[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Motivated

Reason: Fucking orientation! Whoo! Best time ever, since I turned 17 for sure. It was so much fun, I met a lot of cool people, saw like one girl from my high school, and I met some hot guys too (God, they were hot *swoons*). But yeah, I can't wait to go in September, this year's gonna be poppin'.

Its friday tommorrow and i cant wait for the weekend :ryan:
Got some plans and i cant wait to put them in action :ryan:
I swear this weeks just flew by, nothing better than a quick work week :ryan:
Mood: alright

Reason: Had a good day, went shopping and spent lots of money on stuff I liked but don't really need... as I normally do when I go shopping.
Tomorrow, though, I've got to go and spend a couple of days with my dad's side of the family in Hull. I have nothing to say to any of them because I only see them once a year so it's basically gonna be two days of awkward silence... not really looking forward to that so much.
Mood: warm and pretty tired.

Glad it's a bit colder outside but we don't really feel that inside. The airco was still necessary, the airco is turned off now though and I'm melting because of the laptop on my lap. Also pretty tired, it's almost 1 am here. I should go to bed becayse I have to get up at 9 again.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: It's cool in this room and it's still being warm every day this week, despite it not being sunny all the time. Just relaxing and unwinding in here now. Might go bed a bit earlier tonight since I'm off out tomorrow night with some friends from work and then hitting Blackpool for the day on Saturday. May need to get all the rest I can get.

Inception tonight!! I honestly can't wait. Since I had heard about this film I have been curious and want to see it. And seeing as Leo DiCap is back in fine form I am hoping this will be a good film to watch tonight. Though I've had so much popcorn that I don't think I can eat much more. Though, a movie without popcorn is blasphemy.

Chinese food tonight too. I don't want to complain but takeout in Scandinavia is SHIT. You get nothing to choose from. Maybe 7 or 8 meals, and it's not like...the real deal. It's just like..pretend food haha. I hate it. But I really do fancy something other than sausage so I shall welcome it with open arms and eat like a King.

It's 3 AM, I just woke up from about 2 hours sleep and I'm not tired. I wish I could take a shower but it's a bit early for that.:wacky: I have an appointment tomorrow that I really am not looking forward to.:rage: Think I'll go on PS3 for a while in a bit... there's really nothing much else to do at this time that won't wake everyone else up.
Mood: Not awesome, but not shit either

I've been up all night, and I still am. Just waiting for my mom to wake up, so I can rant to Jeff before he goes to bed. -.- I'm bored, and I'll probably pass out myself in a few minutes, good thing it's raining and I can be lazy today. =)

Just listening to music now, while trying to fight off sleepyness.
Mood: Annoied

Reason: The employment place ive been going to for the last 4 weeks has yet to do anything to help me, they claim that any work i put into it, i will get back from them, well so far ive been jumping thru hoops filling in pointless forms and the guy hasnt finished "fixing" my cv. :mad:
Mood: Alright

Reason: Phones pecking head, mass texting usually results in people askign stupid questions, texting the wrong number and I normally fuck summat up somewhere...bet Ive sent everyone the wrong number :wacky: Least it's not mass blank texts this time :hmph:

Also, if the new Sim dont arrive tomorrow, Im phonless all weekend. NOT GOOD :rage:

Other than that, Im Ellie free, had the best lie in Ive had since i was high on paramol, had a good scoff, good times. Gunna have a stroll to Asda later, just cuz I can like. Kid free for a weeeeeeeek. Oyas :ryan:
Mood: good. Just came home from mmy cousins house. The sleepover wasnt terrible but I had to sleep on a chair cause you know cousin is a bastard etc etc. Though The chair was comfortable but it made lots of noise -__- So Since I came home might just rest. I am a little tired after all.
Mood: Alright

Reason: I'm in Hull with some family I rarely see and I don't know what to say to them so I'm a bit bored. We're off out for dinner soon though so that should be a bit more entertaining.
The worst thing is my cousin has 2 kids who are both really young... and I'm not fond of small children -__-
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: The weather's finally decent today. There's plenty of sunshine and *gasp*, it hasn't been raining. Considering this week's weather has been mostly atrocious, seeing the sun again today is a bit of a pleasant surprise. At the moment, I'm just relaxing with some coffee and the iPod. I've just got back from walking the dog along the promenade, which is surprisingly quiet today. Everyone must be away on holiday or something.
I feel good.

My grandma turned 80 today so we went to my aunt Sietske's place to celibrate it, I was surprised to see how fast my grandma could walk again after she had suffered a stroke a year ago and broken some bones. At first I thought it would be boring there but it was okay. Now eating some bread and listening to great music. I do get sleepy from it though. Dunno what I'll do tonight, probably watching tv. Wished I could go out though.
Mood: Happy

Reason: Just got back from seeing Toy Story 3, I was almost bawling my eyes out by the end. Probably one of the better films I've seen this year and it's most certainly the best from the trilogy in my eyes. Went for a drink afterwards, shame I had to drink quickly since they were closing up and I drink reeeeeeeeeeeeally slow. So my had a head rush with alcohol, sugar and lemon. It's taking a while to shift, actually. I'm Blackpool bound tomorrow, gonna be goooooooood!

Feeling pretty good today, just a little hungry so I will have to make some toast or buy some cereal or something soon. I am just counting down the days until I can go and see my family and friends back home in the UK. Bring over a few Scandy fodds for a Norwegian friend of mine in the UK. It seems liek a pretty nice day too. Not like a sauna so I am happy. So far so good.

I hurt my back lifting up a couch........for no particular reason........just because I can.
and put to much stress on my lower back and now I cant move with out being in pain ;)
so I will suffer for my stupidity and play some games and Post sum.
Mood: Confused

reason: Well, I'm not going to share an in-depth reason :wacky: I'm just wondering what to do about something. I've plenty of time to decide because I really need to sort it out when I get back to Devon and since I've still got a week an a half up here, it's not so bad...
Apart for that, I'm enjoying Hull more than I expected :hmmm: It's quite nice talking to some of my relatives again... but, my cousin's kids are getting right on my tits now -__-
Mood: Not amused. I got to say that some of the video games I have are getting really boring. I mean Halo 3 there is nothing to do in that and when you lose it gets so fucking boring so I am not gonna play that for a while unless friends want to. Uncharted 2 is a great game and keeps me busy. Now which shall I play first y rpgs that I want to pass on Xbox or shall I play some more Uncharted 2 :hmmm: The only shooter ill play is Uncharted 2 and really rarely halo 3 as Halo Reach is coming out in about a month and a half. So I must decide what to do :gasp: