[V3] What's Your Mood?

Money is the root of all evil, but I know what you mean with that -.- I wasn't born with a silver spoon either, though you don't have to be to mystically transform into a cunt when it comes to money or "survival" as many would call it. I can't believe I live with people like that, you know =/

Newly woken & grumpy!

Okay, I am having a weird dream every night without fail now and they are starting to bother me a little bit. They aren't overly meaningful, nor are they disturbing or scary, but I just hate having dreams are confusing like that. I dreamt we were in an aeroplane. Me, my mother, and some photographer who was flying the plane. We were flying really low...like...just above market stalls haha. And when we landed, he opened the boot (of a plane?) and when he went to close it, my sister got in the way and he closed it on her. Then he opened it and went "Woops, lucky you've got boobs!" =/

But yeah, a little grumpy too as I am just so thirsty and it won't go away -.-

My internet connection just crapped out for about an hour. I was in the middle of a game too. :hmph: I really wish it would stop doing that, and seeing as how it only does it around the time when I'm actually awake is ridiculous.

I had a headache earlier, so I took a nap but I think it made me dizzy. Hopefully THAT goes away as well... >.>

I think I need to get my sleeping schedule in order, it's almost August ffs. Really am not looking forward to September, when school starts up again. The only thing I'm thinking is that it'll probably give me much more to do, which is a good thing.
Mood: Better than I was

Reason: My headache's not here today, and neither is the pain in my left arm... off to Manchester tomorrow, and it's just a week until I go and see Dir en grey in London :ryan: I can't wait.
Also, I'm doing alright at saving some money towards a PS3 :ryan: I should have one in a few months :awesome:
Mood: sleepy. Just cause I went to bed at 5:19 in the morning and I just woke up now. I feel it isnt enough sleep but I will live. Still was really hard to go to sleep because of all the fun on uc2 etc etc.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Slept well and popped out before, too. Bought a new music CD and Infamous for PS3. Though I'd treat myself now that I know I'm not going on holiday. Glad that I didn't get the stupid talk from my little sister. When she gets her own money, she'll understand you can spend it on whatever you want. Just sat down chilling out to my new music and Infamous times will commence. Fun tiemz.
Mood: Day Off

Reason: Put another cat down today, 17 year old cat definitely deserved a good run. Took the rest of the day to spend with the wife, since it was hers since she was 6.
Cream crackered.

Utterly fucked. The heat is really wearing me down and I stay up till maybe 4am and then wake up at 6am if I am lucky. No matter what I do I can't cool down so I am really hating living in this sauna just now. It's driving me crazy. If it's any worse in the UK next week I will go insane. I am going to have tp spend all my free time sleeping when I am back home I think.

I yearn for the winter and 30 inch deep snow =(
Mood: Good

Reason: 4 bottles of wine and no hangover. Result. Had a right good catch up with Clare last night, woke up farrrr too early this morning though, think im gunna go get my head back down soon. I'm also on strike. The ex said he would let me know at the latest, last night if Ellie was coming home today, as I have plans to make. Still waiting around. Typical useless twat. He's having her til Sunday now (As originally fucking planned anyway!) whether he likes it or not. A bit of common fucking courtesy to let me know what's going on wouldn't go amis! He knows I've been hanging off making plans - well, plans are getting made!

Hopefully, there will be a night out to Manc on Saturday, just need to keep the brother uninformed so I can turn up and show him up. Hopefully there will be some fit, older mates. Unlikely mind, but one can dream
Mood: Good

Reason: Off to Manchester later, shopping in the Trafford centre :andry:
Considering I was trying to save up, this isn't good... but I love shopping so :mokken:
Just relaxing at the minute.
Also, under a week till my gig :ryan: I can't wait!
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: No one's pestering me to do things for them. With the exception of my sister who's watching TV downstairs, everyone's gone out and that makes me feel relaxed in here. Currently playing a little bit of inFamous, I just lurrrrve to be bad. There are other games I should be cracking on with, but this is. Like. Awesome. xD
Mood: Annoyed. Woke up at 1 in the afternoon and now I only have half the hours because of the time I woke up :rage: Also I really dont like my hair this way :hmph: So Yes I am quite annoyed with both things and the fact I went on uc2 for no reason yesterday :hmph:
Mood: Tired

Reason: I spent most of the day up and down running errands while the rest of the family was busy or away with their own things to do. I had to do quite a bit of shopping today as I had a car available at hand. The washing machine has gone kaput today while I was trying to take care of the washing.

At least now I haven't really much to do, so I'm just relaxing before I decide to go to bed. I've sort of reached a wall with DQIX. It's done one thing to really irritate me. Resetting levels to LV 1 again when I change vocations? I can't be fucked to start again just so my Minstrel can be a Warrior. >.<
Mood: Good

Reason: Had a good day yesterday, and a lie-in today for the first time in a while :ryan: (well, a dog woke me up barking at 7:30 but I got back to sleep...)
Currently sat here with a load of red hair dye on my hair, it smells foul but it's worth it :lew:
Mood: dying

Reason: I was unbelivably poorly last night, I really shouldn't have eaten as many custard creams as I did, I turned my stomach inside out, I went to bed couldnt sleep and thought, Il just relax and game for abit, then my vision started going funny, then it hit me all sudden like, and aside from my peripheral vision, my eyesight just completely failed me. I've not had a migraine for such a long time, not when it's come on that fast I can't counter it anyway.. I was in bed with a bag of frozen veg on my head wanting to die. Then I remembered I had super painkillers, and also that I'd have to eat before I took them, or I'd die even more.. shuffling to the kitchen half dead and making toast was no fun, then I opened the fridge and the fucking light almost killed me :rage:

I went to bed after eating painkillers, willing them to work faster, feeling twice as sick because I had to eat and they were just strong andnot sitting well in my poorly belly at all

I eventually felt the headache ebb away and nodded off. Woke up about 6 am with bad guts. It's all been going off in my body these last 2 days

And just to add insult to injury, Ive got a rash down the side of my face that was in agony. When I get ill I do it with style. I'm still ill as fuck, but as long as there's no sudden movements it doesn't feel like a punch to the brain anymore, just a dull ache

I feel like my body is finally retaliating and telling me to sort it ouuuuuut ]:

On the plus side, my monocle arrived. Snazzy

Just got off the phone after talking for several hours arranging things for my trip home and what not. It's strange how fast it's came. Kind of feels like everything is falling into place too. Now I just need to hope it wont turn into a nightmare when I am back home. Just asked for a few foods and drinks to be bought for me. Mummy and Daddy truly are spoiling me. I am glad. Missing Orange Lucozade more than I could ever imagine.
I am a bit tired but other than that I feel good. Also a bit in a weird mood.

Had a nice day today, my friend just left and it was hilarious with her xD We've made really stupid pictures, that's been a while. Also bought cotton candy at the funfair and devil may cry'ed. (Nero fangirlism coming up xD )
Now my eyes are all tired but I don't feel like going to bed yet, I know for sure when I lay down, I walk back in a half an hour as a zombie. I also feel like writing a story but my mom doesn't really have nice inspirational music on =.=
Mood: Relaxed and Random :wacky:

Great friends, Great weather, Great food and Great music what can be any better :mokken:

Waiting to head out to the bank to fix my account and what not and then I have to print off my flight tickets for Wednesday, as well as get my coach tickets sorted. I am glad at least my parents can pick me up so I don't need to travel from Gatwick to Windsor by myself too. I am just really counting down the days until I put on like 20 stone with all the shit I am going to eat. 5 days! Woops.
Mood: Bit of both, really

Reason: I'm not in a bad mood really, because I've been busy and my time up north so far has actually been quite fun :dave:
But, I've got a horrible headache so I'm not actually feeling 100% :hmmm: I need to get to the doctors when I'm back in Devon and get my sinuses sorted.
A bit annoyed

I finally started a story about a rp with my friend, It took a while because I'm pretty inspirationless lately. I sent the piece to her and of course, like always I hear what I have to change. I'm sorry but English is not my first language. I know she tries to help but it just starts to annoy me now. It's never good enough. =.=