[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood - Worried / Stressed.

Just as one problem is overcome, another one rears it's ugly head. It's really annoying, especially since just when things seem to be going nicely... BAM, huge problem. Still, I'm ridiculously determined that this problem won't be a problem, since the end result is going to be far too amazing for words.

Still, I can't wait until this month is over. I really can't.
Mood - Stressed/Tired

It always seems to surprise me when a girl plays me.
You know, tells me she likes me and flirts with me until I finally admit I like them back, then they decide to stop talking to me and move on to a different boy.
I don't understand where the whole idea that boys are more heartless than women, they are extremely manipulative.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Normality is resuming in my life. I woke up the morn, looked at my phone... 8:30. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Threw on some clothes, brushed the gnashers, threw asome toast in for the kid, legged it back upstairs to have a wash, shoved my hair in a bobble (what I could scrag back at least xD) threw a hat on top of it. Legged it back down stairs, told the kid to eat faster, scragged HER hair back in a bobble, legged it to school. Yelled at her for getting distracted by some road sweeper effort... didnt have breakfast myself because the cat had no food and I felt bad, so I had to trek into ashton with bad hair to buy cat food... finally got home and got tea and toast. Clares round later. I think I'm gunna need this drink hahaha
Mood: Yay. Haha I woke up very early this morning thankfully. It is my day off. I might actually play some Nier today as I was quite interested yesterday. Resonance of fate fucked me over though. It is a really hard game and it made my head spin. Or maybe some Just cause 2 as I havent played for a little while. Of course Uncharted 2 if anyone here is going to play. I am alone so it is better :ryan:
Mood: Alright

Had a few decent days at work, about damn time. The day before yesterday, and yesterday as well were long shifts, but today it's only a short shift of five hours. I actually wish it'd be more, seeing I'm up for working today, and I rather work long and be in the mood for it, then get short shifts. :sad3: Oh well. Just got out of photoshop, still got about two hours to kill before I gotta get my stuff and head to work.

Boredom strikes.
Mood: Sleepy

Haven't had enough sleep the last few nights and so when I got home today the first thing I did was have dinner and then go to bed.

I just woke up a few minutes ago and realised I left my computer on with the forums and ebay still running. >.<

Then instead of just clicking out of them and going straight back to bed I started to browse through them again. =P
Mood: :rage:

Fucking hurricane. I spent an hour and a half trying to get to work this morning (40 minutes at one fucking light). I'm soaked because it's pouring outside and I'm freezing because they have the AC blasting in here. I'm just annoyed beyond belief right now. And I have to spend the rest of the day talking to morons who don't know how to point and click on their computer screen.
Mood: Disappointed...

...about love. A new boy came into our school. I was thinking we had enough new kids and we should lock our doors (we have more coming in). So much change here, I don't like big changes!
His name, I don't know it yet, it starts with S. He's so handsome. I wouldn't say hot, or cute, he's BEAUTIFUL. Give him some wings and a halo and he'd be an angel with that face :tehe: He's not like the other guys here, he actually dressed nice (lol, STYLISH!) and he seemed shy. I'm so scared to go up and talk to him, he's not in any of my classes, some friends tried to push me into him, literally push me into him that I almost fell down the staircase :sad: just to meet him. Didn't work out. My best friend (very funny and very intellectual, great person to talk to) told me that if there had to be someone, it would be him for me, not my old boyfriend :P I thanked her for that. He's actually my height- taller than me (cuz everyone else is pretty short), he made friends really quickly, I saw him laugh and smile and i just SIGHED. Now I discovered that he's a total jerk, and it's JUST his first day. He seemed so great. Until I found out he was mean to someone who's not exactly at the top of the social pyramid. How he's disrespectful. Ugh.
I got out of a relationship recently... why are so many guys such jerks here? :sad3: Why can't a nice one just walk in, you know?
Mood - Mega relieved.

That thing I thought was a problem? Not a problem anymore. I can't remember the last time I was so relieved. I spent the night unable to sleep, and I was on edge all day, just full of stress and worry.

However... it's not a problem anymore. Thank God. 17 days to go :ryan:
Mood: Lazy..........oh so lazy!

I took the day off because its nice and sunny.
Im gonna watch sum DVD's and maybe do some of the course that cost me nothing!

4 weeks ago I found a course that was in line with my Job prospects for the future, thinking I would pay out about $200-$300, I get a call from the dude in charge saying not many people signed up so They were giving it away for free!

Which is good because there are not dates or set assignments but I still get credit for the work :awesome:
Mellow... so... mellow. And it feels so damn sweet! So I guess I'm gonna... uhm... light a cigarette now. How hackneyed yet so... mellow. Ahh! The ambiance! I'm so in the mood for company right now :mrgreen:. Therefore, I'm offering some genuine :freehugs: (for a limited time only, of course).
Mood: Fine

Reason: Dad's coming out of hospital today, so at least my stress levels won't be hitting the roof for a while now. It's a big relief off my mind and now I can focus on making my 21st do a success, though it'll require some effort on my side. Reassured my gran and mum it was going ahead as well as letting the venue know it was still going ahead.

DJ's sorted as well, so now just need to sort out the buffet out. I haven't really slept and despite being in bed for nearly twelve hours last night, I probably slept for less than that. My emotions are still running high because I'm just so fucking happy I'm not doomed with bad luck for once and that Dad's coming home after not even two days in there. I'm just utterly speechless for the time being that everything's going ahead.

i still feel shitty today.

fucking.....left work at 10.30 or something, just couldnt handle it like. Got 2moro off and monday and tuesday off aswell. kinda praying i get better by 2moro. Its my birthday on tuesday so ive got plans for the weekend and all that but right now i cant even eat or drink AT ALL> WTF is that about -____________-
No way im spending the weekend before my birthday sat at home, not a chance ¬¬
Mood: Good

Just finished watching another episode of True Blood with Steve.

Going to watch another one in a minute too.

I get the day off tomorrow, so I'm pretty excited about that. I've done all the housework for the week so it's just going to be a relaxing day tomorrow. <3
Mood: blah. Well like usual Thursdays are the most boring days at college as I have badminton and visual communication. It wasnt that bad today but I just hate the fact that its so long. Physical education didnt kill me today but I did get tired a little bit. Well tomorrow is friday! Only one class xD 5 days till Halo Reach :awesome:
Mood: Very good

I have the day off and can do whatever I want. =)

I may put a few more items up on ebay and then write some letters to some family members that I've been meaning to do for a while now.

I really want to watch some more True Blood but I want to watch it with Steve and he won't be home for another eight hours or so. =0
Mood: Dirty

I haven't had a chance to shower after working outside and sweating like crazy. I can actually feel the dirt on me and don't me started on my hair. can't wait till I go to bed tonight to take a shower. It usually doesn't get like this for a couple days, but when you work outside in the dirt, the dirt sticks to you
Mood: So tired

Well I got up at about 10am today and then went back to bed and slept till about 3pm. :gonk:

I have such a headache now and feel like I've overslept. >.<

I tried to go and get the bed sheets off the line before too and there's a hugeass spider on it! The type you can tell is going to poison you if it bites you. =(
Mood: self destructive

I can't stop staring at the msn window... closing and reopening, closing and reopening... he's never online because I know he's asleep, but what am I hoping for anyway? Everything's been said and done. There's nothing left to do now. I manage to make it through the day without really thinking about him.. but everybody else at work knows now.. my boss who was a bit of a bitch, gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be okay. As soon as people start the whole sympathy thing, I crack, and I just cried in the kitchen.

Not sure why they're making me work when I'm clearly still fragile. =/
Mood: Irritated

Reason: I'm still annoyed over this Luke business, I know (for a change!) that I am completely 100% blame free, but it doesn't stop me being any less annoyed over the whole thing. How can people just think it's acceptable to behave like that, and I dreamed about the stupid twat. I think I liked him abit more than I'm willing to admit. But well, I'l get over it, I'm certainly no willing to go back with a person with an attitude like that!

Roll on later. Helen, martinne, potentially clare and vodka