[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Fine

Reason: Getting out a bit more just recently has put me in better moods. Just discovered a scratch on my left wrist is in the shape of a curved moon, so that's quite funny. Still trying to sort out a venue for my 21st birthday bash. There's nowhere local near my mum's, so trying to see if there's any up here around my dad's. Gonna relax for the rest of the day and try to get the PS3 to work with my sister's TV for the THIRD time.
@ Lewis ^ You're just a slow walker I'm sure, you told me to slow down as well :rage:

Mood: Alright

Reason: Been one of those days, but it's not been particularily long and boring like usual. Lekki ran out half way through my shower - while I had conditioner on my head, so I had to run to the shop to get more, plus side being my hair getting a deep conditioning treatement, downside, all the hot work men I saw near the shop, state I was in as well :sad:

Went out to drop my application off, almost got to the job place and like, it ujst randomly bucketed down, hard and fast as well, people just scattered and took refuge in doorways, I just took my coat off to save my hair. THe ONE day I dont wear my waterproof jacket and forget my brolly.... I was fucking saturated, and alas the application form was as well, so I had to fill in another :wacky: Enjoyed my free hot chocolate while I was doing so though :monocle:

Oh, and i banged my head on a steath branch, that shit hurt

Them express lanes in Asda do my head in an' all, UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA. *Looks in bag* No there's not UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA grrrr *pulls out lettuce* which is the ONLY thing in there, and it's come up as scanned on the sreen *puts back in bag* UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA



I liek the dude who fixed it for me though, he's fuckign ace and well happy in his job, he tickles me no end :lew:

Just mongin' now, even the hunger aint botherin me much

I think I'm mellowing after the period of doom, which I still seem to be bleeding liek a styab victim, trust it to be a heavy one THIS month as Im away to fancy dress piss ups the weekend. Ach well

Saturday :ryan:
Mood: Scarily Calm

Right now, perhaps because of the music, I'm unnaturally calm. Or at least, calm with a rather unnatural feeling about it.

It's a little scary to feel so calm, with no fear, no stress, no nothing. Is this the power of music? I wonder, or maybe, the effects of staying up so late, when I'm already sleep deprived, and still depriving myself of what is needed- rest.

In any case, the music is nice... Zelda's Lullaby, Orchestrated version.

Heard someone even played this music as they walked down the aisle during their wedding.

... Kinda amusing, but listening to it again, I kinda agree that was an unique choice... And also a good one as well. Soothing, peaceful. Maybe that's what their married life is going to be like? Calm and peaceful just like the song. Oh well.

I definitely need that calm and peace around in my life right now. For now, I'll need that calm and peace in rest. Night.
Mood: hmpf

Reason: I just received information about the introduction week for school that starts 25th of August, we had to send a mail if we have questions, so I did write something that was pretty important and now I received one automatic mail back saying something like: CMD department has summer break till 23 august and we will answer your message when we're back.
Why the hell did they put that mail address on there then if they can't even answer it. o.o
Mood? Pretty Good

Reason: Yesterday I got a surprise visit from a bunch of my buddies and it was bittersweet, since some of them are still juniors. Not sure how often I'll see them once I start college. In either case we just wandered around the complex, screaming 'HI! We love you!' at random cars and 'cause we were so adorable none of us got flipped off or honked at. Ended up getting picked up by my stepdad at around 10-ish at night and it was just cool. Random wanderings with friends is a fun past time. Lol.
Mood: Ochie =/

Reason: I friggin cut myself four times shaving :rage: Especially the one on my ankle D: It kept goig for it! Wouldn't stop bleeding :sad3: So, I finally put a bandage on it. I dunno but it stings like really baaaaaaaaad. :gonk:

I'm cold too. I dunno i'm always freezing D: It's a like so hot here but i'm coldddd. =(
Think I should maybe drink something warm or someshit :hmmm:
Mood: Good

Reason: By chance, I bumped into an old friend from my old school in a shop today. I was rather close to him before he mysteriously left and we lost contact soon afterwoods. So we were there talking for what was probably an hour in the shop (possibly annoying one or two of the staff there xD).

However, I was supposed to be studying today, and that hour in the shop and another two hours chatting online was fairly distracting. No matter I suppose - it's not like I'm handing the essay in tomorrow or anything.
Mood: Annoyed. Its so hot right now and I really think I will die soon. Also Parents being annoying as usual telling me to do things when they clearly can do it themselves. Ima chat a bit longer and then Ill go in the pool.

Meeting up with a couple of mates and got the tickets booked. Off for some beer, paintball, beer, a night out, beer, BBQ, beer, random shite and beer.

Should be a good weekend. :ryan:
Confused o_O

I woke up this morning and I honestly have no idea what I have done in the night. I think I was actually biting my tongue. It was killing me. God only knows what I was dreaming about or trying to do. I can never sleep in the summer -.-
Mood: Crappy

Reason: Well, let's put this way. Only getting two hours' sleep with a migraine, stomach pains, an uncomfortable bed and the wind howling outside has turned me into a bit of a grumpy bitch today. How I'm managing to keep awake is beyond me. But here I am, eh? Tried to go back to sleep on numerous occasions, but failed to do so. Oh well, I'll let my body tire out later on and catch up on sleep then.
Extremely tired

It feels as if I didn't sleep at all last night, I went to bed at 3 am, because I was busy with a vid for my family and really wanted to finish at least one part, I did sleep for 10 hours but it really feels as if I skipped the night. Never really felt this tired before. Maybe fresh air will do, have to pick up a letter anyways.
Mood: Alright, bit bored

Reason: Slept well again (woohoo) Just had a proper slob day today, lounging around, most I've done is put the washing away. Played Dragon Quest for abit as well, I might go grab another half huor on that actually, I'm startin to get bored. Gunna have a soak in the bath later, possibly fake tan, not fake tanned for aaaaaages and Im looking abit (alot) pale. Actually. Fuck that idea. I can't be arsed

REALLY need to decide what I'm wearing tomorrow night as well. I knew I'd left this diet lark too late, Ive lost quite alot of weight if I'm honest, but not enough to make my shorts fit comfortably, and I'm certainly not confident enough to don the bunny suit, even though that DOES fit, it just highlights all the lumps and bumps. Ugh. What to weeeeear

I can see me rushing about like a twat the morning. Better make sure Im up bright and early. pah
Mood: fucking relieved to be home :rage:

Reason: I've had the journey from hell. My flight yesterday took off an hour late and then we got a message over the intercom about 20 minutes in. 'We're sorry but this plane is unable to carry the required fuel to make it back to London Gatwick, we're having to make a refuelling stop at Faro in Portugal.' The plane's fuel tanks were too small to fly for 4 hours!
So we had to go via Portugal and we ended up in an hour a half late :rage:
Then, we had to wait over an hour for our baggage to get off the plane so we were hanging around for ages.
Then today, I got a train back down to Devon and I was stood up for two hours because it was a full train and some cunts had taken our seats. Another train had been cancelled so everyone from that one was also on ours :hmph:
:rage: :rage: :rage:
Mood: Not so good. I keep waking up in the fucking afternoon and that pisses me off so badly because half of the day already passed by. It was hard to sleep because some bug crawling up the wall escaped and I didnt know where it was. It was creepy so I only fell asleep like 3 hours later. Now what to do. Halo 3 probably but hopefully the servers arent down anymore.
Mood: Crappy

Reason: Yeah, still the same as before. Only worse. Like I care right now. Still getting the random headaches and stomach pains. It didn't help that I couldn't take a nap before and it failed miserably. Also, the tutor stalking me took it up a whole notch. Now it's ok to email me, but don't leave me constant freaking phone calls and even send a letter. That's just invading my privacy. And I already sent off your stupid document you wanted last week! UGH! :rage:
Mood: Indecisive :hmmm:

Reason: 'Tis Friday! Gunna go out and get some food later today which will be good :ryan: Just took a shower and i feel refreshed. Just trying to nnot think too much so, i'm trying to relax. Played X-2 a bit and ran but, that's about it :hmmm:

I'm indecisive because I can't decide what I want to do.... D: bah.
Mood: Lethargic

Reason: Well for some reason 20 people want to show up to my house tonight, when I thought it was supposed to be a ladies night. So now instead of looking forward to a 2 hour nap and maybe some beer drinking, I've gotta cook for the multitudes. I'm always up for, but damnit give me an energy drink. Time to go blow 100.00 on meat. Weeeeeeee. Anyhoozle, almost time to head home.
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Reactions: Six
Mood: Good

Reason: It's Friday night, therefore I've nothing to really do. I've more or less done what I intended to do for the day. I've finished Orwell's 1984 (can't believe I haven't read it until now. xD) and I've got my art thread up. I've had a bath just before, so I'm all relaxed now and probably ready to doze off at any random time.

At the moment, I'm rewatching the previous two Toy Story films to anticipate myself for the third one. A few of my friends and I are planning to see it next week - hopefully in 3D.
Mood: eh

Woke up with chest pain couple days ago, i don't know what it is. I didn't do anything stupid to cause it, gonna try to take more meds to see if it does any good.