[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Fine

Reason: Unless you count the throbbing left hand side on the top of my head and the dried blood I've found from it on my fingernails, everything's a-ok. Not been a productive day, but I'm not too fussed. Going home tomorrow and hopefully, that'll mean I can gather my uni notes to get this assignment done. I do not want to end up going in on the last day of the month at half 4 to hand it in since that's the deadline. -__-
Mood: Happy

Reason: Got my PS3, successfully set it up, connected to the internet blah blah blah. On another note, though, I've got sore eyes for playing it for 5 hours straight... ahh well.

Nice, relaxing day I've had :ryan: School next week though, but in a way, I'll be kind of glad to go back... I've sort of run out of things to do here, all I'm doing is sitting inside all day.
Mood: Happy.

Reason: 21st Birthday. :awesome: I probably don't have to say anymore, but I will. xP My father and brother got back from getting the pizzas (yes, two! :D) and the cake, so that will be delicious.

Brought subs for lunch, too, so I'm off to eat those, popping over to see my grand mother for a brief visit, then coming back home, open presents, then enjoy, that will be my day.

And with that said, see ya later, guys. :monster:
Mood: Amused and Tired

Amused because yesterday my History of Architecture professor told us that mammoths used to hunt, kill, and eat humans. xD

Tired because I woke up at an ungodly hour (6:15 AM) just to get to school so I can get a decent parking spot. Turns out that even arriving at 8 in the morning will grant maybe a couple dozen open parking spots during this first week since everyone is crashing and trying to get into packed classes.
Mood: good. Just finished my day. We got let out early but there was alot of traffic so :mokken: So my Physical education class(Badminton) is pretty shit. I mean it is very boring and such. But I only have it once every thursday so it isnt bad. Visual communication class is alright. The teacher is a bit lost as it is his first year there :lew: Now I am just relaxing and I only go to school and hour tomorrow :ryan:
great :ryan:

finished work early and best of all its the weekend :ohoho:
Got some plans so im very much looking forward to it. ANd not having to get up at 6.30 for 2 whole days :ryan:
Mood - Refreshed

I had the longest sleep I've had for quite some time, I feel wonderful. I've had a shit sleep cycle lately, and felt ill quite a lot, but I feel wonderful now. All rejuvenated and whatnot, it's wonderful.
Mood: Confused

Reason: I dunno why my life can't ever be bleeding simple, but at least I'm not raging like I was anymore. I just have to learn to accept shit -__-
Mood: Alright

Was the last day of my week off today, so I'm trying my hardest to enjoy that. Kinda excited to be going back to work again, a little annoyed at the same time. New manager should be back soon, so that's an up side, but I'm just a little done with the people there and the customers. Oh well.

Just messing in Photoshop now, finally after a billion years, (Thanks for the inspiration links, Ewan :ryan:)

Just had some pasta for lunch. -.- That means a light dinner, seeing I'm trying to watch my weight here... *sigh* I haven't had coke in... 2 and a half days... :sad2: I need my soda... My head hurts now. -.- Oh well, gotta sit this one out, or move it out rather. :wacky:

Might just say fuck it, drink coke again, and start hitting the gym on a regular basis instead... Hm... Who knows. OH WELL. :rage:
Mood: pissed off. Class went well today as I only had 1 but you know what? I could have gotten home so much earlier :rage: IF IT WERE NOT FOR BUS STATIONS. I thought there were 2 but really it was just across the street. I REALIZED after an hour of walking around the whole fucking block(thought I was lost) Then I found my way back and the other little station across the street. Fucking ridiculous I tell you... But its alright now as I am home :hmmm:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Been a tiring day at work, but I'm glad it's over and done with since I've got tomorrow off for once. I was meant to be working on some work that needs handing into the university by Tuesday, but I was too tired to do it. Might attempt it in a bit since I feel better from relaxing before. My feet are killing, though. I hope they stop soon. Going to spend the rest of the night either planning how to get this work done or more relaxation. Or both.
I'm butthurt as fuck right now.

I was away from my friends for the longest time, and I just got back from spending an entire morning with them. I chilled with them last night too. They're fucken ignorant as fuck. Talking about how this one chick we all know is a slut, when really, she just likes sex. And one of the bitches went on about how slutty Hilary Duff's latest music video is. That "Reach Out" one. Even though she was awkward, if anything. That wasn't Hilary Duff being a whore. That was Hilary Duff failing to shed any innocent image Disney painted over her.

"Oh, but the song is totally about sex!" -Says the 25 year old guy with the libido of a 16 year old boy.

Yeah? That's about it, buddy. And what the fuck is this anyway? I don't hear you ever going around talking about how slutty Lil Wayne is. That guy degrades women like no fucken tomorrow. And how about "YO BOI" Akon? Oh yeah, I forgot. The women they sing about in their songs are the whores. Fuck you, man. Women can walk around in their underwear, who cares? You walk around without a shirt on, bitchtits. Fucker.

I went into my room to play some FF9 today, but I decided to check on my hamster first. I supposed he was sleeping under his bedding, and it looked like he was. I pet him, but he didn't wake up. I told my dad about it, and he came in. He picked up my hamster, and it was lying on it's side with it's eyes open. Frozen. The only words my dad said was...

"I'm sorry."
It hurts even to type this, but he was dead. I've been sitting here staring at the wall ever since. For three hours. Well, he's in a better place now. I'll meet him there someday, too. My sister doesn't know yet, since we don't want to ruin her time with her friend over. I doubt I'll be able to go to school Monday.
But I don't understand. Why does everything have to die?
R.I.P. Turbo.
Mood: Pretty Good

On my two weeks holidays at the moment. It hasn't gone exactly to plan so far. A few things have gone terribly wrong, but the upside is that we can fix the problems at hand. =)

We may be getting a brand spanking new car soon between Steve and myself and I honestly can't wait!

Off to Dreamworld today and then back home to clean up Steve's dreaded spare room haha.

Then I have two days until I get two new tattoos. >.< Eventful week it's been so far. =P
Mood: Highly amused

Reason: Attended a birthday party earlier and towards the end of the day, they had some games for the adults that kept us laughing. One of them was called, "Feel Your Husband". Here's how it went:

The women were asked to sit in a row of chairs. The husbands stood in front of their wives. Then they blindfolded us. I freaked out and was like, "Wait, what are we supposed to do?" I think I said that three or four times before the game actually started, but no one really answered. I was sitting besides two of my aunts, and by then we were just so lost. The giggling started, both by the audience, the husbands and wives, until I suddenly felt this hairy leg start to nudge my legs. It was gross! I figured maybe if that was my husband, it was still gross!!!

Everyone was dying of laughter. The rule of the game was that we were supposed to touch the hairy legs and see if that was our husband. The amusing part was that the husbands were moving along from women to women, so I had no idea who I was touching. At one point I touched a leg and went down to the feet...he was wearing slippers, so I knew that couldn't have been my husband. The whole time though I was like, "Tim? Tim, is that you?" Two of my uncles found that hilarous. -.-

T'was quite a disturbing game, I suppose, but I guess if you know how to laugh things off, it was more hilarious than anything. My daughter and her friends sat beside me and at one point I heard her freaking out and laughing, yelling, "Mommy, that's not Daddy!" And then I got accused of cheating. :wacky: No one won the game though. I'm just glad the game wasn't "Feel Your Wives". So many things could go wrong with that!

Mood: Relaxed

Had a nice day at Dreamworld and then came home and had a little rest.

Steve's just cooked the yummiest Creamy Chicken Pasta. We haven't had that for dinner in ages!

Mother is coming around tomorrow now to take me off to the doctors and dentist and then after that we're going shopping. =)

I have learnt now never to plan EVERY day of my holidays. So far not one day has gone to plan. >.<
Mood: okay. Hopefully today will be a much better day than yesterday. Yesterday was ust so stupid I dont even want to talk about it. I did not wake up at a bad time today so I should be able to do a bit today. Uncharted I is going great. Loving it so far but so different from II >_< Also I have a day off tomorrow :ryan:
Mood: Good

Reason: Well, I just got back from grocery shopping and it was a nightmare at the tills with the bags being so damn annoying to open and the sheer amount of people around. But still, I got a really satisfying feeling from grocery shopping alone. That more or less means I can get whatever I want as long as I purchase what I was asked to get. Needless to say, my parents weren't pleased when I got back because I have a habit of buying too much. For example, I suppose getting 4 jars of coffee beans was rather excessive. :hmmm:
Mood: Average

Reason: Well, I've had a few relaxing days where I've hardly done anything, but my summer holidays are getting really boring now -_-
I didn't think I'd say this, but I'm so ready to go back to school. At least then I'll be doing something every day instead of just sat around -__-