[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Exhausted

It's currently 1pm and I just woke up. XD

It's starting to feel like Summer already and it's only the third day of Spring too, but I'm loving it!

Short shorts and singlet tops! Wootage!

Can't wait til we get to go swimming and what not. Summer is when I come alive!
Mood: Could be better..

Reason: I don't usually get up at this time when I have no actual plans for the day. For some reason my eyes just want to keep aching and the insomnia I usually have at night really didn't help that. For some reason, I want to get some more sleep since I probably only managed 4 hours at best, but as ever, if I'm already up, I won't be able to get back to sleep. Oh well, may as well have a coffee or two and then come up with plans for the day. It's a great day today, I guess I shouldn't waste it.
Mood: :andry:

Reason: Muse :andry: I really need to wake myself up, probably shouldnt of gone out last night lol, but I needed to get pissed
Mood: Happy

Reason: Got my work sent off to the university this morning and I'm glad I don't have to go up there now on Monday. I'd rather not see my tutor, she winds me up the fucking wall. Going out in about an hour for lunch and seeing some friends I haven't seen in a while, so I'm pretty hyped up about that. Going to sit here and relax for now. It's still fantastic weather, which makes me feel so much better than other days.
Mood: Exhausted

Spent the day at the Gold Coast markets with mates and I had to wear the most horrible shoes because of where my Tattoo is located on my foot and then I ended up with blisters. =0

Got home and went straight to bed and ended up missing the riverfire in the city. =/

But we have a new massage chair and True Blood to watch tonight so we aren't losing out too much. XD
Mood: annoyed. Well I styaed up all night yesterday doing shit all. I really regret that as now I just have half od the day. I hate waking up at noon. Oh well still got sunday and Monday. Ill use saturday wisely :hmmm: Hopefully do something fun.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Went out with my friends and had a decent time out, though it could've been a lot better if we didn't go to that accursed cafe. The service was shit, the food was average and I didn't enjoy going there. Felt out of place somehow. Then when I got home later, I felt sick and went to nap. I ended up sleeping for two hours, far longer than what I wanted and now I'm hoping I'm not up all night. But I'm kinda tired now since I haven't had much sleep just lately. Going to relax for the remainder of the night.
Mood: Knackered

Reason: houuuuuuurs on my feet. Jumping around like a loon, I ache all over. but it was worth it. best gig ever. matt bellemay is just a legend
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Great day outside today. Made me feel like wanting to go to the beach. Instead I had to go photograph a site for arch. class today and decided to go on a side trip to Balboa Park --- jeebus that place is gorgeous. I think I'll upload the pics since some of them look to be prime candidates for renders.
Mood: So tired

Stayed up past 3am this morning watching True Blood and setting up the speakers for our new surround sound. We hadn't set it all up completely when we first bought it so now it's done!

Feel a bit yuck and the weather isn't the greatest.

And work tomorrow. =/
Mood: Chilled and relaxed......:sup:

Its sunday. Its sunny. I'm doing good.

Its been 5 days since My GF went on holidays....sigh.....and and its another 8 till she gets back! But thats okay time apart can be good for you......some crap about appreciating them more......I appreciate her already.

Today has the feel of the Days when I played FFVII and went through the Mt.Coral area with that music or when I watched Lord of the Rings all in a row, great days indeed.
Mood: Okay

Reason: Yesterday was just as bad as Friday - I didn't sleep well, I woke up with a headache, and Metroid: Other M didn't surprise me by being a brilliant game but instead continued to be disappointing and just generally crap. I slept well last night, my headache has temporarily abated, and I am determined to make today an enjoyable one. So, awaaaaay we go. Good times start...now.
Mood: Not so great. I am still up and it is almost three thirty in the morning. I think I should go to sleep. I am just really bored right now. All I ever play is Uc2. I should really stop for once and go back to my xbox or something. Rpgs are waiting to be beaten but The big game Halo Reach comes out soon so I do not think they will be beaten. Anyway when Reach comes out. Ill have it and FFF xD Never be bored again.
Mood: Satisfied

We just had the best dinner!

3 Chevaps each with veges and cheese cream sauce. :gonk:

SOOO yummy.

We were going to have a baked potato each, but we're kinda full now. =P

Had an okay day for the last day of my holidays.

It was raining and miserable though. =/

Well the reason why is pretty obvious but what annoys me more is the stupid stupid things i do when im drunk that i think are a great idea at the time and the next day im regretting it so bad -___________________________________________________-
Mood: Nothing much?

It's just going to be another dull day in school, which is kind of irritating. Plus the fact I've barely done any thorough revision. I can only feel anxiety underscoring my every action. I'm pretty positive now that I'm definitely going to rush home like there's some monster that's chasing me. Can't be helped, can it?

Life's being a bitch/bastard (Or both). Hates it, but can't feel any anger. Feeling nothing. Maybe I'm starting to become emotionless? That might not be so bad...
Mood: Tired

Reason: Got up at half 9 this morning, which weren't too bad, and yet I still could've slept more. Had a long shift at work as well and now my arms and legs are kinda sore. Spent half an hour trying to open up the door to my dad's room since I'll be sleeping in there tonight, he's back home from Spain tomorrow morning. The handle on the side of the bathroom was gone and it was shut from the inside. Thankfully, I managed to get a key and open it up. Well, after trying to bring the lift down and failing miserably at how to get it down properly. Going to try and relax for now, too tired to even think right now.