

Hmm, other then that i guess im doin' okay. Today was pretty damn boring actually.

Just watched the cup and that's about it....

Also took a nap.

I'm kinda thristy and hungry :hmmm:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I was pretty pissed before since I was meant to be going to the cinema with my sister to see the new Twilight film. But she bailed out on me in favour of the World Cup final instead. Still, I managed to watch it on a torrent and it's put me in a better mood just knowing that I haven't wasted any money whatsoever now. Pretty much relaxed in here. It was a long day at work, but I'm glad that's over now until next Saturday. Going to chill for the rest of the night.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Mood I was in yesterday ANYthing is an improvement, I was ready to murder some fuck, I didn't even drink my wine, SOBER WEEKEND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AGES. I wasted most of the day lounging in bed. It was just the crappiest boring day EVER. I was glad when I woke up this morning and it was over.

Went to mums, ate some of her food, wenton her flab machine and watched Nanny Macphee which was better than I thought it was gunna be

Just monged out since getting home really, played abit of Dragon Quest, calmer in general today, even if I DID come on my period :rage:

Yesterday though... uggghhhhhhh
Mood: Chill

Reason: I dunno, I've been relaxing for the past week or so ('cause I'm lazy :awesome:) but I AM looking forward to the cruise on the 8th of August. Counting down the days, oh and orientation for college of course. Yeaaaah, life's pretty fucking good atm. :)

The finals of the WC is a disappointment, still no goal, too many fouls and the Netherlands have 6 yellow cards, 2 for no reason. This will get really dangerous and we are screwed.
Mood: Ugh....

Reason: I have a headache for some reason and while it isn't killing me, it is really uncomfortable. In fact, it may be a sinus headache seeing as my eyes are also sore. I've already had a hot shower, although rather expectedly, it hasn't really done much. I'll probably just have an early night and hopefully sleep this off by the morning.

Right now I'm just waiting for the finals to be over. So the constant vuvuzela blasts can be over and for better TV shows to take the WC's place. Thank goodness the end is nigh. :gonk:
Mood: Bah

Reason: Cramps been killing me :gonk: it's been hurting like all over and my body hurts D: I took some painkillers not that long ago I hope it settles down.

I mean I can't say i'm upset Spain won but, Netherlands were the underdogs. =/ Tough game that's for sure though.

I kind of feel... drained. I just don't have the energy to do anything...

I think i'm gunna take a shower soon and get me some tea :ryan: Help me relax and just rest.