[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Alright

Went home an hour early, which was nice. Been having trouble getting to sleep lately, which makes me sleep in a lot, and sleep the day away, which I'm a little annoyed about. But oh well, roll on Wednesday. Looking forward to my Thurs/Friday weekend.

Just listening to the new album that The Maine brought out the 13th. Downloaded that, so I'm looking forward to getting that. I might get Jeff to pick it up for me after all, seeing it's not out here in any stores, so I'm not sure if they'll sell it here.

On that note, huzzah, saving up is going well. Hopefully Jeff will be here for Christmas, definitely for our annivesary which I'm looking forward too. :ryan:

Feeling generally good at the moment. A little fat. :lew: I ate a burger during my lunch at work today, and mom's about to bring home some fast food for late (very late; 11:45PM) dinner. xD Oh well. Think I'll go mess in PhotoShop for a few hours tonight. I feel inspired.
Marvin'! (starving!)

I am so hungry. I am just sittign here and suddenly it hit me that I need food haha. I have been eating enough recently but sometimes it feels like I am starting to need more. I guess I am feeling a little drained from exercise or something so I need a bit more. Surprised that it just suddenly started to bother me though.
Mood: Fine

Reason: I've had half of the day to myself, so I've finally caught up with some of my TV shows on BBC iPlayer this afternoon. Pretty much relaxed right now and trying to think of what to do. Perhaps some writing since I just finished watching Smallville and my muse for writing one of my stories has recently returned.
Mood: Busy

Reason: I've actually been trying to organize my ipod :hmmm: get rid of some songs so that I have more space on it and whatnot. It's been going... okay for the most part.

I've also been told that I need to do some clean Dx so, i'll be getting to that soon I suppose.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Got stuff on my mind :hmmm: but I'm ok. Good train journey today... it was long and slightly boring but it went smoothly, everything on time etc, so it wasn't so bad :lew:
Got a couple of weeks of relaxing now... away from the parents for a bit :ohoho:
Mood: hiiiiiii

I suddenly have the urge to hug someone. It's been a while I've hugged someone.. x.x I just feel like hugging some sweet girl or whoever. I have these random moments sometimes, but they never come true. :P
*Tackles and hugs Crystal* Better?

Currently feeling like...I don't know "Blegh?"

Just finished watching a little 21 Jumpstreet and it was all about underage drinking and what not. Just reminds me of drinking when I was in school just because it was so badass and cool, yet now I really don't give too much of a shit about it. Maybe once in a while. I am in one of those moods where you want to do something but anythign you think of it boring? If that makes sense.

Who knows, perhaps I just want a hug too? Or maybe it's the fact I haven't eaten again =/ We shall see.
Mood: Good

reason: Just relaxing. My Nan's gone out so I have the house to myself for a bit so I'm just sat on the sofa on the laptop... and it's quite nice.
Also, less than 2 weeks till my gig in London :woo:
Mood: Eager

Reason: Well I've played soccer two days in a row, which means I'm cutting weight fast. I'm hoping tonight will be a good turn out, as now I'm managing 22 people. Let's hope for a good scrimmage. I need some running.
Mood: not bad. The morning seems ok. But I am so thirsty and there is absolutely nothing but mineral water which is good but Just dont feel for it now. I would hope to buy more drinks since everything seems to be finished :hmmm: Might just play something in a bit. Plus I am alone for a bit :awesome:
Mood: Aggitated

Reason: No reason really, Im just bored and unmotivated and hungry and just RAWR :rage: I have housework I could do, but I really really can't be arsed, I'l be getting it all done tomorrow anyway, there's just piss all to dooooooo. I better find a job soon :hmph:

I'l have to get summat arranged for weekend or I'l end up cracking up this week, it's been painfully dull
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: God knows why I went to bed at 5 in the morning, but managed to sleep in until 2 this afternoon. But I'm pretty much chilled out now I'm watching a film. Going to have quite a productive day for once, too. Thinking of doing some writing, watching some films and trying to relax.
Mood: Tired

I'm tired, that's all I can say. Nothing else is really bothering me right now, so maybe it's the type of tired and mellow mix at the end of the day when you know there's nothing else in your mind or that's supposed to be in your mind. I'll probably go to ed in a little while and not wake till this afternoon which is fine with me, I'll have a few things to do when I am up so yeah. ♥
Mood: Very pissed off.
Reason: I should be happy as I got a full bag of awesome clothes from Primark with my mum for £21. But its my ex again. After another big row bout 3 weeks ago he blocked me on FB and told me he wouldnt add his previous ex to FB again. That was the cause of the arguement. He wont add me, but will her and she was the bitch of all bitches. Then he removes the block today and whats this??? Hes friends with her AGAIN after saying he would NEVER EVER add her again. So I sent him a pissed off message and blocked the fucking fat liar myself. What a fucking prick, hate his fat guts.
Mood: Verry Happy

Reason: Its only because im in california spending time with my family. I haven't seen them for almost 2 years. Im with my sister right now, and later we might go swimming or pick up my brother and cousin from L.A. I missed my niece too and we're having fun together. Earlier i played uncharted 2 and it was fun but I suck at it but I am getting better I think. One of the guys made me laugh because they kept cussing and stuff lol.
Mood: Mehh.

Reason: I hear one thing but think the other. i'm just so tired of feeling like shittt D=

I need to do something about it but, everytime I try.. I just fall right back into the same hole.

Nothing really goin' on either :hmmm: Just trying to unwind.
Mood: Relaxed

I am pretty calm this morning. Up early because I feared my alarm wouldn't go off as my phone battery nearly died. Job Coach in an hour or so, then the joys of Banking. But it's all good. Has to be done some time so I am just keeping relaxed. Better not be 33C out again though or I will die.
Mood: Fine

Reason: I'm relaxing by playing some FFXIII. But before, I was pretty pissed off this Morrisons hotline I've been trying to ring all week just happened to close today. On top of that, my dad and stepmum were arguing, which just added further irritation. But I've calmed down now. Thankfully, it's not the end of the world and will just have to keep the search going for another job to get out of my boring one.
Mood: pissed off. The internet cut off in the middle of the night yesterday because of a big thunderstorm. So I just went to bed right away as there was nothing to do. Now however its working so its all good. Ill probably just go get something to eat now :hmmm:
Mood: :rage:

Someone clearly does not want me to get to work on time this week. There's always something that delays me for 10-15 minutes. Yesterday it was a train. I swear this train was driving slower than any train I've ever seen. And it had like 500+ cars. :hmph:

Today there was an accident AND the traffic signal was blinking. I had to wait in traffic for fifteen minutes while everyone took turns crossing the intersection. The best part is there were cops and firemen at the accident which was about 100 yards away; apparently no one thought it would be a good idea to call someone to direct traffic. :mokken:

Also, I had no coffee this morning. Yeah, so my morning has been thoroughly shitty and now I'm at work. -__-