[V3] What's Your Mood?


So, I'm looking around me- online, I mean- and I can't see a single friend online. What are they doing? I look to Facebook, and I see a friend proclaiming that she's doing a practice paper meant to prepare us for our upcoming examinations. ARGH :rage:

Although I came on to relax briefly, she totally killed everything. Now... I'm probably going to clear up any online business as quickly as possible and return to do that practice paper as well -__-
Mood: Irritated.
Photoshop. Crashed. On. Me. :|
Just when I was about to save a file, it crashed on me. It doesn't help that my little sister is bugging me about her turn to use the PC. Now I have to re-open PS and wait for the loooooong loading screen to finish.
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I am seriously pissed off at my mom. She's like a fucking baby. I just got home from school and I'm asking her about the groceries, because the cat still needs food and whatever. She's like why don't you get them?
I answered with, why do I have to do that, and here it comes, she ALWAYS, but then ALWAYS answers with: and then why do I have to do that?
Then the excuse comes again that she has headache and cant go, while she's behind the computer the whole fucking day. Dude, you don;t have a job so its kinda obvious you have to go!!! she does groceries once a week and the rest of the week my dad does it or me whenever I'm not too tired. I assume I have to go or my dad again, while we are both feeling sick from having a cold and are gone the whole day.
Jesus christ.
Mood: Dreading

I'm fine. I just really, really don't want to go to work. I'm just sitting here enjoying my music, and I just noticed the clock. :hmph: I'm not going anywhere for as long as I can, which is 20 minutes max. I dunno what it is today, this passed week I've worked my ass off, so maybe I'm just kinda done with it. Only had one day off. Worked 7 in a row, there's 6 in a row coming up, starting today. Eh. =/

Started the new deviantArt account, finally. I feel a lot better about it. I just didn't even wanna upload anything to the other account 'cause I just... I dunno... :sad3: It didn't click. I know I'm fussy. >.<

Ugh. Work.
Mood: great. Just got home. Could have been home earlier if the stupid bus was not late :rage: Well now I am just going to relax as I am frickin tired. Bus rides are a little long and I fell asleep on the way home and missed one stop :sad3: Well maybe I can play Just cause 2 or something :hmmm:
Mood: Bored.

I've been without my car for 2 days now and I think I am going through withdrawals now. I know I should have it back soon but since I got it, I've been driving around quite a bit and now that I don't have it, I am bored and have nothing to do. I can't wait for it to come back.
Mood: Good

Reason: Despite the amount of work, I'm enjoying 6th form. Glad it's the weekend though, I'm so tired cos I'm not used to getting up at 7 any more :gonk:

I already like one of the new guys though, that's my education destroyed :-)wacky:)
I'm so easily distracted.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Absolutely knackered, been out to Bury for all the buffet stuff with my dad and stepmum. I've had phonecalls ALL day sorting out this do. Oh well, at least I'll be enjoying myself and stuffing my face this time tomorrow night. I'm really huuuungry now as well, probably because I've not been eating properly this week. I've been snappy as well, but I've been calm just recently. Going to chill out by watching TV.
Mood: Content

Reason: The day hasn't been too bad despite the fact that it's been mostly wet and gloomy. A small group of us went out to dinner earlier and it was really enjoyable. A few drinks here and there, some really nice food to shake up an otherwise monotonous and samey evening.

Starting from next week, uni stuff becomes very serious now. I've done the rest of my UCAS online application thing. Now all I need is to throw in my personal statement and hope for the best in the next coming months. I sometimes feel ill just thinking about it. :gonk:
Mood: Happy

The rain has stopped and it's a fantastic day outside!

I just thought to myself, when I do get married, how horrible will it be if it's not sunny? =( What if it's raining and my dress and hair get all messed up? XD

How does one know what date to set for their wedding? XD

Anyway, have a few things to do today and then I'm off to the shops and then back home from drinks and loud music. =)

Wootage for three day weekend!
Mood: Tired

Reason: Tired, stressed, snappy. Whatever you wanna call it. I've not slept much this week due to recent events and I can't help, but worry about tonight. I know it's not in my hands right now, but I'm still not able to help panicking over it. I'm kind of dozing off now and I hate to admit this, it's not been a good birthday so far. I knew I wouldn't look forward to it, only tonight. I hope to God this afternoon can go quick, I just want to fastforward to it and see everything turn out brilliantly. >_>
Mood: Confused

Why: Don't know if I'm going home for the weekend or staying on campus. I sort of want to go home, but my parents really want me to, but I don't drive (don't like cars that much) so if they want me to come they have to come get me. So I have no clue what's going on. Let's hope I find out.
Mood: Okay. I am okay for the most part. Woke up early so I can have more of the day. Usually when I sleep late I get up later in the afternoon but I managed to overcome that today. Might turn on the Xbox in a sec and just play something. Really nothing much to do on it now. As for my event report for VC class, I am not sure if I want to do it this week. I have till the 23rd. The assignment is so "I cba" though. But I want to pass so I got to do it sometime :hmmm: 3 DAYS till Halo Reach now :awesome:
Mood: Oh so tired

Was out at friends until midnight and then got Steve to come pick me up.

Had a few drinks and I'm just so tired now.

I feel old. It's only 1am. I have never really been a party girl though I suppose. XD Never stayed out real late at all.

Just had a Macca's burger and it was just so oily. I could feel it sucking up all the alcohol in my stomach. >.<
Mood: Humbled

Reason: Today is the 9/11 anniversary. All my condolences and prayers go out to died on that fateful day.
Mood: :yawn:

Reason: Quiet day today. I had nothing really important to do and I had no intentions of going out today as it's costing me a fortune lately. It almost feels like I threw the day away as well. At least I have my personal statement finally done, tweaked and polished (hopefully) though. Now to send it to my tutor, let him have a read and see whether he'll compliment it, laugh at it or tell me to go back to the drawing board. After that stage, I'll post it off online and let UCAS finish it off for me.

Now I'm exhausted for some reason. Bed looks so inviting right now. :gonk:
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Vodka. My body isnt ready for this onslaught of alcohol. its another all dayer as well. my back has been in some epic spasms as well, and there's a familiar pain in my stomach, i really just hope its the hangover and not that stupid fucking gastritis coming back to haunt me
Mood: A little shaken up but fine otherwise

Shortly after I woke up this morning I realized that I had another case of sleep paralysis. It has happened before so I did my best to wait it out and concentrate while I attempted to move my hand (which was the only part of my body that was able to move at least a little)until I gained control of my body. Unfortunately, something that I have never experienced before happened. I felt my heart rate increase significantly until I could barely breathe and a few seconds later everything went dark. After I recovered from that I was fine but now I'm somewhat nervous about going to sleep again.
Mood: Yah good

Just had some breakfast. It's 11:30am and it really should lunch time but meh. I slept in.

Had a good night last night but I won't be drinking again for a while.

It gets a bit repetitive and doesn't have the same effect if you do it all the time.

I like getting giddy of a couple of drinks, not ten. =0 It can't be good for you. If you drink all the time then of course your body is going to build up some immunity to it, which really can't be good for your liver. >.<

I want to live! XD
Mood: Moderate. Just got up a few minutes ago and I have a day off tomorrow so yay. But I am not motivated to do anything. I dont know everything just feels boring :sad3: Probably going to try and do the ast 2 story missions on Just cause 2 and then not touch the xbox till the 14th which is in 2 days. 2 days for Halo Reach now :awesome: I just hope this day gets better :hmmm:
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