[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Fine

Reason: Got out into town for a few hours. Had a good time with my best friend, who I hadn't seen for a whole year. Had drinks and a meal at the Piccadilly Pub, it was all goood. Got myself a new lightning necklace at Affleck's Palace. I'm still feeling full from that meal. To be honest, it's a kinda weird feeling since being full rarely happens with me. Going to relax for the remainder of the day. Off to my grandma's time to go and terrorise her. xD
Mood: Great

My legs are absolutely killing me but I don't careeee, my gig last night was great and I got loads of videos of it. Afterwards we waited for the band to come out and we saw them right up close, which was brilliant.
Also spent a couple of hours wandering around Camden this morning, which was great... Camden market is amazing :ryan:
Mood: Content

Reason: The highlight of the day was definitely finally being able to watch Toy Story 3 in 3D with a close friend of mine. I meant to watch it on the week of its release, but that was pushed back until today through various reasons. Before that we were just roaming around town and the promenade just passing the time. At the moment I'm just relaxing - don't feel like going to sleep any time soon, considering I managed to clock up 12 hrs of sleep last night and waking up at about 12pm today.
Mood: what the hell

My mom scared the crap out of me. My mom was asleep on the couch as always and my dad is playing MDK now. I just woke up my mom because she promised not to sleep that early, so I did and said that my dad played that game again, she didn't respond so I touched her again, but she heard the gunshots at that moment, rose up as a maniac and tripped one meter further because of her speed =.= Did she really think someone was shooting? xD She felt weird afterwards, but It looked hilarious though.
Mood: in pain. I dont know ever since I woke up this morning my tooth has been killing me. It is one of the front ones on top :hmph: I just hope I will be able to eat properly. Also not going home till 7:00 it seems.
Mood: Tired/bored/ill

Reason: Getting woken up at 6.30 is the LAST thing I could be arsed with today, I seriously need to catch up on the sleep, but no. I tried getting back to sleep but then the pain started up, so I had to get up. I got an hour or so a couple of hours later, I just feel generally run down today. Being ill is fucking boring. I'm just shuffling about, Ellie is whinging that she is bored, but she knows I'm ill and I can't pissing do out, I just want to sleep :hmph:

I guess I'm cranky too. Oh and I'm due on, that'll be contributing to said crankiness an' all

I want to go shopping so bad, I feel like I need retail therapy big time, but I cannnnn't. I wouldn't mind dragging Ellie with me and putting up with her complaining, but not when I feel like I'm half dead. /rage

Ooh ebay

I want mostly hair accessorise anyway

mood: crappy

reason: i got sent home from work as i had a upset stomach and was up all night goin to the bog and now got a sick note to say im back to work on friday :) LUCKY ME !!
Mood: Tired

Reason: I slept for 12 hours last night, but since my nan's staying, I've been in the spare bed. The mattress is a thin bit of form and I woke up so stiff. My legs still hurt from the gig on Tuesday, and I hardly slept on Tuesday night... so yeah, I want to go to sleeeep :sad:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: It's certainly been a productive day. Been discussing a lot of things at my gran's today, including my 21st birthday do. It's causing some unnecessary stress and would rather get it over and done with now rather than in a few weeks. Also counting down the days to going back to university. Cannot. Wait. I'm relaxing now, although I'm not fully able to relax. Meh, I'll try again in a bit.
Mood: Chillin' like a Villain

:ffs: Lame title.

I'm just messing around in Photoshop, had a little project I worked on to help Cali out, which I'm pretty pleased with. =) Just enjoying my two days off. I'ma plan a week or two off after this month. Not sure when yet, but oh shit that will be so damn good.

Downloaded the trial version of Topaz, and it works so nicely. :ohoho: I'm considering buying it when I'm buying a new lappy. :ohoho:

Just listening to music, drinking Coke, and messing around in Photoshoppy. Yesh, things are alright. =)
Mood: x_x

Reason: Woke up at half 4. I should be getting better, not waking up in crippling pain ]: I gave up at half 6, got up, had my meds and some pain killers. Had some food and just drinking a (rather shitty) cup of tea, then am gunna see if I can get back to sleep for a couple more hours. Half 4 my fucking arse
Mood: Bored

Now that I've got my head on straight again, etc. I am not feeling as much anxiety, but I'm still bored at home. :monster:
Mood: Bored

Reason: It's my first day where I have absolutely nothing planned or that I need to do since before my exams and I don't really like it. I've got another month off school and it's gonna be mostly like this because I'm too skint to constantly going out... I'm going to either die of boredom or end up wanting to go back :dry:
Mood: Great. Beat Uncharted 2 last night(story mode) I also have the day to myself. I will be alone for a while today so that is great. Quiet Times ftw. Now what should I play? :hmmm: Also awesome that I woke up early :ryan:
Mood: Tired

Reason: I can't stop yawning. Been looking after my dog this morning, who had an operation and some medication into him yesterday. Then I had my 11-3 shift at work and came back to help out at home with the dogs again. I'm absolutely shattered now, but I'm trying to keep awake since there are some things I want to do before I go to bed. Hopefully, I'll be doing some stuff tomorrow on my Saturday off. Don't wanna waste it.
nae bad

pretty bored tbh. Not much i can be bothered doing and the house is roasting ho...i hate it.
Got my hospital appointment letter through the door so ive got to go in and get those scans in a week. The wee letter they enclose makes it sound kinda gruesome but il bet its nothing. Il get the day off work anyway for it so im not complaining -.-
Sleep soon D=
Mood: Bored

Reason: Another one of those days where I just have nothing to do. I've nearly done all the academic stuff I was given to do for the summer (and I'm certainly not in the mood to finish it off at the moment). I wanted to do something way more today than just play video games and hide behind my laptop. It's just been relatively quiet as well. I haven't heard from some people for weeks now.
Mood - Great

Had a pretty fun night with my friends and significant other. I wish my sleep cycle was in whack though. Staying awake till gone 6am every night is starting to be very very draining. Especially since I have to go out tomorrow, and I have plans with other friends. Sorta.
Mood: :gonk:

I'm up a bit early because I have to meet a friend at 11. I was really tired last night so getting out of bed at half 8 was a bit painful...
I should probably get ready and stuff instead of sitting around on this but I'm not really awake yet.