[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Good

Just got home from a long day.

Just ate some burger rings and I really shouldn't have but I did. Now I feel bloated and probably won't want all my dinner. XD

I was so good today too, not eating any junk.

The neighbours are having a rather loud party behind our house at the minute and it's Monday night. Hope they're not up too late!
Mood - Disappointed.

Well, me and my friend were supposed to go out and get Uni books today, so I get all ready to go, and then ten minutes before she's supposed to pick me up, she texts me saying she isn't going, because she was at work at 3am and was off to bed. Which is fair enough, since her shifts got changed at the last moment, I just wish she'd let me know earlier -__-
^^ I get annoyed when people let you know at the last minute. Kind of gets you down. =/

Mood: Happy

Had a few drinks with the neighbours and now we're about to have dinner and watch more True Blood.

This week has been pretty good so far.

Nice start to it. =)

I got ash all over my clothes tonight because we had a bonfire and the boys dropped some lighters in there and they exploded. XD

It was awesome but it got all in my hair. XD Lucky I was going to wash it tomorrow anyway. =P
Mood: Happy

Reason: I'm on cloud nine and couldn't be happier right now. My dad came back from Spain and surprised with TWO bracelets. They're really pretty. He's also got the number of a DJ his friend gave him, so when he's slept off the jet lag, he'll sort that out. Went out town today to have lunch at Wetherspoons. It was funny since we'd only been sat in there for less than five minutes and the fire alarm goes off! It was annoying for a while, but at least we saw the funny side to it. Also got the second part to my outfit I'm wearing for my birthday party on Saturday. It's just a case of counting the days down and wasting them away now.
Mood: Alright. I just finished my college work so I was just a little bit busy. I got more sleep than usual as I went to bed a little earlier then usual yesterday. Now I am just here finding something to do. Not looking foward to Humanities tomorrow which is so long and boring. But I am bringing one of my laptops so it should be alright.
Mood: Alright

Reason: Funeral today. Despite the moments of blubbering away like a lunatic, there was quite a lot of laughter. It all started going tits up when I realised Id left it WAY to late to set off... legging it into ashton, dressed up all smart and in heels. My defining moment was when i made it to the bus station, and I saw the bus, I was adamant I was NOT missing this bus, I came barrelling down the street, had to turn a corner but didn't want to lose precious seconds, so I grabbed a post, sling shotted myself round, bombed across the road (folk are looking on in interest by now) pretty much just locked on target (bus driver knew I was comg for him haha) practically dived head first onto the bus and managed to gasp out that I needed a day saver

It didnt stop when I got off the bus either, there was another 10 minute walk ahead, off came the shoes and off I fucking flew at the speed of light. An hours trip done in half an hour. Well impressed

The service was weird, it didnt really feel real, though they buggered up the music which tickled me abit because me and John (Annes husband) were talking on Friday about them fucking up and getting the music wrong, lo and behollllllllllllld

Then, folk were getting sent to the wrong cemetry, stood there with Helen, like...wheres Mike? ...think I sent him tot eh wrong cemetry.. oh dear oh dear, I heard they had some near misses getting to us, barrelling down the road at thrice the speed limit. I made some right pot holes with my heels as well, and at one point just got completely stuck because I was trying to balance on the balls of my feet and rocked back

Very sad day, but bet shes up there thinking we are all nob eds for fucking up. Couldnt of gone any other way really

And bloody Ellie is more concerned about her grandad having to make breakfast on his own than anything else. I think shes fretting over him being alone ]:

She actually took the news really well when I finally manned up and told her

Night night Anne, you're gunna be missed x x x
Sad occasion Bambi........but at least you had an adventure!


I just woke up..........and like a smack in the face......daylight and feeling icky.

Bloody street sweeper woke me up! annoying.
Mood: Happy

Sold more stuff on ebay! This means more money for me!

I also got a really good pay this week. Only because of my holidays though. Don't get taxed for annual leave. >.<

About to make myself up a nice salad for tomorrow that I'm so excited about!

I love eating healthy and I enjoy making my lunches so much more lately. =D
Mood: Semi-Okay

I'm feel okay I guess. I had originally had a shift of 6 hours yesterday... Until the manager came up to me saying they didn't have enough people, and asked if I could stay till midnight... Me already being half an hour early in, stayed till midnight so like... almost close to 9 hours at work for me yesterday. ...:wacky: I wasn't too happy even though I chose to do it, oh well more money for what I'm saving up, so it's worth it.

Today I was supposed to be off 'cause I'm working friday... But I'm covering another girl's shift, 7 hours today. :wacky: We'll see how that goes. xD Midnight again, then tomorrow AGAIN till midnight, but only a 5 hour shift. :rage:

Money money money. :wacky: Saving up is going well I hope.
I love eating healthy and I enjoy making my lunches so much more lately. =D

Kandy you should enter Master Chef! lol

Mood: doing fine.........great! also Warm?

Tomorrow I will be getting a bunch of stuff from.......you guessed it.....Ebay, Im addicted
to the place and really need to stop........Regarding the warmth, Im currently holding temperature 2 degrees above normal......Ima little concerned lol
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Mood: Fine

Reason: Not doing too bad, I suppose. I was kinda pissed off to be woken up by some hammering next door, though. Spent the day relaxing and on my own in the house while my dad and stepmum go out to get stuff to make the buffet. I was going to do some gaming before and I've not brought the damn controller from home. Oh well, I'll pick it up tomorrow. So for now, I'm sat here browsing, listening to music on the channel and will attempt some writing in a bit.
Mood: Bored

Reason: Nowt to do bar housework, which I cant be arsed doign because its laundry. and I hate it. really need to put fresh bed sheets on. can i be arsed? can i fuck i also went back to bed this morning after taking Ellie to school. Bad move onmy part, I'l be up all night. Bored. My bastard legs are killing me a well after saturday and then after yesterdays mad sprint off to make sure I wasnt gunna be late

You'd think I'd be happy having a peaceful day after the events of the weekend, nbut no. Roll on tomorrow. Clare and wine :ryan:
Mood: A little annoyed

Reason: There are just those people who have no compassion for other people's feelings. I don't know if that makes them feel better, but it's still not reason enough to do it. I don't know why others think they have to have a 'fuck the world' attitude, when it's actually very distasteful. :\
Mood: Happy. Well Humanities class which was my 3 hour one was cancelled today so I got home earlier than usual. Also day off tomorrow so I am really happy about that also. But things are starting to annoy me over here also. I think the key word is life in general :hmmm:
Mood: Stressed

Reason: Projects due on the same day. It's not that great because I have to do extraneous things like travel to San Diego to take photographs of certain parts of the city. Tests scheduled on those same days as well. I can begin to understand why it wasn't such a good idea to schedule all my upper division courses in the same semester.

i woke up this morning full of the cold.
Went to work and at around 1pm just decided id had enough and went home. My throat and ears are burning up but im dizzy as hell and feeling totally shitty.
I dont want to be off work 2moro cuz for 1 i need the money and 2 i really dont wanna take more time off. I might be better off going into work in the morning and if im still feeling like poop heading home. At least that way they can see ive tried coming in. I hate phoning in sick, you know ive done it so many times when ive not been ill and then i actually am ill and theyre probadly just thinking im faking it. My own fault like so i cant complain but still :sad:
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Mood: Aggressive

Reason: I'm in that funny mood when I just lose sense of what's going on and say screw you to everything else. My dad's just been taken into hospital, so I'm upset and pissed off he's in again less than two weeks. It doesn't help that neither my dad or stepmum have a phone there, so I'm completely in the dark. As fucking always. Excuse my French, but mind is racing right now. It didn't help the goddamn neighbour came to give something religious to us, thinking he'd died since she looked like she'd been crying. NOT amused whatsoever. Now I've got to tell my sister later. I'd take that than the neighbour pestering me all night. >_>
Mood"Dont really know what to do

I've got a new assignment and I dont really know what the hell to do, we've got to do research about a particular theme, I have to look for the theme work. I dont know that I just have to look up information or something... else
I'm also getting annoyed by our cat Lynnia who keeps on washing the little kittens, they dont want it anymore and I want that stupid cat to stop.
Oh my gosh, no one seems happy, I feel like you all could eat me. :gasp:

Mood: Great

I would be feeling awesome if I didn't have someone to design for -__-
But today was my first day of school, and I usually hate first days, but this one was nice. I only have today and tomorrow, we're off on Thurs and Fri for Rosh Hashanah. So that's cool. But a helluva amount of people moved, that scared me a little. But I made friends with a new kid named Daniella, she reminds me so much of my close friend who left, so there's a blast from the past. :dave: I loved seeing all my friends again, I got so into greeting everyone and stuff, maybe that's just me, because if a car was coming at them I'd push them and take the hit (I'm serious). Ahh today was just a good day. :D
^*eats you*

Mood: Mixture between angry and tired. Mostly tired.

What started out as a simple trip to the Post Office and one other place turned out to be a long hard day of anger and just overall bad luck. First my phone's battery died sometime after I left home, then I got lost, and finally my car died 15 miles away from home. So because of all of that now we had through the whole process of getting the car fixed which ruined my ideas of a nice and easy day. Did I mention it was hot today too? Now thankfully the car is getting fixed now and should be out within a few days, hopefully with all of the problems I've been having with it fixed as well. The problem is the whole thing costs $600 to complete. >_>