[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: fucking shit. I can not think of a worse day. Went to do my exam this morning. That went well. Then all the course selection thing was so complicated It like fucked up my schedule. Hopefully gonna fix it tommorow. All this other fucking shit happened also at school today. Sometimes I wonder why I am still here in this fucking country. Its fucking ridiculous..... Ill be better tommorow hopefully.... Maybe.. Sometimes life just sucks.. I will say that if I dont fix my fucking schedule tommorow ill be mad for a long time. Starting school on monday rather than the 28th is fucking shit also..
Mood: Extremely Pissed Off

Reason: I'd like to kick my brother's ass. My dad as well. Dad promised he'd pay for my mom's plane ticket once I took care of her papers so that she can come over to the U.S. After over a year of frustration over the damn papers and dealing with the NVC, everyone seems to be shrugging it off. My mom's visa is finally ready to go, it's been over a month now. Yet she's still in the Philippines! Why? Because my dad's being such an asshole. Acquiring a visa is no joke; if she stays there a few months longer, NVC will deem her status as "lack of interest" and everything will be screwed. She was supposed to arrive on August 5, but he didn't pay for her ticket because apparently it's too expensive. (Oh but he has no trouble giving hundreds of dollars to his many women back in the Philippines, imagine that.) Same with August 25, but he's already late for the payment which was supposed to be July 31. So now she's booked on September 4, but he refuses to pay for the ticket as well because he's pissed at her over a stupid argument.

Then my brother just sent me a text saying: "Hey so dad said he won't have the money for the plane ticket. Plus we're tryin to save up money to fix my car and the suburban. We're just gonna wait until we fix the cars, that's more important right now."

Bullshit, he does have the money. He's just pissed at my mom. Either that or he wants her to keep waiting to scare her a little, but he's probably just trying to find an opportunity to make it back to Cali so he can be there when she arrives and possibly get into her pants, stupid player that he is. And my brother's one to talk. He didn't have to do shit with her papers or supporting her financially for that matter.

So tonight I'm going to take care of this little business on my own, and they can rot in Ohio for all I care. My mom's arriving on September 4, period.
Mood: Fine

Reason: My cold's finally starting to clear up, so that makes me a little bit happier than most days just recently. My voice still sounds groggy, but it should clear up by the weekend. Hopefully. Had a shift at work today and didn't stop all the way until this evening. Sorted out invitations for my 21st. So the vast majority of it has been sorted out. Just need to order the buffet and buy decorations, which are being left to my parents. And it means I have nothing to do. Woo. On the other hand, I'm a bit tired and going out tomorrow. An early night is in order.
Excited and nervous plus a bit annoyed

Excited for school next week, have my introduction then, I'm just so curious at how my new classmates will be! I have a feeling there aren't many girls in that class, I do hope so though. ^^
Also nervous for next week of course, hope I'll be able to speak to the new people.

Also excited and nervous for Lynnia our cat. She's pregnant and we don't know when to expect the little kittens, I think in two weeks, but I'm really not sure.

And I'm annoyed because of my sound system, the cable is damaged so with every little touch one side doesn't work.
Mood: Prepared

Reason: Results tomorrow. At least I have no designated appointment time tomorrow. I can just go get my results whenever I want so I won't have to have an early morning. I'm not too worried now than I was before strangely. I kind of fluked the first module results and did well there despite putting considerably less effort into it than I should have done. I'm sure I can't have done too bad this time.

At the moment, I'm still busy on that essay. One fifth of it is done, which is good because it means I'm actually getting somewhere after 6 weeks.
Mood: Lonely & Extremely frustrated

I'm sick and I can't leave the house. My nose is so stuffed up no one can make out what I'm saying, so I don't call anyone. And all my friends are still away and don't come back until next week or the week after. I AM SO BORED. Maybe that's because I get bored easily. IDK. But I just need to do something. I love the piano, but I'm not playing it because everytime I'm on it my mom or my dad want me to play some stupid classical song that I could care less about when I have MY songs I want to play. My dad has NO musical experience whatsoever (except for the guitar, but he played, what, in his golden years?) always nags me about when to pause and when to stop when I'm following the sheet music PERFECTLY and EXACTLY how it is. I can't get through a single modern song without them going "Oh play blahblahblah.. No play blahblahblah.. I want to hear blahblahblah." I hate it. :rage:
Mood: :yawn:

Reason: It's a bit early for me to be up but I have to go into school to pick up some results in a bit.
It's not a big deal for me though because it's only 1 exam that I took a year early, it's not my full set of A Levels.
My ACTUAL results day is next Tuesday and I'm so scared. But at the same time, I actually can't wait to see what I got :sad3:
Mood: Mixed

Reason: I've got my AS results today at last. The excellent news is, I've actually scored full marks in Politics (a couple of us did, and we were just there screaming gleefully at the teacher for about a quarter of an hour) and scored As in my English subjects. The disappointing(ish) news is that I was two marks off an A in History. Two marks off an A. The lowest mark on the results paper in front of me. That brings my overall mark down a bit and the universities are bound to pick up on that. The reason why I'm disappointed over this is also because I usually excel at History. To see yourself suddenly underperform from how you were predicted to perform is always going to be a disheartening sight.

I'm demanding a re-mark of the script. They are giving me those two more marks. :ahmed:

Got my results today. University here I cooooooome. :ohoho: I also managed to catch up on some sleep after I spent the whole night pressing refresh on my UCAS Track page.
Mood: :woo:

Reason: Well, I went into school to pick up my maths AS Level results. I'm pretty happy with them; modular results were:
S1 A
C1 A
C2 E

Ok, so the E in C2 was pretty appalling but I had 2 more exams on the same day :dry: so I failed that one. So I got a C overall on the AS level, but I'll be retaking my C2 exam to hopefully bring my AS maths grade up to an A in January :ryan:
It was a year early anyway, no big deal :ryan:
Mood: good. I am trying to have some fun as school starts next week on the 24th. Trying to alternate between my games and doing other things. School will not be a big deal really. Everything is fixed. I just really hate that I have to take Badminton. But who cares as its only till december and I get new courses after that :hmmm: I just really want to apply myself to pass. It should be alright :gasp: Bus rides though :ffs:
Mood Encouraged

Reason: Well my CEO signed the check for our adult league soccer today, so I'll be coaching/leading the thing along with helping design the jerseys. Should be interesting. Let's hope this year we can lay into these folks.
Mood: I'm so fucking pissed off.

I seriously have enough from my laptop and its INTERNET! Jesus..
My hand hurts now from slamming on the keyboard. I can't even get on facebook properly, it's bitchin constantly. Okay Facebook doesn't even start. The damn problem is when I'm on Internet it receives less packages than it sends. And I have this problem for a long time now but today is really worse! After 4 minutes it's so freaking kind to bitch and piss me off!

Here's a screen of what I mean. =.=

Also my mouse is fucked up, my screen and sound cable. I seriously need that new laptop now. But can't afford it =.=
Mood: Stressed
I have to go to work in an hour and I think I'm getting fired because I'm a lazy slacker who always shows up late.
Mood: -__-

Reason: I just had to go out to post some stuff and I came back absolutely drenched. So much for summer, the weather here is ALWAYS rubbish...
It's been like this for the past week as well, I hope it doesn't stay like it when I start school again, walking in this every day isn't something I'll look forward to.
Mood: :gonk:

Reason: Flies. They were getting everywhere. The little bastards were showing up left and right in the house. God knows how they got in (there must be large cracks somewhere), but they were probably escaping from the rain or something. We got rid of them so far, but they'll probably be back soon enough. Eww.

Moving on from that, I suppose my enrolment interview didn't have too many problems. But they were about 45 minutes behind schedule because many teachers weren't currently in. Only one teacher representing the department was there to manage about 10 of us one at a time while we queued for nearly about an hour just to undergo short interviews.
Mood: :hmph:

Reason: Family-facebook-drama. I got one of my aunts and second-cousin, both 30-something years old, making digs at each other and calling each other names and crap...without really doing it directly. But it's oh-so-obvious. It's been going on for the past few weeks now. One of them is bringing the past about 'jealousy' and an old boyfriend that they both had or the guy liking both of them at the same time. Some shit like that. I'd like to tell them to grow up. What's funny is I'm seeing both of them tomorrow most likely, haha. I'm surprised they've kept their hands off of each other, what with the family parties we've all been attending every weekend as of late. But one thing that really irritates me is when people try to one-up the other by making indirect snide comments. It's like gee, let's all be mature about it, guys...

Other than that, busy week ahead of me. Gotta drop some Avon products to families in L.A tomorrow and school starts again on Monday. I'm not really looking forward to it.

I know exactly how you feel. I see this everywhere on Facebook. D: Instead of people just confronting each other about a problem, they would rather share to all their contacts via news feed. :rage:

Mood: Happy

I've been pretty inspired lately. I've been in a cheery mood and I've been trying to study more photography (and by that, I simply mean looking at pictures taken by really good photographers. I HAVE NO MONEY TO BUY PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINES) than my academics. :wacky: I blame Tumblr for doing this to me. :rage:
Tired but yet a bit horny

Just arrived home from work..and damn I need some sleep....I feel like I need to catch up from my whole week of bad sleeping, but I dont wanna sleep, its like im too tired to sleep..not in the mood to sleep either...man this makes me sleepy..why the hell am i typing this...sigh./..
Mood: Alright. Started going through some of my books so I can get and idea of what the courses Are like. Western Civilization should be pretty interesting :hmmm: Might play some uncharted 2 in a little bit. Just to get level 45 even though it is no big deal. 4 days left till school starts....
Mood: Bored.

The house is going through some remodeling, so I can't touch ANYTHING until we're done. I'm at the point where I'm actually looking forward to school next week.

And, for any consolation, I feel slightly hung over.