[V3] What's Your Mood?


its my freedom time from now on and when i come here its dead!well most of the time, now i dont wanna think about school during freedom, i party and go to pools,but at night,forums could be dead!
Mood: Tired/hot

Reason: Lets see, it's almost 11:30 PM and I can't seem to be able to sleep at all. Combine that with the fact that it's the middle of summer and its 100 degrees outside will tell you how I REALLY feel. I'm just trying to get through day by day until something good comes up.
Mood: Excited :andry:

Reason: It's 8.25am and I should be bleary eyed and grumpy. BUT NOT TODAY. I'm up and showered and all packed and ready to gooooooooooooo. Fancy dress tonight in Blackpool with the ladiiiiiiiiiies

I'm going to make it my mission to get as many free drinks -if not more- as I did last time. The 'I'm celebrating my divorce after findingmy husband in bed with my brother' story seemed to work a charm last time

I can't wait :andry:
HAHA! Amazing.

Eager: Just looking forward to the day in general. So far it's burning me or killing my eyes with the amount of sunlight that it's aiming in my general direction. Looking forward to a relaxing time away from everything too so I can work on a few tattoo designs and drawings and what not. Just me, nature, and ze muzak. Awesome.
Mood: good. Got up early finally so now I have more of the day to myself which is awesome. Gonna play some Halo as I am pretty much kicking ass in it. Hmm and maybe uncharted 2 tonight :hmmm: Its been weird here also. Really hot for some reason but it cooled down today.
Mood: Happy

Reason: Just twenty-four hours later, I'm in heaven. Got everything sorted for my 21st birthday do, just a few things need to be finalised. So I'll be sending the invitations out pretty soon and I'm looking forward to it. It's been a funny day at work as well. The highlight just HAD to be when my boss fell over and I laughed my fucking arse off! Also got next Saturday off from work, so I'm heading to Blackpool with the girls and for some Frankie and Benny's when we get back to town. Friday's Toy Story 3/drinking night with the work mates. Got work all day tomorrow, but I'm throwing myself right into it to let the day pass quicker. All in all? I haven't felt like this in AGES.
Mood: Okay.

Reason: I'm still in the process of whether or not I want to go do something... I wanna go out and see inception but ehhh, i dunno. Hopefully soon though 'cause i wanna see it :gonk: Nothing too exciting happening here tbh :hmmm: kinda bored but i'm sure i'll figure out something to pass time xD.
Mood: Happy

Reason: I'm in a friend's house at the moment - staying over for the night with some of my friends. At the moment, were just watching a few Pixar films including Toy Story 2 seeing as we're anticipating Toy Story 3 - as well as Inception as well. xD

Pizza Hut was an interesting experience tonight. We were in there as a group and before we left a few of us were playing practical jokes on each other by pouring things like pepper and other kinds of savoury things into the drinks of the members of the group who had got up to visit the toilet. Thank goodness I didn't leave my seat then. xD
Mood: Happy

Reason: Done nothing all day, just relaxing. Off to the cinema with my best friend tomorrow and then I've got a date on Monday... which I'm nervous for but hey. It'll be fun.
Off to visit family on Tuesday for a couple of weeks... not looking forward to the 7 hour train journey on my own but staying with my Nan isn't so bad, she lets me do what I want :lew:
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Blackpool last night. It was ace xD Zoe took so long getting ready, that I polished off a bottle of wine before we even went out. First bar we walked into, a drag queen called me Bridget Jones :mokken: A woman in there also took a picture of me for her husband xD

I also got ALOT of dirty looks from the other women folk :wacky:

I don't remember falling over, though I have the graze to prove it - I didn't spill my drink though, or so I'm told. I don't remember eating pizza either, but that keeps repeating on me. I think the box outside the hotel may have been mine :wacky:

I missed Zoe falling over as well hahaha. We have matching grazes xD

I was fucking rough as toast when I woke up, took one look at my breakfast and was like ''.....'' *eats a bean* ''....'' *tries a mushroom* ''prods at the food abit* ''I can't eat that'' I wasted a full english D:

Also. Kellys quote of the day ''Don't go in with the fingers, go in with the fist''

I was talking about fishnet tights :mokken:

Good weekend all round, must organise another outing soon :ryan:

Oh, I almost started a fight after someone tried to pull my top down and yelled at the wrong guy. I don't remember this either, but apparently I was raging :8F:

Poor guy xD
Mood: shit. Nothing To do at all. Its been a very very boring day. It started off alright until Internet disconnections happened. Plus I dont feel that wel either. My head is spinning and I dont feel like doing anything. Oh and my fucking cousin is coming tommorow. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT. Annoying piss head he is :hmph:

Playing Pool with friends and it's not going well for me haha. It's just one of those days, you know? If you donät clear your head then you are bound to fail. Always tomorrow I suppose. Best I am not the same at poker =O. Might as well give them my money.
Mood: Blehhh

reason: I think I'm still fucked from Saturday night. I overslept this morning, had to make a mad dash to get out of the house and just crawled back into bed when I got home, woke up just shy of 2pm. I could have easily stayed in there the whole day and slept through til morning. I'm bog eyed to fuck, and the stuffy weather aint helping either

I've got piss all appetite either, which is good, I thought I'd be hungry all day today with over stuffing the face over the weekend, but the diet is back on track. I need a shower, but the thought of standing up and exerting myself just makes me sad ]: Alas, I'l have one in abit
Mood: Meh :hmmm:

Reason: Well, I'm excited about going to Yorkshire tomorrow I suppose :hmmm: staying with my nan isn't so bad and I'm sick of my parents right now :mokken:
On the other hand, I haven't had any lunch so I'm staaaaaaaaarved :rage: and my date was a bit of a bastard. I sure know how to attract horrible guys :hmph:
Mood: itchy >_<

Reason: My eye HURTS like a mofo. I tried putting in some eye drops but, to no avil haven't worked out too well D=

Nothing's been going on today actually pretty bored :hmmm: I hope to play uc2 later with Adri or something...

Almost finished with Supernatural season 5 so... I might be picking back up on that.
Mood: okay

I'm tired again though and my eyes hurt a bit. I guess my pupils are normal now, went to the eye doctor today and had to get eye drops, my pupils were huge! Couldnt look very sharp either and my dad said I looked creepy. xD My eyes weren't that bad luckily, I'm glad I don't need to wear a glasses everyday, In fact I don't need anything, I could try out contacts he said, but I will buy glasses anyways for driving because that looks handier to me.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Have been for the vast majority of the day. Starting to get a bit tired now, but I should be able to catch up, and even get ahead, with my sleep now that I'm at my dad's again. I can just feel my stomach is going to rumble for more food, so the Doritos are at the ready just in case it does. Might PS3 it up later as well since I've not really been gaming too much as of lately.
Mood: Bad/good. The morning was hell and I will not explain it. Right now I am good because I was playing the story of Uncharted 2. Now on Chapter VII and it is going really good. I am loving it so far! Right now I am taking a break cause I am tired. Might play later tonight. And cousin left instead of sleeping here but going to his house tommorow. Hopefully he wil shut his shit xD
Mood: Shattered

Reason: I. Hate. Insomnia. It gave me an awful night of near- sleeplessness. I woke up sometime before approximately 6am and then I had to prepare for a morning session of mentoring in a primary school. Seeing as I hardly slept, going through that was no pleasurable feat. Why - oh why - did I sign up for that mentoring thing I am not fully sure. It's something to put in a personal statement I suppose.

Right now I should be going to bed, but I thought that I'd get the Fishermen's Horizon bit in FFVIII first before I do so. The music is starting to sound like a lullaby to me now. Even the game is telling me to go to sleep. :hmmm: