[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :ryan: Even though its very early in the morning. That is great as it is my birthday today. Probably going to just stay home for it though. Or just go buy something later. Perhaps a new game like resonance of fate would do :hmmm:
Mood: Brilliant :hmph:

Reason: I'm feeling alot better, but the constant head ache is really beginning to wind me up

and also, my fish got a stone stuck in its mouth, which it then SWALLOWED. So now it's going to die, the fucking idiot

Got an answer phone message from some woman saying that she wanted to offer me a job. Result... only I can't remember what I applied for. I applied for so many and I can't remember and the message wasn't very clear. :rage: Now I have to call her back and look like a fool. "Oh yeah, what's the job again?"


Mood: A little anxious

Reason: I've just been told when my appointment for the next academic year's enrolment will be. It appears that I will have to get up moderately early next Friday to see that....woman. I really hate her. They could have given me any other person to interview me, and they give me that woman. Well, this is going to be a fun interview. Also, I just realised how soon it is until I'm getting exam results back on Thursday. At the moment, I can't say I'm looking forward to it, because I'm sure that I underperformed in the summer modules.
Good XD

Watching anime dating show vids on youtube as I am probably participating in one next year, so looking for questions which can be asked and stuff. Watching one now and that's hilarious xD The bachelor Sora has awesome lines xD
whole audience listens and someone sometimes responds, too bad that doesn't really happen in the Netherlands
Mood: :hmph:

Reason: Family-facebook-drama. I got one of my aunts and second-cousin, both 30-something years old, making digs at each other and calling each other names and crap...without really doing it directly. But it's oh-so-obvious. It's been going on for the past few weeks now. One of them is bringing the past about 'jealousy' and an old boyfriend that they both had or the guy liking both of them at the same time. Some shit like that. I'd like to tell them to grow up. What's funny is I'm seeing both of them tomorrow most likely, haha. I'm surprised they've kept their hands off of each other, what with the family parties we've all been attending every weekend as of late. But one thing that really irritates me is when people try to one-up the other by making indirect snide comments. It's like gee, let's all be mature about it, guys...

Other than that, busy week ahead of me. Gotta drop some Avon products to families in L.A tomorrow and school starts again on Monday. I'm not really looking forward to it.
Hmmm, a bit disappointed

I was looking forward to chibicon 2011 and the dating show we were suppose to participate in. But Chibicon is canceled and wont come back either, now we're looking for a different con. Abunai seems the best for now, but too bad it doesn't have a dating show.
Mood: Content

Reason: Bank account depleted yet again, but Ive had a nice afternoon. Stuffed though, and I was dying for a drink, but I resisted, belly ache abit as well, so alas, clearly the belly doesn't want yet anyway :sad3:
Mood - Bored

Sundays are always really dull, but today's been really... really... really dull. No one's online, no one wants to do anything, I've been bored off my head all day. I haven't got any plans until Tuesday, and then I'm busy for the rest of the week, but today has dragged on forever, and I can't see Monday being any better. Sigh.
Mood: Sick

The good thing about today, is that I was able to call off work because I'm sick.

The bad thing is, is that I'd trade feeling like how I do right now any day if I could just work.

My throat's killing me and my eyes hurt. Mom's been sick all week, so it's probably just wearing out on me now. Awesome. Just got back from the pharmacy and the store, to get some drinks and fruits, and also something for dinner. Think I'm just gonna write some today, and hopefully go back in tomorrow.

In fact... I might just start a new game on FFVII and hang around in bed today.
Mood: Annoyed and tired.

Reason: I'm up already because I'm meeting someone in just over an hour.
My sleeping pattern's fucked, though, because I've been going to bed really late and getting up really late. I didn't sleep till 4:30 yesterday and when my alarm went off half an hour ago I really didn't want to get out of bed. But, I had to, and now... -__- I'm so tired, and my eyes are really sore for some reason.
:gonk: I couldn't feel less like going out today.
Mood: Sick

Reason: I feel like shit right now, though it's a slight improvement from yesterday since that's the worst I'd felt in ages. Caught a cold from my sister, who got it from my other sister, who got it from Tenerife ... something like that. Also on my monthly and my knee is giving me constant growing pains. I'm glad I'm at my dad's, so that's something good. Had my brother's christening yesterday and I was just glad to get it over and done with. But now I've got nothing to do, really.
Mood: :woo:

Reason: Much better than I was earlier :ryan:
I had a good day, despite the early start.
And my parents just told me we're off to Barcelona for 3 days in March next year :ohoho:
I get my own hotel room as well, so my own bathroom and stuff, which will be great.
Oh, and the legal drinking age in mainland Spain is 16 :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:
So, yeah, I'm happy :woo:
Mood: happy. Happy to be back. Took a 2 day vacation and I got Alot of stuff. So I am happy to be home and at the same time its been great! I think I just bough too much! xDD Well the only thing I am not proud of is that my little practice exam is now tommorow instead of the 19th..... And I might start school earlier... who knows..
Mood: Fine

Reason: Feeling significantly better than before, but still down the dumps by a small margin. My growing pains have stopped, unless I get up again and it strikes me again. My cold has been bearable to deal with today, not really had to go to the bathroom to blow my nose so much. But my nostrils are red raw, though. I've spent the afternoon catching up on some TV and being somewhat antisocial from everyone else. I've been content in my own company. I just need time to recover and should be good to go. Hope I'll be better in time for Wednesday since I've got a shift then to make up for not being in yesterday.
Mood: Busy

Reason: Just over 2 weeks to go until the start of term. I threw most of the summer away doing....well, hardly anything. I promised myself last month that I would draft my 5000 word dissertation essay to put me in a more advantageous position for university application. I've only managed a few hundred so far and the researching process is really stalling me. A good balance of primary and secondary sources? Ugh - easier said than done I guess. I was really over-optimistic when I eagerly agreed to do this piece of work. I left something late again - surely I would have learnt better than that by now.

Other than that it's been an okay day so far. My friends are still somewhere else though because I just can't seem to catch them around lately.
Pretty tired and glad and annoyed.

Pretty tired because I didn't sleep much last night and had to get up early so they could draw my blood. Then went together with my dad to amsterdam (2 and half hours drive) and we were back home 9 hours later. It was fun but tiring.

I'm glad because I received a mail from my school, after sending another letter about the introduction week which is next week I've finallt gotten an answer. ^^

And annoyed because my mom plays the drama queen again. We were home , tired and all (thats 2 and a half hours ago now) and she starts to whine about her health and how she has to feel guilty about something stupid and that she needs to go to a clinic and whatever, I didnt feel like listening to it, forgot what I answered but she got mad at me and said sarcasticly. Well thank you for your support" and stormed off mad... Jesus...
Well I'm sorry that I cant always give your health issue attention *rolls eyes* She doesn't even accept my health problems and says that I just don't have to think about it. And now she is 'panicking' about a huge box which stands in the way in the kitchen o_O
Mood: Semi-Okay

I am feeling a bit better than I have been these past few days, my throat's a lot less sore, which is awesome, and I can taste food and drinks again, once in a while at least. Awesome.

I missed three days (plus the three I asked off) so with my days off counted that's 2 weeks, I wasn't planning on that, seeing I need to save up, but... I was sick, wasn't really a way to avoid that without my throat getting worse. Oh well. I work this thursday 'cause I promised someone I work with to cover that day for her, but I'm in for tomorrow, just gonna chill out, and get rest, so that I can work thursday. =/ I'm glad I got these days off, but to be honest I'd have rather worked stead of feeling so shitty.

Just haven't felt up for anything, feeling sick is shite. I started a new game on RDR, yay, until I realized that after I deleted my data, you start over in online free roam too, hurrah for a slow donkey. :hmph: