[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Bored

Reason: I feel like I've just thrown a day away. It's just been astonishingly uneventful as well. I've been waiting all day for a phone call that was apparently semi-important, only to realise after many hours of waiting (and a series of wrong numbers) that it never came. The weather was diabolical as always, stopping me from stepping outside of the house. I basically had nothing to really do at all. I'm the sort of person who prides on getting something done in a day, and well - I'm just underwhelmed that nothing's really actually happened today.

And a dentist appointment tomorrow as well.....hurray. No doubt that I will be chewed off for brushing too aggressively or something. :hmph:
Mood: Laidback

Reason: I just am, I've gotten the bulk of what I needed to get done pretty much out of the way. So yeah now I'm just chilling out for the rest of the day. Plus it's sunny and not as sickeningly hot which is a bonus.
Mood: Excited

Reason: Finally getting out of my hometown for a few weeks :D Gunna enjoy every second of it to be honest....
Mood: Sick

Reason: My stomach's feeling very sore right now and I've no idea why. It might be because I went out and the alcohol's done something to it. Or else it's the excitement. Either way, I feel pretty iffy/shite right now. Just want this feeling to subside, so I can go to bed already for tomorrow.
I'm a little anxious because I'm so bored. Videogames are starting to bore me and I'm sitting here alone all weekend doing nothing but sitting on my ass. It's kind of sad when your life is so boring you can't wait to go back to work :monster:
A bit annoyed

I finally started a story about a rp with my friend, It took a while because I'm pretty inspirationless lately. I sent the piece to her and of course, like always I hear what I have to change. I'm sorry but English is not my first language. I know she tries to help but it just starts to annoy me now. It's never good enough. =.=

=O That bitch! :gasp: Sounds like a picky twat too. Fuck her =/


Home in 4 days time. Tattoo appointments in 5 and 6. Get to see my closest friends of all time too. The only downside to this trip is that I will come back aged 21 =( And something about that really bothers me. But on the flipside I will be away from that fucking cuckoo clock ringtone. I swear to God I am going to smash that woman's phone if I hear it more than once today. 9:47am...it rings. She better pray to God it doens't ring again or sh echanges the ring tone.

But yeah....happy!
Mood: Hey ow's It going!?

If that dont say it.........I'm feeling great, excellent, awesome!

No particular reason, I just feel extremely self-confident, other words are overbearing,obnoxious.............is my usual mode but some how it went upto level 2
Mood: eugh

Reason: I just feel kind of ill :hmmm: I'm meant to be going out soon but I really, really don't feel like it. This had better go away soon :hmph:
Mood: Tired

Reason: It didn't help I was up half the night with my aching stomach. But to be woken up half an hour before I was due to get up was bang out of order. I swear, I'm going to get my own back on everyone by drilling the wall in the early hours of the morning someday. Anyway, had to do a few things at home while the carpet was being taken off the floor and then went to work for my shift. Didn't stop. At. All. Busy as usual and I intend on relaxing tonight. Can't believe it's nearly twenty past nine this evening, feels like I've been at home foreeeeeeeever since I got back from work. And I'm absolutely SHATTERED.
Mood : Blah.

I'm just not with it at all today, I'd rather just mope around and feel sorry for myself than deal with people at the moment. I don't know what's up, I've just felt really down all day, maybe I need more sleep.
Mood: Good

Reason: I woke up feeling rather confused this morning for some reason. I kept thinking today is Sunday and I went blank when I tried to type in my laptop password. Not to mention that I tried to turn the kettle on twice without any water inside it. I had a rather awkward night - woke up at least 4 times during the night - so that may have attributed to that momentary burst of confusion/memory loss/insanity.

Thankfully I'm better now. I've been out shopping with a friend of mine, seeing as the weather finally made a turn for the better today. Then we spent about an hour pelting pebbles into the sea to pass the time. At least I had plenty of fresh air today to clear out my head. :ryan:
Mood: Anxious

Reason: I just scheduled a dinner date of sorts with my father, whom I just started talking to regularly siiiiiiince about 5 years ago maybe. Maybe longer. Yeah, we haven't been this consistent since I was a young kid, I'd say so it's pretty darn exciting. He's on top of his game at the moment and apparently he's a good cook so yeah I'm looking forward to tomorrow. It'll be fun father-daughter bonding time. ^_^
Actually, I feel like shit.

The past two days I'm pretty tired, have stomachages and don't feel like eating much. Now I suddenly have an annoying cramp in my left hand/ wrist / arm. I thought I just pulled a muscle during gardening or something but now it's stinging and there's an annoying tingling feeling too. Hope it goes away soon, because it's time to sleep now.
Mood: Tired

Today is just one of those days where I am just tired for no reason. Also it doesn't help the fact that it was a beautiful day, weather wise so it makes it so that sleep is inevitable for me. I only managed to sleep for about an hour because of a phone call but I am still sleepy. Other than that, I am well.
Mood: Good

Reason: Woke up feeling a lot better than I did yesterday, and I've got a relaxing day doing nothing today :ryan:
Also, gig on Tuesday :woo: I can't wait!

I am just getting arsey. I have a few days until I leave and I feel like I have no time to sort everything out when really I have a shitload of time. I am looking forward to it, but I have a feeling several people are going to begin to grip my shit. Then coming home to exams and what not. Lot of fun hah!
Mood: Brill despite the hangover

Reason: Had a really good night last night, got some quality pics, brother was on a night out with his pals for his last night at home, so I crashed his night out, his face was a picture when I turned up :8F:

Shed a tear when the little fucker left though. Nob ed ]:

Bet mothers glad to see the back of us though, we both stayed there last night, coming home pissed as farts hahaha
Mood: Excited!

Going to Rotterdam friday to a friend, never met his family before but I think that will go alright. We'll go with his family to Castlefest on saturday. That's a medival festival that takes 3 days. I can't wait, already watching youtube vids, loving the music so far and everyone is dressed beautifully. Hope I can find some cosplay items there as well. ^-^
mood: sad, lonely, bored.
reason: just realized this girl has been using me as pretty much a substitute for the past month, and now im just nothing to her, we talked so much this entire month and now that this guy came back she just is done with me.

obnoxious and ignorant people do my head in. They go about talking as if they know it all, and generally think they do. Blah blah fucking blah i like this and because i like it its the best and anything i dont like is shit. How about you go fuck off and learn something new you pompus arsehole.