[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: :woo:

Reason: Getting my PS3 next week. I've got all the money I just need to wait for it to clear into the bank and then I'll be getting it :awesome:
Well, hopefully it'll be next week, it might be in just over a week, but either way, I'm getting it :jess:
Mood: Excited

Reason: School starts in 2 days! I'm not looking forward to Calc. II but I am looking forward to Arch. history, Arch. Studio, and Chinese 220. That's going to be exciting for sure. :griin:

Oh and I get to use public transportation again.

Im not bad. Spent most of yesterday in my bed feeling somewhat hungover, watching spongebob on the tv and eating a load of junk. So with all the resting i kinda woke up today somewhat refreshed and ready for the day.
Highly doubt il get up to anything exciting mind as ive got work early 2moro but you never know..
Mood: rather awesome

I had the most looooovely sleep last night, even if I am awake at a stupid hour. (yay 7am.) I needed it too, seeing as the last three-four hours I spent awake are a bit of a blur. :8F: I'm going out for breakfast soon and I really can't wait, I'm starving. :lew: Gonna bake the cake I meant to bake yesterday as well, today's gonna be fun. :andry: Oh, downloading a new MMO as well, hoooopefully that'll go well. :hmph: If not, well, I have FFX. :sad3: /emote abuse
Mood: blah. I woke up just now for some reason. I am usually up really early so this pissed me off. And tommorrow is my last day home oh joy :hmph: Well I better find something to do fast because this day already sucks so far. I only have half the day now :ffs:
Mood: Sick/Angry

Reason: Because my family went to the hospital and some old man coughed all over my little brother and now, we're all sick. It's really bad on the throat and the nose. I can't breath most of the time and when I swallow anything, like food or drinks, I can't breath and it feels like a big bubble in my throat. So it sucks.
Mood: Annoyed

Reason: Firstly I'm annoyed with myself for not taking the chance while I was in college earlier this week to print out some important forms - one of which is to do with an exam re-mark. Secondly the printer in the house has been driving me up the wall all day now. I've been trying to print out ONE little form. But technology and I do not get along whatsoever. One printed form is just too much to ask of it. It started running out of ink (I duly replaced it), then it began printing out some incomprehensible set of lines, then it jammed won't even respond and now it's actually scrunching up the paper. And I'm lazy to get a new one. I'll probably break it too.
Mood: Hungry/Content

Reason: I'm starving, because I haven't eaten all day, and it's now 7PM, but food from takeaway is on it's way! So i'm happy about that. I'm just really relaxed at the moment, not worrying about much, just chilling.
Mood: mweh

My mouse is broke on my laptop now and also the right box so I have music on the left side. Also internet still disconnects after a few minutes already. Can't go on msn anymore since I won't receive messages anyways after a few minutes or they don't get mine.

And getting nervous for tomorrow and tuesday. Tomorrow since I get the results from my bloodtest and tuesday since I don't exactly know where I have to go when the introduction from school starts.
Mood: School. Well tomorrow my summer vacation ends as school starts :sad2: I am just getting my books ready and packing my bag for tomorrow.. I hope my day goes well today so I can be fully ready for school. I just want to go their to be serious. It is the whole point afterall. I need to pass ALL of my classes no matter what. Or else it is likely I can be kicked out :sad2: Failure is not an option here...
Mood: fed up

Reason: shitey fucking month. infact shitey fucking everything recently, everytime I pick myself back up from some shitey fucking blow another one gets fucking dealt and I'm getting seriously fucking cheesed off with it.

Fuck you. I'm going emo. I've had enough
School tomorrow, don't know but I didn't sleep well last night and didn't feel that good today, probably the nerves for tomorrow already. Have to be there at 9:30, I'm almost shitting my pants here, I hate going into new things, god knows how my new classmates are, what things we're going to do and how much I will suck in driving towards my school.
Mood: Nervous

Reason: Got the results for the rest of the exams I took in May/June tomorrow, and I'm pretty scared :andry:
Gotta be in school for 8 as well, and I'm not a morning person... oh well, the sooner I get them, the sooner I can stop worrying about them :sad3:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Overworking I suppose. It's not real work, but it requires a lot of effort anyway. With college starting next week, I'm just using up the time now to madly through a book and trawl through Google for some historically relevant articles on my project for university application preparation. 5000 words is just a tremendous amount and my head just hurts from working out what to put down and how to structure it. Ugh...it'll probably turn out to be a very clumsy piece of work. I just seem to be reciting from textbooks now.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I thought that sleeping for eleven and a half hours would have fought back the sleep I've lost over the past couple of days, but it's only been half as effective as I originally thought. I'd very much just like to stay in a hole and not be bothered for a hundred years. My foot's extremely sore, too, which doesn't help. One of my shoes was bitten through on the inside by the dog and my heel took the full pain of it on Saturday when I ONLY FOUND OUT IT WAS THERE ONCE I GOT TO WORK.

On the other hand, I ran over my toe on the same foot by a cage of stuff I was putting out on Sunday when I was working once again. My social life's been more active than it's ever been, having been out Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'm also going out tomorrow, too. And on top of everything else, my dad's in hospital. Fucking fantastic. It just happens to be the icing on the cake. He might be out tomorrow, but since when have hospitals ever been honest?

Ugh, sod this. I might go and take out my stress at some innocent people on inFamous. >_>
Mood: :woo:

Reason: Got my GCSE results, and I did pretty well, so I'm in a good mood :dave:
Now I don't have anything to worry about. Back at school next week though... 6th form should hopefully be a lot better, though.
Mood: Happy

Reason: Everything's looking up now! My foot's fully recovered, so no more sore heel or little toe. My dad's getting out of hospital today, too, so there's the stress gone. Went out and had a fantastic day shopping in town. Bought two new albums, enjoying them now as I speak. Going to have a pretty good time now that everything's looking up.
I feel like I can collapse any second.

I'm so freaking tired, had my first day of the introduction week, god it was even fun, I like the group I'm in, but I didn't feel that good and became dead tired at the end of the day. Now I don't feel like getting up, only feel like sleeping on my place but I can't since I hvae to look for suitable songs for the project.
Mood: Amused. Well started College again today and I must say I was amused. Amused at my Western Civilization class because we will be learning alot about Europe which is much more interesting than Canadian history. I know nobody whatsoever in my WC class :sad3: World views and music was my next class and that one is SO LAME. I mean its an ok course but it is pretty slow. Lots of debating went on the first day :gasp: I was not that lost. I still know the buildings and such. Chilled outside and looked around the school cause the teacher let us out early as it was more or less just introduction for both courses today. So yeah I should be alright. Wasnt so lost.... xD

Mood: fed up

Reason: shitey fucking month. infact shitey fucking everything recently, everytime I pick myself back up from some shitey fucking blow another one gets fucking dealt and I'm getting seriously fucking cheesed off with it.

Fuck you. I'm going emo. I've had enough


Everything can actually just fuck off

Anyone fancies a pop, now is the time to do it. Actually don't. It'll push me over the edge. I'm ready to fucking flip

Fuck the fucking lot of it