[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Blah!

Reason: If anything, I feel very apathetic right now. I've had one of the my more miserably days today and I'm still seething from what's happened. I won't say here since it's a bit too personal. But now I'm plotting revenge against this said person, who's been a right cunt to me. Also, work was a bit stressful with having to do some new stuff to keep my hours. I've only really been able to be myself since I've got to my dad's. I just don't want to bawl my eyes out again because I'll feel so shitty again. >_>
Still excited! but now because of an other reason.

Ín october we'll go to Canada on vacation for two weeks, it's been three years and I can't wait to go there again, but now I heard we will also go to the US for 4 days, to Idaho. Awesome to visit anotehr country again. =D
Pissed :hmph:

Feel unwell for the first time since I quit my last job. I am pretty pissed off. 2 days before I fly home I am coughing my guts up every 5 minutes and there's no fucking medicine in the house. So it looks like I will have to take a 2 mile journey in the pissing rain (which I would normally love) to find a medicine for me. I miss Calpol =(

Feels a bit typical really. Fall unwell as soon as I am about to travel, rather than like..3 months ago when I had fuck all to do, you know? :rage:
Mood: Happy

Reason: Excited for tomorrow, mainly :dave:
I have to pack all my stuff up soon though and I really can't be bothered... oh well, I get to go home soon as well :woo: I miss my cat :sad2:
Mood: Ill

Reason: Woke up feeling like I'd eaten a cactus, every inch of my body aches, my head hurts, I have ear ache and I'm generally just falling to bits. Letting the cat finish my curry probably isn't the best idea I ever had either, but I don't care, I'm fucking sick as a parrot. for the second time. in a week. It's not even the same fucking thing ]:

And WHY the cat feels the need to drop the chicken on the FLOOR when she could just eat it out of the tray. Ugh.

fucking bastard bollocks. Hate my life ]:
aww :wacky: get better kelly :monster:

I'm a little anxious myself. This weekend has been made of SUCK. No new games in the mail from gamefly, wow is too much bullshit to care about, there's nothing good to watch on TV, and there's only one thing I want to do.

But I can't. :wacky:

lying around sleeping all week since thursday listening to mp3s ftl.
Mood: *hiss*

Reason: This is why I hate retainers and orthodontists. A crack has appeared on one of my retainers - God knows how long it's been "broken" for. Tomorrow I'll have to go to the orthodontist and do something about that. It's either putting acrylic-like stuff on it or pay about £50....for a new set. If only acrylic is required, it will leave a terrible taste in my mouth when I wear it. I tried that before and it was vile. I had to get it off in the middle of the night once because it was that foul.

Ugh....I'm just having little luck with retainers. I can't wait to get rid of them for good. It didn't help that the receptionist once boasted that she never broke them once having worn them for 4 years. Well...good for you. :mokken:
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Mood: Relaxed

Reason: It's been quite the day. Nipped out to town to have a look round and finally got myself a top to go with my black leggings for my brother's christening, which is a week on Sunday. Not looking forward to the actual service, just the little get together afterwards, hehe. Went out for something to eat for lunch, too, which was nice. Not had a nice chat with my dad and the oldes of my two younger sisters in a while. And I've been relaxing since I got back this afternoon. Might head off to bed soon since I've been up since half ten this morning. xD
Mood: Happy. Vacation went very well actually. It was fun to get away from the internet a while and do other things. Got 6 new games also :awesome: So I guess ill be on the xbox since only one of those is for Wii :lew: Shou;d up my gamerscore alot and plus these are games I was really looking forward to. Overall great vacation If I do say so myself :awesome:
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Flying home tomorrow for the first time in 5 months and I know a lot has changed. I can't wait to see the dogs though. I definately miss them the most. I think it'll be ce to see all my family and friends. Hopefully it's not another 5 months until the next time.
Have fun back in England, Mase :dave:

Mood: Excited

Reason: My train to London is at 12 and my gig is later, I can't waaaait :ryan:
Everything's packed and stuff and I'm just sat around waiting to get going now. Waiting is boring :mokken:
Mood: Ughhh

Reason: HOW am I still sick?! I was bad last night/this morning as well. Belly is abit swollen from the chronic stomach ache I had most of the night. It tailed off into like, shooting pains rather than constant I got the hot water bottle and had that on my belly for a while, that eased it abit, though Ive gone scalded myself with it now so im covered in cream. It never rains but it pours

there's no fucking way Id of made it to the docs this morning. I really need to go as well, but Id of keeled over and died on my way

This is just getting ridiculous now =[

Is there a doctor in the house? :sad3:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Pretty much the same yesterday, except I'm more relaxed since I haven't done as much as then. Only nipped out to do some things and came back within an hour. Been feeling a bit creative as well, so I've gone and started planning a new fic as well as sum up ideas for my current ones. Going to still relax for the remainder of the day and maybe do a bit of gaming before bed. Off out tomorrow to meet a friend I haven't seen in a year, so might be a bit weird.

Reason: Got me a brand new laptop :D and am enjoying every second im spending on it :wacky: shame i didnt get a mouse -_-
^ Lucky. :lew:


Mood: Tired

Not a single break on an eight hour shift. :8F: Twas hell, and fucking crowded at work today, so I'm so glad I got home. :gonk: Old manager is coming back, =( I missed that dude, so I'm really happy. Roll on September 1st, Jeff's bday also. Then only 3/4 more months! :ohshit:

Mood: getting annoyed,

I picked up my driver's licence and my first glasses today. Still gotta learn how to park XD
Got my glasses on all day, on the left it's okay but it seems like it doesn't seem right at my right eye when I look at certain things. Hope this changes the upcoming days or else I have to go back with it. Also hate to clean the glasses already.
Fingerprints </3


More relaxed than I was yesterday but a pretty restless night. I have to leave in a few hours and everything I packed felt so light. I just put in a few weeks worth of clothes, yet it came to 11kg? I mean...WTF? How heavy are my clothes? With a 15kg limit it kind of fucked me off. I can bring nothing back now really. Thank God for hand luggage. But even that is just 10kg, no liquids over 100ml and so on. So really I've not got a lot of choice in what to take. As long as I can bring my babies home with me I will be happy. Maybe I will steal one of my dogs too o_O
Mood: grim

Reason: I can't drink for about 4 weeks. the fuck D: D: D: Dragged my sorry behind off to the doctors this morning, gastritis, startings of a stomach ulcer and a virus on top of that. Brilliant. Got some shit to take, for it and Im not allowed to take anadins anymore haha, apparently that's NOT been helping me feel any better these last few days.. paracetamol it is

Least I know what's up now, I was half expecting, there's nowt wrong, you'll get over it, like i normally get ]:
Mood: okay. Just got up early so I would have the day to myself. Gonna play Blazblue Continuum Shift in a bit. Later I am going to my cousins again so Ill probably just use FFF there :hmmm:
Mood: Apprehensive

Reason: Waiting for my dad to finally take me out to get some more stuff for my college dorm. It finally hit me, that I have about 3 weeks left before I start living on campus. Hmm and I'm not nervous just a wee bit hesitant. :hmmm: