[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :rage:

Okay, ffs. FIRST off, I napped till 9PM yesterday, so I wasn't tired until fucking 12 in the afternoon TODAY. I work(ed)k at 7. So I figured. WELL, if I nap now until like 3 or four, I'll be dead tired, with at least some sleep, get home at midnight, go to bed and have my routine back. But no.

First, work calls me asking if I can work 7-12 tomorrow, stead of my shift till 9. I agree.

Try sleeping again.

THEN a girl I work with calls me, asking if I can work 5-11 today, 'cause she can't make it, and so that she'll take my shift. Okay. :hmph: That's fine. Home an hour earlier, sleep an hour earlier, right?

...Try to sleep again, considers it's not a good idea, seeing this is 2.30, and I work at 5PM now. So I get up. Started getting ready like... 15 minutes ago.

...*ring ring* ....twitch.....twitch... Are you kidding me by now?

Work. "Why did you want to switch with her?"
"I didn't, she said she couldn't make it, so I agreed with her."
"Well we only have one person till close, so I rather you take your own time."
"8(8(............8(.........*tumbleweed passes by / desert music plays*"


FML. I could've napped. Now, it's four, and I'm tired as fuck, and it's too late to get SOME sleep now. THANKS A LOT, Satuday.
Mood: good. I want to practice in Blazblue cause I really sucked last night. Not only that but some of the characters lost their ability to hit hard :sad3: I think I might just alternate between Nier and Just cause 2 today. I really need to get a drinktoo xD
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Just got back in from a wonderful day out with my dad. Went out to Old Trafford to see the team have a training session, then Olly Murs performed a few of his songs and got to watch the Manchester Premier Cup final. Weren't too bad seeing Spaniards and Mexicans under the age of fifteen play football. Too bad that Mexico were just too slow and the Spaniards won. I intend to relax up here with my sister downstairs watching the dogs. I've a feeling this won't last very long. xD
Mood: x_x

I'm going to sleep so well tonight... It's 2AM, and I'm running on... over 36 hours without sleep. :wacky: I'm fucking insane. It's work's fault though. See the fucking above. -.-

Either way, just listening to a new artist (to me anyway) I don't particularly care for her voice at all to be honest... But the lyrics are out right gorgeous. <3 I'm in love with the lyrics.

Nighty night for me soon.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Still feeling iffy, but it's getting more bearable each day, today was teh first day I've not woke u pin pain at least! Had a fantastic day yesterday with Clare and the kid, Toy Story and Dominos was just the most epic combination. Was in bed for about 11 though haha, seems my body still wants me to sleep lots

The order for today is nothing though ]: I might brave a trip out tomorrow, I'm feeling more up for it so hopefully I'l be reyt enough to do a bit of shoppin'!

the cat's been sick though, I can't get ill on my own, oh no, every other fucker has to follow suit :rage:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Finally got chance to kick back and relax now I'm at my dad's. Everything's set up for me, feel so at home. Just chilling out for the evening, it was a really long day at work and I thought I'd never see the end of my shift. I'm yawning now, so maybe I'm a bit tired as well. Though I'm hungry as well since Sunday's one of those days I eat so late.
Mood: Great

Reason: I just found out that a load of old stuff I got bought for me when I was younger is worth a fortune on ebay. They're only a few lego sets from 2001/2 but I should get about £200-250 for the lot, which I'm quite happy about :griin:
I'm trying to get the lot shifted soon so I can get a PS3 :ryan:
Apart from that, I just feel good in general, still got a few weeks off school to relax and go out with friends... so I'm good :lew:
Mood: Pretty tired.

I'm really hoping I get those three days off. Even though that's still two weeks away, I need them.

I slept about three hours tonight, I don't even know why. Couldn't fall asleep until like... 4.30, woke up 8.15 this morning. @.@ Tried going back to sleep but it didn't cooperate, so I got up. My eyes feel all stingy, and I work in about 3 hours. -.- Back home at ten. Ugh. >.<

I just had my weekend as well, so I can't exactly say that's soon again, but I wish it was. :sad2: I just wanna sleep... =(

WHY?! :sad2:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Just...tired. I don't think I slept very well, and my head was all throbby when I woke up, Im just full of a bastard cold. Most displeasing, I'm trying to motivate myself to go out, I've been dressed for ages, hairs not done though, I just can't be fucking arsed. But I need paras. Ugh

I should wake the kid up as well, serves her right for waking up so fucking early AGAIN.
Mood: okay. Well I am okay now. Last night I was extremely put that EXTREMELY bored. I dont know I had no motivation to do anything last night. I went to bed earlier than usual too. Maybe Ill play More of Blazblue continuum Shift :hmmm:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: It's been a pretty decent day today. Instead of lounging about in the house, I went off to sort something out at the university for my dad and looked around town. I'm rearranging my do with him as well, but it's not all that bad. Might be hiring out his cousin's pub for the night, just need to if she gets back to us first. Now I'm just relaxing here for the rest of the day. Been out the vast majority of the day and having to get a bus AND train there and back home is annoying in itself that it wears you out.
Mood: Alright

Reason: The main TV in the house has finally died after 7 years of faithful service. It was inevitable because I was wondering why the sound would mysteriously disappear halfway through my Mock the Week and Two and a Half Men episodes. So my dad and I were spending almost half the day strolling around several electronics stores such as PC World and Comet to find a good replacement, as my dad just could not make up his mind at all. And....it was rather dull. I am not going shopping with him again. It wasn't my idea of spending most of the day.
Mood: Eh-ish.

Things are okay. I slept a bit, although half way through the night I lost my blanket for some reason, so I woke up and I was fucking freezing. o_O Wasn't too great. I didn't sleep too good either, I don't feel rested at all after sleeping lately.

Just sat behind the computer for a while, only to realize it had turned 7.30pm already :gasp: And the shop closes at 8, so I had to rush there to get stuff to make dinner. Couldn't find what I wanted, so I went with Veggie soup, always a good idea. :ryan:

Just waiting for that to cook right now, I thought it was done already, but it wasn't yet. I'm kinda bored... Listening to music, with nothing to do. I actually wanna watch a movie, but I'm not sure what... Then I considered playing a game, but I wanna eat the soup. =(

Oh well. Work tomorrow, work thursday... :hmmm: Thursday only for two hours though. I'ma check on the soup. :griin:
Mood: Alright

Reason: I'm just getting used to the belly ache now, I'll miss it when it goes, I'm sure. Won't miss the headaches though :hmph:

Had a good day with the girls yesterday and tired the kids out in the jungle gym. I had the most immense chocolate sundae ever. With extra ice cream. It was immense. Was in bed for 10 last night as well. Had a couple hours gaming, then just conked out. No plans today, just a stroll into Ashton for some appointment or other...better go get showered actually
Mood: good. Well except for the fact I went to bed earlier than usual last night I am alright. I usually go to bed at like 3 in the morning but last night I was just so tired so I slept like at 1:56 in the morning. I actually feel like just playing something for a bit. Jc2 would do nice :ryan: Got up pretty early also so that is interesting..
Mood: tired/empty/and Hungry

Reason: I didn't get to sleep till 2:00AM then I had to wake up at 6:00AM because my mum and dad had to leave. So I'm running on a few hours of sleep--hence why I'm tired. And I am very hungry because I haven't eaten. :mokken: