[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Content

Reason: I've had a fairly relaxing weekend, although last night was boring as hell. Just watched The Cat Returns - they finally decided to air it in dub on Film4, as opposed to the annoying subbed version that was on earlier this week - which happens to be one of my favourite Ghibli films, and always puts me in a good mood

...although I am a bit annoyed that the Nintendo WFC is acting up. Its not just me, it appears to be a global thing, but I've had two accusations of disconnecting when I've been losing, and a further three matches I know I would have won if they had played out...
Mood: Ehhhh... okay.

I just posted some of my art on facebook, and I'm really surprised with how many people like it :O They really made my day. But when a day is really good, it comes crashing down, that's how it always works :( I got in a fight with my dad, but it wasn't really a fight because I'm too chicken to shout stuff back at him. He was just yelling at me for something so stupid for a couple of minutes until I left him alone, but he was still cursing under his breath and everything -__- I hate how bipolar he is and how he flips off about the LITTLEST things and how he over exaggerates. I just really hate him sometimes.
Mood: Satisfied

Just cleaned out one of the rooms in the house that has Steve's junk in it and moved it all into the main room with all his junk in it. XD

This way I at least have another clean room to work with.

It had to be done. At least with the main spare room you can close the door and just not look at the pile of junk. But the other room I just cleaned has no doors.

Now I'm just gonna relax until Steve gets home and then we'll go out and do some shopping. =)
Mood:I am both sad and happy

My GF goes on a trip to see her sister on Wednesday the sad part.........it may sound wrong tobe happy she is going but it means I gets the place to my self dude and that means walking around im my under ware nit having to do dishes loud music and Games well in to the night.........'cept you have to work as well bummer!

Also my other GF Bahamut will be arriving from ebay in the next day or so.......yeah really doing okay and good!
Mood: great. I am on the last chapter of Uncharted Drake's fortune so Ima beat it in a sec. Also got much faster internet so that should fix my disconnection problems :hmmm: Today is my day off as it is a monday. School again tomorrow again but it does not matter >_>
Mood: tired

Reason: Lukes last night, too much food, and I drank lager, nice lager too, Desperado its called, has bloody tequila in it. it was nice though... been out with the girls today as well, went for yet more food, im fucking stuffed and need to get my diet back on track.
Glad I got out of the house yesterday as well, I was so emo on saturday it was unreal :rage:
Mood: tired,

Had a busy weekend, had my birthday yesterday and the most hyper people were on my birthday (well okay except for one person)
Had to go to school today and left around 7:45 am. Wasn't a long day thankfully and it was pretty fun but when I was home at 12:45 my friend bored me so that he made me even more tired xD it sounds mean but its the truth, he just talks so soft that I don't hear him talk half of the time. o_O
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Everything's pretty gooood now. I intend to enjoy my last three weeks off from university. Got my re-submission of my failed assignment done, so all I need to do is toddle off to university tomorrow and hand it into the department. Just relaxing at the moment by watching Torchwood and browsing the forums. Didn't get much sleep last night, but I'm over that. Time to enjoy myself once again after the assignment is handed in!
Mood : Pleased, but irritated.

Well, my dad surprised me today by taking me to PC world and buying me a laptop for Uni. 4GB of RAM, and a 500 GB hard-drive. Not bad at all. It was a very nice surprise. Although, I've been spending hours transferring stuff from my PC to the laptop, and sorting out itunes is starting to do my head in :lew:
Mood: Bored

Reason: Thank goodness that the summer holidays are more or less over for me after tomorrow. I've spent the last couple of weeks or so doing absolutely little. Actually, can we even call this "summer"? The weather has just been absolutely odd lately, suddenly changing rapidly and almost unpredictably. So I haven't been out doing much either. Summer just feels like an empty void in your life when you have little to do and so much time. I'm glad the term starts soon. At least then I can meet up with everyone again on a daily basis and have something to be urgent for and to do.
Mood: Tired

Had to get up early and head into work to print out our new car contract, then read and sign it all and then fax it all off to the car dealer.

Now I'm back home and kind of nervous, as my tattoos are getting done in less then an hour. >.<

Glad I always get these sorts of things over and done with in the morning though.

Otherwise I'd have this sick feeling in my stomach all day and wouldn't be able to do anything but be nervous. XD
Mood: Irritated

Reason: Thanks to a combination of my little brother talking to himself in the next room and my stomach causing me immense discomfort, I was up and dressed an hour earlier than normal, and it took me almost an hour to discover this. I am not pleased.
MooD: Feeling it.......

Coz Me GF is going on holidays Tomorrow, me sad......2 weeks by myself and just working and not getting any......you know, how defeating.

Im gonna miss her, and I aint going with her because our holidays didnt match up this year! Stupid fucking WorkCover!
^^ That sucks when you can't get holidays together. =/

Mood: Dead Tired

Well I got up early and signed all the contract paperwork for our car and then went and got my tattoos done.

When that was over I went back home and had a little nap only to be disturbed by the car dealer again asking me to now sign all the finance paperwork.

So I get back in the car and drive all the way back down to work to use the fax and email.

Then I had to go to RACQ and get insurance and then come back home again.

It's been a nightmare of a day.

I am so tired and have no idea why I'm not napping right now.
Mood: Anxious


I haven't done anything yet today. :wacky:
And I have a bunch of crap due on Thursday and tomorrow. Tomorrow I have Calculus homework due first thing in the morning and some reading to get done for architecture history. Thursday I have a board and a model due at noon and a Chinese presentation in the evening. Thankfully I have the model done, but I still need to print the pictures and stuff for the board.
Mood: Alright

Reason: woke up feeling alive for a change, slept well last night, my nap at 7pm turned into a 12 hour kip i was up and out of bed for half 7 this morning. Afew things fucked me off through the day, but for the most part it's been productive. Had a bit of a spring clean, got rid of most of Ellies baby clothes, why I was hoarding them all in bags int eh airing cupboard. Just kept a few bits and black bagged the rest
Mood: okay. I just got home from a rather long day. Well Humanities class is really long. Its 3 hours but we get out 20 mins earlier but still it does my head in. Today was so hot! I am sweating like crazy. Tomorrow is my day off so I am happy. At least ill be able to do something decent :gasp:
Mood: Excited

Reason: I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to the new term to begin tomorrow despite what a crucial and draining year it's probably going to be. I spent half the day preparing for it - purchasing a few bits of stationary I may need at the last minute as usual, while cursing at the college emailing system because it relentlessly refused to work for several hours. Unfortunately, my sleep cycle has gone weird again, waking up at 6am despite having only 5 hours of sleep and feeling wide awake.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Handed my re-submission at the university, but the travelling's got me really tired. Not amused that it's cost £7.50 to get there and back. Had to get a bus into town, train to the university and all the way back again. Bloody joy. Got my sister's birthday stuff sorted out as well, so that's ok. Been fantastic weather today down here, I really hope it continues for a couple of weeks. But I've pulled my back and my neck's all stiff. Just wish it would go away. >_>
Mood: Meh

Don't really feel like anything at the moment.

Had to work today to do the end of month paperwork. Before that Steve and I had to go to the city to pick up our new car though.

I get to drive it tomorrow hehe.

Tonight I intend on drinking as I've not had a relaxing night in ages. I need to just sit back, put on some music and drink away lol.