[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Alright

Tooth is bugging me a bit. I think my bottom right wisdom tooth is acting up too, I hope they stay away for like... Till I'm dead. :wacky: Took some asprine for the other tooth, and I'm just sitting here now, drinking some coke, and blasting Biffy Clyro through the speakers.

Woke up way too early to be up, seeing I'm not working until 7 tonight, and I was planning on sleeping in as I went to bed at 2am. xD Oh well, waking up at 8.30 isn't so bad then I guess, I just wanted more sleep. xD Jeff's bday today, old manager's first shift again today. Sadly enough he has setup, so he'll be long gone when I gotta work. Oh well. Thank got the asshole went to the new location. -.-

So yay yay for doing nothing productive now. :ryan:
Mood: Yay. Well I am alone today so I am happy :ryan: Being alone must be one of the best things ever. So much freedom. Of course I have school tomorrow though. Badminton :ffs: It hurts my head :sad2: I guess now I will sort of cool off. Maybe play some Uc2 or Just cause 2.
Mood: alright

Reason: Just registered for 6th form, found out none of my friends are any of my classes though. But I don't mind, I got all the subjects I wanted so I'm fine. Got a bit of a headache but it's not that bad, and I don't think I'm really helping myself by being on the laptop but oh well :monster:
I want to go into 6th form now, I've run out of stuff to do and I'm so bored all the time :gonk:
Mood: Sleepy

Yesterday I totally forgot that I had school today. So around 12 A.M, I was still awake until my husband reminded me of school. Finally went to sleep around 1 A.M.

Then around 3:45 A.M, my sister-in-law comes home with one very very very drunk friend. I think she was a step level away from an alcoholic coma. She kept screaming "NO, STOP" in our apartment and possibly waking our neighbors up, while my sister-in-law tried to wipe her face 'cause she kept throwing up on herself. I got so pissed off because we just shampooed the carpet the other day for when my mom arrives. That and for the past hour, drunk friend was making so much noises out there even though she was unconscious the whole time. My husband finally stepped outside and told his sister to take her home; she doesn't belong at our place at that hour, though she tried to put up an argument for 20 minutes.

This is why I hate living with my sis-in-law. She doesn't think at all.

All in all, I only got a few hours of sleep since I had to wake up at 6 A.M to get ready for school.
Bored as fuck, yet complacent.

I can't wait for work to start again

the only form of amusement I have is watching pornography and shit-talking an imaginary person in my mirror while I smoke a few cigarettes.
misery loves company

lets be friends


Had a headcold for 3 days after recovering from tooth extractions.
Mood: So-so

Reason: First day at college wasn't too bad at all. It was great to finally see everyone again, even if most of them had returned with enviable tans...and I didn't. Oh, well. :lew:

The process of university application sort of gets serious now, and the guy who came in giving us a lecture totally scared me, bellowing to us that our personal statements "WILL be the most important one side of text that [we] will EVER write so far in [our] lives and WILL determine [our] futures." Talk about no pressure. He nearly frightened the shit out of me. xD

After tomorrow, I have Friday and Monday off, which is pretty good - giving time for the new AS students to settle in and not be frightened by us yet.
Mood: Confuzzled

Reason: Calculus II.

Do I really have to explain why the thought of having to solve for an object's center of mass isn't confusing? :hmph:

Our professor lectures at blazing speed, which is understandable because we have to cover two sections from the book in less than 2 hours. So it's already incredibly difficult to understand all the steps, the proofs, and the formulas when you're not also worrying about how to figure out the amount of work that needs to be done to pull a leaking sandbag about 18 feet from the ground. xD
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Mood: Tired

Reason: Well, I only had two or three hours sleep last night because of my persistant back. There's one reason for my current state. It's been a good, but tiring day on the other hand. It was my sister's birthday today, so went off to the grandmother's and spent the majority of the day with her. Glad it's over and done with to be honest. Been up since half six this morning. Need a good sleep tonight because I'm way behind on my sleeping just lately.
Mood: Good

Having a relaxing day so far in what seems like the first time in ages.

I get to drive the new car today too! Yay!

I'm going to just tidy up the house a bit within the next four hours and then I'm off to my best friends house to watch Episode 2 and 3 of Season 3 True Blood.

I couldn't go over to her's last week due to being on holidays up the coast but we shall make up for that tonight as she taped last week for me! <3
Jay you stole my word :ahmed: Mood: alright but could be better. I have a cold now and fly's buzzing around the living room isnt helping either, it is making it worse. I start at 12:00 tomorrow and go all the way to 5. so That means 2 hours of PE and then 30 minutes to get to my next class which is 3 hours long :sad3: Then I have to go to a ceremony of some sort which will probably last an hour. Day will be boring :sad3:
Mood: a bit sick, happy, bit disappointed and thats it

Happy because our cat Lynnia gave birth yesterday to 4 cute little kittens! Everything happened so fast. And I'm glad I'm home since today was really boring at school.
Sick because I have a soar throat and have trouble swallowing.
A bit disappointed because a girl I am a bit interested in has a relationship already for a long time with a guy. No more chance for me xD
Mood: Alright

Just been a lazy day. I went to bed late, and I had my alarm set for 10am. ....I think I must've turned it off in my sleep or something. 8( 'Cause I woke up at 2PM.... :rofl:

Oh well, went in to work to discuss this monday, things are sorted now, so that's good. Strolled through the shopping street, bought a sandwhich, and two notepads. Mine are full. I write too much. =( I have a dozen of those things. xD

Was gonna buy some new pants, but the shop I like was closed. -.- Hurrah. Payday was a day ago, but still no money in my account. :rage: I hate waiting.
Mood: Good/confused

Reason: Bought Ellies shit for school today, proper last minute job, but it's done, went out for dinner as well and it was well nice. just watching Beauty and the Beast now. Confused, because I just can't work some folk out. and it baffles the shit out of me. I'm quite a straight forward person, and I dont like it when I can't work someone out -__-
Mood: Tired

Haha the reason is ridiculous.

It's currently 4:30am and I've been at the hospital with Steve since 12:30am.

I got a call from him at midnight while I was at my friends watching True Blood and he wasn't feeling to great and wanted me to take him to the hospital.

So for the last four hours we've been waiting in the emergency room waiting to see a Doctor who just told us to go home in the end because by that time Steve felt better. =/

But you never know in these cases. I felt better knowing that if something did go wrong we were already at the hospital but I was so tired. :gonk:

working overtime sucks, the days feel so long. Its my own fault as im always spending money i dont have. I go on amazon and see something i want and just click buy. Between that and nights out ive left myself in a pretty crappy position money wise so ive no choice but to the overtime. Have to work late 2moro night and working a full day saturday. The plan is to put in the hours for a few more weeks and i should be back to normal-ish money wise. I fucking hope so anyway ¬¬
Mood: Tired

Reason: I've had a fun, but quite long day. Went out with a friend of mine to town to eat, look round and sunbathe in the park. Then I came back to go out for something to eat because the vouchers came through. We were meant to go yesterday for my sister's birthday, but we still had a good time out. Just sat here relaxing at the moment. Got work tomorrow afternoon. Going out tomorrow night and Saturday afternoon, so I'm quite looking forward to them.
Mood: Pissed off. Fucking long ass fucking day today. So Physical education class killed me today and then Visual communications for fucking 3 hours ha dme dying. Then after I get out. We go straight to the party(ceremony) which was longer than expected. I AM SO FUCKING TIRED :rage: Only one cass tomorrow so I am happy :gasp:.